Pursuant to Regulation 34 read with Schedule V of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”), the Directors present the Report on Corporate Governance of the Company as follows:


Mirza International limited defines Corporate Governance as an ethically driven business process that is committed to values aimed at enhancing an organisation’s brand and reputation. The Company has a strong legacy of fair, transparent and ethical governance practices and it believes that good Corporate Governance is essential for achieving long-term corporate goals and enhancing stakeholders’ value. Good corporate governance is a synonym for sound management, transparency and disclosure, encompassing good corporate practices, procedures, standards and implicit rules which propel a company to take sound decisions, thus maximising long term shareholder value without compromising on integrity, societal obligations, environment and regulatory compliances.

In order to keep up the highest level of standards, the Company reviews its Corporate Governance practices periodically against the backdrop of the latest developments in the corporate arena, thereby endeavouring to confirm to the highest standards of Corporate Governance practices. The Company firmly believes in being transparent in all the areas of its operations and also to all the stakeholders. This is practiced through open working methods, emphasis on continuous communication, timely and complete disclosures and being transparent about its entire gamut of activities.

The Board of Directors is responsible for and committed to sound principles of Corporate Governance in the Company. This belief is reflected in our governance practices, under which we strive to maintain an effective, informed and independent Board. We are continuously nurturing and strengthening this framework through concerted and collective efforts of our people, under the guidance of our leadership team. Through this robust Corporate Governance mechanism that interlinks values, ethics and positive culture, the Company aims to achieve long-term sustainability.

2. Board of Directors

(a) Composition and Category of Board of Directors

The Company is managed and controlled by professional Board comprising of blend of Executive and Non-executive Directors with considerable professional expertise and experience which provides leadership and guidance to the management thereby enhancing Stakeholders’ value. As on 31st March, 2020, the Board of Directors of Company comprises of twelve Directors out of which six are Executive Directors and six are Non-Executive Independent Directors including one Woman Director. The composition of Board is in conformity with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) and Regulation 17 of Listing Regulations which are as follows:

Category Name of Directors
Executive Directors Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Faraz Mirza
Mr. Shuja Mirza
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya
Non-Executive Independent Directors CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor*
Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal*
CA Saumya Srivastava#
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla#
Mr. Subhash Sapra&
Dr. Yashvir Singh
CA Sanjiv Gupta^

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal ceased to be Directors w.e.f. 19th September, 2019.

#CA Saumya Srivastava and Mr. Sanjay Bhalla were appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

&Mr. Subhash Sapra ceased to be Director w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^CA Sanjiv Gupta appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

As on 31st March 2020, none of the Directors on the Company’s Board was a Director in more than ten Public Companies (including seven Listed Companies), neither a Chairman of more than five Committees nor a member of more than ten Committees in all the public companies in which they are Directors. Further, all the Directors have made necessary disclosures regarding their Directorship and Chairmanship/Committee Membership in other Companies as per the requirement of Listing Regulations, Act and other applicable provisions, if any.

No Director is related to other Director on the Board except Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza, Managing Director of the Company, Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza, Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza and Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza, Whole Time Directors of the Company (Brothers) and Mr. Shuja Mirza, Whole Time Director of the Company (Son of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza).

The Appointment/re-appointment of the Managing Director, Whole Time Directors and Non-Executive Directors including the tenure of their appointment/re-appointment and terms of their remuneration, are approved by the members at their General Meetings or through the process of Postal Ballot.

(b) Number of Board Meetings

Four Board Meetings were held during the Financial Year 2019-2020 and the maximum time gap between any two consecutive meetings did not exceed one hundred and twenty days. The dates, on which the Board meetings were held, are as follows:

30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020.

The Agenda, along with the supporting documents, explanatory notes and information, as enumerated under Listing Regulations, are made available to the Board along with the notice of respective meetings in advance in order to enable them to make value addition and discharge their duties diligently during the meetings. The Board periodically reviews compliance reports of all laws applicable to the Company. The Company undertakes steps to rectify instances of non-compliance, if any.

(c) Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings, Annual General Meeting and number of Directorship(s) and Chairmanship(s) / Membership(s) of Committees of each Director in other Companies:

The names and categories of the Directors on the Board, along with their attendance at the Board Meetings held during the year ended 31st March 2020, and at the last Annual General Meeting, and the number of other Directorships and Chairmanships/Memberships of Committees held by them, are given below:

Name of Directors No. of Board Meetings attended during the year Whether attended the Last AGM Number of Directorships and Committee Memberships /Chairmanships in other Companies as on 31/03/2020
Directorships Committee Memberships Committee Chairmanships
Executive Directors
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza (Managing Director, Promoter) 3 No - - -
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 Yes - - -
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 No - - -
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 Yes 1 - -
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhayaya (Whole Time Director) 3 Yes - - -
Mr. Shuja Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter Group) 3 Yes - - -
Non-Executive Directors
CA. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Independent Director) 4 Yes - - -
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Independent Director) 3 Yes - - -
Dr. Yashvir Singh (Independent Director) 4 No - - -
CA Saumya Srivastava* (Independent Director) 2 Yes - - -
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla* (Independent Director) 2 No - - -
CA Sanjiv Gupta# (Independent Director) 1 No - - -
Mr. Subhash Sapra& (Independent Director) 2 Yes - - -
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor^ (Independent Director) 1 NA - - -
Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal^ (Independent Director) 0 NA - - -

*Appointed w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

#Appointed w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

&Resigned w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^Ceased to be Directors w.e.f 19th September, 2019.


1. Non-Executive Directors do not hold any share in the Company as on 31st March, 2020 and the Company has not issued any convertible instruments.

2. This includes Directorship in public limited companies (including subsidiaries of public limited companies) and excludes Directorship in this Company, associations, private, foreign and Section 8 companies.

3. Represents Chairmanships/Memberships of Audit Committee and Stakeholders Relationship (Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievance) Committee. This includes Chairmanships/Memberships in Public Limited Companies (including subsidiaries of public limited companies) and excludes Chairmanships/ Memberships in this Company, private, foreign and Section 8 companies.

(d) Familiarisation Programme of Independent Directors

Independent Directors of the Company are eminent personalities having wide experience in the fields of Finance, Education, Industry, Commerce and Administration. Their presence on the Board has been advantageous and fruitful in taking business decisions. As per Regulation 25 (7) of Listing Regulations, the Company shall provide suitable training to the Independent Directors to familiarise them with the Company, their roles, rights, responsibilities, nature of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the Company and any other relevant information, if any. The details of such training imparted are also required to be disclosed in the Annual Report.

The details of programmes conducted for familiarization of Independent Directors with the Company, nature of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the Company and related matters are put up on the website of the Company at the link:

(e) Core Skills/Expertise/Competencies of Directors

The existing Board of Directors of the Company comprises of appropriate skills/expertise/competencies in diversified domains for its effective functioning. Further, the Board has identified the skills/expertise/ competencies of each Director in accordance with their rich and varied experience across different sectors, in the following manner:

Area of Expertises Name of Directors
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Mr. Shuja Mirza Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus Dr. Yashvir Singh CA Saumya Srivastava Mr. Sanjay Bhalla CA Sanjiv Gupta
Strategy - - - - - -
Business Administration & Management -
Corporate Governance
Manufacturing - - - - - - -
Sales & Marketing - - - - - - -
Community Services - - -
Business Development - - -
Finance & Legal - - - - -
Global Vision - - - - - - -

Independent Directors are Non-Executive Directors as defined under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the Listing Regulations and Section 149(6) of the Act. The maximum tenure of independent directors is in compliance with the Act. Till the date of this report, all the Independent Directors have confirmed that they meet the criteria of independence as mentioned under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the SEBI Listing Regulations and Section 149(6) of the Act.

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, Mr. Subhash Sapra has resigned from the office of Independent Director of the Company w.e.f. 12th November, 2019 due to his health issues and incapability in attending the Board Meetings. Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Ms. Vinita Kejriwal ceased to be Independent Directors of the Company subsequent upon their retirement due to completion of the tenure as Independent Directors w.e.f. 19th September, 2019.


The Company has constituted the following committees for the smooth functioning of the Board:

  • Audit Committee
  • Nomination and Remuneration Committee
  • Stakeholders Relationship Committee
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

The composition of all Board Committees is in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations.

The Company’s guidelines relating to Board Meeting are applicable to Committee Meetings. Each Committee has the authority to engage outside experts, advisers and counsels to the extent it considers appropriate to assist in its function. The minutes of proceedings of Committee Meetings are circulated to the respective committee members and placed before Board Meetings for discussion/noting.

Detail of the composition, number of meetings held during the year, attendance of members and scope of the committees are as below:

(a) Audit Committee

The Audit Committee of the Company comprises of four Non-Executive Independent Directors. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain, a Chartered Accountant is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 177 of the Act read with Regulation 18 of the Listing Regulations. The representatives of Statutory Auditors, Executives from Accounts Department, Finance Department and Internal Audit Department are invited to the meetings of the Committee, as and when required. The Internal Auditor reports directly to the Committee. The Company Secretary acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Audit Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020. The Chairman of the Audit Committee attended the Annual General Meeting of the Company

The following table summarises attendance details of Audit Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Chairman)Non Executive, Independent Director 4
CA Saumya Srivastava# (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 2
CA Sanjiv Gupta& (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 1
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 3
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 1
Mr. Subhash Sapra* (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 2

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Mr. Subhash Sapra ceased to be the member of the Committee subsequent to their retirement/resignation from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020 and 12th November, 2020 respectively.

#CA Saumya Srivastava was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to her appointment on the Board.

&CA Sanjiv Gupta was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 12th November, 2019 subsequent to his appointment on the Board.

All the members of Audit Committee have the requisite qualification for appointment in the Committee and possess sound knowledge of finance, accounting practices and internal controls.

Scope of the Audit Committee

The Audit Committee, inter alia, supports the Board to ensure an effective internal control environment. The Committee discharges such duties and functions with powers generally indicated in Listing Regulations.

The scope of the Audit Committee is as follows:

Powers of Audit Committee
  1. To investigate any activity within its terms of reference.
  2. To seek information from any employee.
  3. To obtain outside legal or other professional advice.
  4. To secure attendance of outsiders with relevant expertise, if it considers necessary.
Terms of Reference
  • Oversight of the Company’s financial reporting process and disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible;
  • Recommendation for appointment, remuneration and terms of appointment of auditors of the Company;
  • Approval of payment to Statutory Auditors for any other services rendered by the Statutory Auditors;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the Annual Financial Statements and Auditor's Report thereon before submission to the Board for approval, with particular reference to:
    • Matters required to be included in the Director’s Responsibility Statement to be included in the Board’s Report in terms of clause (c) of sub-section (3) of Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013;
    • Changes, if any, in accounting policies and practices and reasons for the same;
    • Major accounting entries involving estimates based on the exercise of judgment by management;
    • Significant adjustments made in the financial statements arising out of audit findings;
    • Compliance with listing and other legal requirements relating to financial statements;
    • Disclosure of any Related Party Transactions; and
    • Qualifications in Draft Audit Report
  • Reviewing, with the management, the quarterly financial statements before submission to the Board for approval;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the statement of uses / application of funds raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferential issue, etc.), the statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document / prospectus / notice and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board to take up steps in this matter;
  • Reviewing and monitoring the auditor’s independence and performance, and effectiveness of audit process;
  • Approval or any subsequent modification of transactions of the Company with Related Parties;
  • Scrutiny of inter-corporate loans and investments;
  • Valuation of undertakings or assets of the listed entity, wherever it is necessary;
  • Evaluation of Internal Financial Controls and Risk Management Systems;
  • Reviewing, with the management, performance of Statutory and Internal Auditors, adequacy of the Internal Control Systems;
  • Reviewing the adequacy of Internal Audit Function, if any, including the structure of the Internal Audit Department, staffing and seniority of the official heading the department, reporting structure coverage and frequency of Internal Audit;
  • Discussion with Statutory Auditors before the audit commences, about the nature and scope of audit as well as post-audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern;
  • Reviewing reports of internal audit and discussing with Internal Auditors on any significant findings of any internal investigations by the Internal Auditors and the executive management’s response on matters and follow-up thereon;
  • Reviewing reports of Cost audit, if any, and discussion with Cost Auditors on any significant findings by them;
  • Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the Internal Auditors into matters where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the matter to the Board;
  • Looking into the reasons for substantial defaults in the payment to the Depositors, Debenture Holders, Shareholders (in case of non-payment of declared dividends) and creditors;
  • Reviewing the functioning of the Whistle Blower Mechanism
  • Approval of appointment of Chief Financial Officer after assessing the Qualifications, experience and background, etc. of the candidate;
  • Recommending to the Board, the appointment and fixation of remuneration of Cost Auditors, if applicable;
  • Evaluating Internal Financial Controls and Risk Management Systems and reviewing the Company’s financial and risk management policies;
  • Reviewing the Management Discussion and Analysis of financial condition and results of operations;
  • Reviewing the statement of significant Related Party Transactions (as defined by the Audit Committee), submitted by management;
  • Reviewing the Management Letters / letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the Statutory Auditors;
  • Reviewing the Internal Audit Reports relating to internal control weaknesses
  • Reviewing compliance with the provisions of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time, and verify that the systems for internal controls are adequate and are operating effectively; and
  • Reviewing the utilisation of loans and/or advances from/investment by the Company in its subsidiary companies exceeding ₹100 crore or 10% of the asset size of the subsidiary, whichever is lower.
  • Recommending to the Board, the appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of Chief Internal Auditor
  • Reviewing the statement of deviations as follows
    • quarterly statement of deviation(s) including report of monitoring agency, if applicable, submitted to stock exchange(s) in terms of Regulation 32(1).
    • annual statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice in terms of Regulation 32(7).
(b) Nomination and Remuneration Committee:

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company comprises of four Non-Executive Independent Directors. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain, a Chartered Accountant is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 178 of the Act read with Regulation 19 of the Listing Regulations. The Company Secretary of the Company acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020.

The following table summarises attendance details of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 3
Dr. Yashvir Singh (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
CA. Saumya Srivastava# (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 2
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Ex-Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 1

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor ceased to be the Chairman of the Committee subsequent to his retirement from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

#CA Saumya Srivastava was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to her appointment on the Board.

Terms of Reference

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is empowered to review and recommend to the Board of Directors, appointment/re-appointment, remuneration and commission of the Directors and Senior Management of the Company with the guidelines laid down under the statute.

The terms of reference of the Committee inter alia, includes the following:

  • Formulating the criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and independence of a Director and recommend to the Board of Directors a Policy relating to the remuneration of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees;
  • Formulating a criteria for evaluation of performance of Independent Directors and the Board of Directors;
  • Devising a Policy on diversity of Board of Directors;
  • Identifying persons who are qualified to become Directors and who may be appointed in Senior Management in accordance with the criteria laid down and recommend to the Board of Directors their appointment and removal;
  • Whether to extend or continue the term of appointment of the Independent Director, on the basis of the report of performance evaluation of Independent Directors; and
  • Recommend to the board, all remuneration, in whatever form, payable to senior management.

The Remuneration Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:

Performance evaluation criteria for Independent Directors

Pursuant to the provisions of the Act and Listing Regulations, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has laid down the Criteria for performance evaluation of the Board of Directors. The Board carries out the annual performance evaluation of its own performance, the Directors individually, Chairman as well as the evaluation of the working of its Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The performance of individual Directors including the chairman is evaluated on the parameters such as level of understanding and contribution, leadership skills, interpersonal skills, independence of judgment, safeguarding the interest of the Company and its shareholders etc. The performance evaluation of the Independent Directors is carried out by the entire Board. The performance evaluation of the Chairman and the Non-Independent Directors is carried out by the Independent Directors and the Directors expressed their satisfaction with the evaluation process.


The remuneration paid to the Executive Directors of the Company is decided by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee subject to the approval of shareholders, wherever required. The existing Remuneration Policy of the Company is directed towards rewarding performance, based on review of achievements on a periodical basis. The Remuneration Policy is in consonance with the existing industry practice:

(a) Non-Executive Directors

Non Executive Directors/ Independent Directors are paid sitting fees for attending the meetings of Board of Directors within the prescribed limits. The table below provides the details of the sitting fees paid to the Non-Executive Directors during the FY 2019-2020:

(Amount in ₹)
S. No Name of the Non executive Director Sitting fees*
1 CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain 40000.00
2 Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus 40000.00
3 Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor# 10000.00
4 Ms. Vinita Kejriwal# NIL**
5 CA Saumya Srivastava^ 20000.00
6 Mr. Sanjay Bhalla^ 20000.00
7 Mr. Subhash Sapra& 20000.00
8 Dr. Yashvir Singh 40000.00
9 CA Sanjiv Gupta$ 20000.00

*Sitting Fees include fees for attending a separate meeting of Independent Directors held on 21st March, 2020.

#ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

&ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^Appointed as Directors w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

$Appointed as Director w.e.f. 12th November, 20219.

**sup> Fee of Rs. 9000/- (Net of TDS) paid to Ms. Vinita Kejriwal for the meeting dated 30th May, 2019 returned unpaid on 1st September, 2019 due to non-clearance.

The Company has not issued any stock option to its Directors/Employees.

(b) Executive Directors

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee makes annual appraisal of the performance of the Executive Directors based on a detailed performance evaluation and recommends the remuneration payable to them, within the parameters approved by the shareholders, to the Board for their approval.

The table below provides the details of the remuneration paid to the Executive Directors during the FY 2019-2020:

(Amount in ₹)
Name of Directors Designation Perquisites (Rs.) Salary (Rs.) Total Remuneration (Rs.)
Mr. Irshad Mirza* Chairman(Executive) 2755483 _ 2755483
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Managing Director 707259 24000000 24707259
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 314562 20400000 20714562
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 855083 22800000 23655083
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 72866 20400000 20472866
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya Whole Time Director 58470 4260000 4318470
Mr. Shuja Mirza Whole Time Director 73786 15000000 15073786
TOTAL 4837509 106860000 111697509

*Mr. Irshad Mirza ceased to be the Director w.e.f. 30th May, 2020

Directors with materially significant, pecuniary or business relationship with the Company

The transactions with related parties are furnished in note no. 30 of Financial Statements, as stipulated under Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 24. Apart from related party transactions furnished in note no. 30, there are no transactions of material nature with Directors or their relatives and others, which may have potential conflict with the Company’s interest. The Register of Contracts required to be maintained under Section 189(1) and Rule 16(1) of the Act, containing the details of the contracts, in which the Directors are concerned or interested, is placed at the meeting of the Board of Directors for their approval and noting, on a periodical basis.

During the year, no pecuniary or business relationship existed between the Non-executive and Independent Directors and the Company

With the applicability of the Act and Listing Regulations, transactions attracting provisions of Section 188 which are in ordinary course of business and are at arm’s length have been entered into after being reviewed, scrutinized and approved by the Audit Committee and with approval of the Board. No transactions which are not in ordinary course of business and are not at arm’s length have been entered into with any related party.

The Company entered into Related Party Transaction with Euro Footwear Private Limited and Mirza (UK) Limited (related parties), which exceeded the limit prescribed under the provisions of Listing Regulations and was considered material in accordance with the policy of the Company on materiality of related party transactions. The aforesaid transaction were approved by Shareholders of the Company in the fortieth Annual General Meeting held on 19th September, 2020, by way of an ordinary resolution.

The Related Party Transactions Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:

(c) Stakeholders Relationship Committee

The Stakeholders Relationship Committee of the Company comprises of four Members, out of which three members are Non-Executive Independent Directors and one is Executive Director. Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 178 of the Act read with Regulation 20 of the Listing Regulations. The Company Secretary of the Company acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020

The following table summarises attendance details of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meeting Attended
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla# (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 2
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza (Member) Executive Director, Promoter 4
CA. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Member)Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Ex-Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 1

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor ceased to be the Chairman of the Committee subsequent to his retirement as Director from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

#Mr. Sanjay Bhalla was appointed as the Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to his appointment on the Board.

Scope of Stakeholders Relationship Committee

The Committee shall consider and resolve the grievances of the security holders of the Company including complaints related to transfer of shares, non-receipt of Annual Report and non-receipt of declared Dividends.

The terms of reference of the Committee inter alia, include the following:

  • Resolving the grievances of the security holders of the listed entity including complaints related to transfer/transmission of shares, non-receipt of annual report, non-receipt of declared dividends, issue of new/duplicate certificates, General Meetings etc;
  • Reviewing the measures taken for effective exercise of voting rights by shareholders;
  • Reviewing the adherence to the service standards adopted by the listed entity in respect of various services being rendered by the Registrar & Share Transfer Agent; and
  • Reviewing various measures and initiatives taken by the listed entity for reducing the quantum of unclaimed dividends and ensuring timely receipt of Dividend Warrants/Annual Reports/Statutory Notices by the shareholders of the company.

During the year under review, Company received 55 complaints all of which were resolved to the satisfaction of the shareholders

(d) Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Company comprises of three members, out of which two are Executive Directors and one being the Non-Executive Independent Director. Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 135 of the Act. The Company Secretary acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Scope of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Committee oversees the activities/functioning in identifying the area of Corporate Social Responsibility activities as specified in the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company in accordance with Schedule VII of the Act and execution of initiative as per pre-defined guidelines. The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:


Independent Directors Meeting

During the year under review, the Independent Directors met on 21st March, 2020, inter alia, to discuss:

  • Evaluation of the performance of Non-Independent Directors;
  • Evaluation of the Board of Directors as a whole;
  • Evaluation of the performance of the Chairman of the Company, taking into account the view of the Executive and Non-executive Directors; and
  • The quality, quantity and timelines of flow of information between the Company’s management and the Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform their duties.


The last three Annual General Meetings were held as under:

Financial Year Date Venue Time
2016-17 28.09.2017 Auditorium of Council for Leather Exports, HBTI Campus, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M
2017-18 26.09.2018 Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M
2018-19 19.09.2019 Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M.
Details of Special Resolutions passed in the last three Annual General Meetings is given hereunder:
Date of Annual General Meeting No. of Special Resolutions passed Particulars
28th September, 2017 8 1. Re-appointment of Mr. Irshad Mirza as Chairman of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

2. Re-appointment of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza as Managing Director of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

3. Re-appointment of Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

4. Re-appointment of Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

5. Re-appointment of Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

6. Re-appointment of Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

7. Re-appointment of Mr. Shuja Mirza as President (Marketing) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

8. Re-appointment of Mr. Faraz Mirza as President (Production) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017
26th September, 2018 0 No Special Resolution was passed in the Annual General Meeting held on 26th September, 2018
19th September, 2019 11 1. Re-appointment of Dr. Yashvir Singh (DIN: 00049360) as an Independent Director

2. Re-appointment of Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (DIN: 00051645) as an Independent Director

3. Re-appointment of CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain (DIN: 00189602) as an Independent Director

4. Re-appointment of Mr. Subhash Sapra (DIN: 00049243) as an Independent Director

5. Appointment of Mr. Shuja Mirza (DIN: 01453110) as Whole-time Director

6. Approval for increase in the Borrowing Power of the Company

7. Approval for creation of mortgages and /or charges in addition to the existing mortgage(s) / charge(s) created by the Company

8. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya (DIN:00049196) as Whole Time Director

9. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (DIN: 00051645) as Non-Executive Director

10. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Subhash Sapra (DIN: 00049243) as Non- Executive Director

11. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor (DIN: 00058126) as Non- Executive Director
Extra Ordinary General Meeting

During the financial year 2019-20, no Extra Ordinary General Meeting was held.

Postal Ballot

During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Company did not pass any resolution through Postal Ballot process. As on the date of this Report, no special resolution is proposed to be passed through postal ballot.


(a) Publications of Quarterly Results

The Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Results are submitted to the Stock Exchange(s) in accordance with the Listing Regulations. Further, the quarterly/half yearly/annual results in the prescribed format, are published within 48 hours in any prominent daily newspaper, such as Business Standard (English and Hindi). All vital information of the Company’s performance, including Financial Results, Annual Reports of the last three years and Shareholding Pattern have been posted on the Company’s website i.e.

(b) Websites

The Company’s website contains a separate dedicated section ‘Investor Relations’ where shareholders’ information is available. The Company’s Annual Report is also available in a user-friendly and downloadable form.

(c) News Releases, Presentations, among others

Official news releases and official media releases etc. are displayed on the Company’s website i.e.

(d) Presentation

The Company makes financial presentations to institutional investors, mutual funds and others who have invested or intends to invest in the Company’s share capital and such presentations are available on the website of the Company.

(e) Annual Report

The Annual Report containing, inter alia, Audited Financial Statements, Directors’ Report, Auditors’ Report, Business Responsibility Report, if applicable, and other important information is circulated to members and others entitled thereto. The Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Report forms part of the Annual Report and is displayed on the Company’s website i.e.

(f) Stock Exchanges

The Company makes timely disclosures of necessary information to BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited in terms of the Listing Regulations and other Rules and Regulations issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

(g) NSE Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS

The NEAPS is web based application designed by NSE for corporates. All periodical compliance filings like shareholding pattern, corporate governance report, results and other requirement of Listing Regulations, media releases, among others are filed electronically on NEAPS, by the Company.

(h) BSE Corporate Compliance & Listing Center (“Listing Centre”)

BSE Listing Centre is web based application designed for corporates. All periodical compliance filings like Shareholding Pattern, Corporate Governance Report, results, media releases, among others are also filed electronically on the Listing Centre by the Company

(i) SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES)

The investor complaints are processed in a centralized web-based complaints redress system. The salient features of this system are: Centralized database of all complaints, online upload of Action taken Reports (ATRs) by concerned Companies and online viewing by investors of actions taken on the complaint and current status.

(j) Reminders to Investors

Reminders to shareholders for claiming returned undelivered share certificates, unclaimed dividend and transfer of shares thereto, email registration, are regularly communicated and dispatched.

(k) Designated Exclusive E-mail Id:

The Company has designated the following email ids exclusively for investor servicing:


Company Registration details

The Company is registered with the Registrar of Companies, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) allotted to the Company by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) is L19129UP1979PLC004821.

Registered Office

14/6, Civil lines, Kanpur-208001

Corporate Office

A-7, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110044

Locations of the Company
1 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Magarwara, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-1 & Tannery Division
2 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Sahjani, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-2)
3 Plot No. C-4, 5, 36 & 37, Sector-59, Noida-201 303 (Unit-3)
4 UPSIDC Industrial Area , Site II, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-5)
5 Plot No. 1A, Ecotech-1, Extn. 1, Greater Noida – 201 303 (Unit-6)
6 Plot No. 18-19, Nand Nagar Industrial Estate Phase-1 Mahuakhera Ganj, Kashipur (Uttrakhand) (Unit-8, 9)
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Ms. Priyanka Pahuja

Annual General Meeting

The forty first Annual General Meeting of the Company is scheduled to be on Friday, 18th December, 2020 at Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 at 11:00 A.M.

Financial Calendar

The Company follows April to March as its Financial Year. The results for every quarter, beginning from April, will be declared within 45 days of the end of quarter, except for the last quarter, which will be submitted, along with the annual audited results within 60 days of the end of the last quarter, as permitted under the Listing Regulations.

Listing on Stock Exchanges

The Stock Exchanges, at which the Company’s equity shares are listed, and the respective stock codes are:

National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE): MIRZAINT
Exchange Plaza,
5th Floor, Plot No. C/1, G Block,
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai – 400 051,
Maharashtra, India

BSE Limited (BSE): 526642
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Mumbai – 400 001,
Maharashtra, India

International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the Company’s equity shares, having face value of ₹ 2 each, is INE771A01026.

Listing fees for the Financial Year 2020-21 have been paid to the Stock Exchanges.

Registrar and Share Transfer Agent

M/s. KFin Technologies Private Limited is the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company. The contact details of the RTA are:
KFin Technologies Private Limited
Selenium Tower B, Plot no. 31-32
Gachibowli Financial District,
Nanakaramguda, Hyderabad-500 032
Tel: + 91-40-67162222
Fax: + 91-040-23001153

Share Transfer System

Transfers of equity shares in electronic form are done through the depositories with no involvement of the Company. Transfer of equity shares in physical form are processed by our Registrar and Share Transfer Agent i.e. KFin Technologies Private Limited, Hyderabad within 10 to 12 working days from the date of receipt, provided the documents are complete in all respects. The Directors and certain officials of the Company are authorised by the Board severally to approve transfers, which are noted at subsequent Board Meetings.

Market Price Data

The details of monthly High Low Price(s) of Shares of the Company on National Stock Exchange and monthly High Low Index of NIFTY are as given below

National Stock Exchange NIFTY INDEX
Month High Low High Low
April' 19 60.60 54.00 11856.15 11549.10
May' 19 63.95 49.55 12041.15 11108.30
June' 19 68.90 54.05 12103.05 11625.10
July' 19 68.80 58.00 11981.75 10999.40
August' 19 64.50 52.95 11181.45 10637.15
September' 19 67.80 52.10 11694.85 10670.25
October' 19 64.90 52.75 11945.00 11090.15
November' 19 63.70 55.05 12158.80 11802.65
December' 19 60.70 53.10 12293.90 11832.30
January' 20 72.00 55.10 12430.50 11929.60
February' 20 65.40 51.60 12246.70 11175.05
March' 20 57.25 27.25 11433.00 7511.10

The details of monthly High Low Price(s) of Shares of the Company on Bombay Stock Exchange and monthly High Low BSE Sensex are as given below:

Bombay Stock Exchange BSE Sensex
Month High Low High Low
April' 19 60.25 54.05 39487.45 38460.25
May' 19 63.60 49.70 40124.96 36956.10
June' 19 68.75 53.60 40312.07 38870.96
July' 19 68.70 57.95 40032.41 37128.26
August' 19 66.00 53.00 37807.55 36102.35
September' 19 67.65 52.10 39441.12 35987.80
October' 19 64.45 51.50 40392.22 37415.83
November' 19 63.60 55.10 41163.79 40014.23
December' 19 61.00 53.30 41809.96 40135.37
January' 20 71.80 55.25 42273.87 40476.55
February' 20 65.30 54.30 41709.30 38219.97
March' 20 57.20 27.35 39083.17 25638.90
Distribution Schedule as on 31st March, 2020
Category No. of Cases % of Cases Amount % Amount
1-5000 40687 96.47 24365110.002 10.13
5001- 10000 793 1.88 5826490.00 2.42
10001 - 20000 340 0.81 4957004.00 2.06
20001 - 30000 125 0.30 3032334.00 1.26
30001 - 40000 79 0.19 2833330.00 1.18
40001 - 50000 25 0.06 1149212.00 0.48
50001 - 100000 69 0.16 4879212.00 2.03
100001 & above 58 0.14 193569308.00 80.45
Total 42176 100.00 240612000.00 100
Category of Shareholders as on 31st March, 2020
Category Cases Shares % of holding
Mutual Funds 3 33100 0.03
Trusts 1 500 0.00
Resident Individuals 40127 26754350 22.24
Promoters 14 84724473 70.42
Non Resident Indians 547 1413194 1.17
Clearing Members 80 170019 0.14
Indian Financial Institutions 1 90180 0.07
Foreign Portfolio Investors 2 77308 0.06
Banks 3 42505 0.04
Non Resident Indian Non Repatriable 212 1484598 1.23
Bodies Corporates 287 4301459 3.58
NBFC 1 7000 0.01
I E P F 1 395859 0.33
H U F 897 811455 0.67
Total 42176 120306000 100.00
Dematerialisation of Shares and Liquidity

The break-up of 12,03,06,000 equity shares held in Physical and Dematerialised form as on 31st March, 2020 is given below:

Particulars No. of shares Percentage
Physical Segment 520095 0.43
Demat Segment
NSDL 107346455 89.23
CDSL 12439450 10.34
Total 120306000 100
Outstanding GDRs /ADRs / Warrants or any Convertible Instruments Conversion Date and likely impact On Equity

The Company does not have any outstanding GDRs/ADRs/Warrants/Convertible instruments as on 31st March, 2020.

Commodity Price Risk or Foreign Exchange Risk and Hedging Activities

Company use Forward Contracts for hedging the risk.

Details of Shareholders Suspense Account
Particulars Demat Physical
Number of Shareholders Number of Equity Shares Number of Shareholders (phase wise transfers) Number of Equity Shares
Aggregate Number of Shareholders and outstanding shares in the Suspense Account lying as on April 1, 2019 0 0 13 26000
Number of Shareholders who approached the Company for transfer of shares 0 0 0 0
Number of shares transferred from Suspense Account during the year 0 0 0 0
Number of shareholders and aggregate no. of shares transferred to the Unclaimed Suspense Account during the year 0 0 0 0
Number of shares transferred to IEPF Authority during the year 50 7453 18 21000
Aggregate No of shareholders and the Outstanding Shares in the Suspense Account lying as March 31, 20 0 0 13 26000

Note: Voting Rights on these Shares shall remain frozen till the rightful owner of such shares claims the shares.

Credit Ratings

The Company has obtained the following credit ratings during the financial year:

S.No. Name of rating Agency Instrument Type Rating Revision, if any
1. CRISIL Limited Fund based-Long Term A-/ Stable Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Negative” to “Stable”
Fund based-Short Term A2+ Rating reaffirmed
2. ICRA Limited Fund based-Long Term A- Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Stable” to “Negative”
Fund based-Working Capital facilities A- Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Stable” to “Negative”
Non-fund based- Working Capital Facilities A2+ Rating reaffirmed



No strictures/penalties were imposed on the Company by Stock Exchanges or SEBI or any statutory authority, or any matter related to capital markets during the last three years.

Proceeds from Public Issues, Right Issues, Preferential Issues

During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Company did not raise capital through public, rights and/or preferential issue.

Subsidiary Companies

During the year under review, the Company has no material subsidiaries.

Vigil Mechanism (Whistle Blower) Policy

The Company has put in place a mechanism for reporting illegal, unethical behaviour, malpractice, impropriety, abuse, insider trading or wrongdoing. The Company has a Vigil Mechanism (Whistle Blower) Policy under which the employees are free to report violations of applicable laws and regulations and the Code of Conduct. The email Id where employees can post their complaints / observations is “”. During the year under review, no employee was denied access to Audit Committee.

Adoption of Mandatory and Non – Mandatory Requirements of Listing Regulations

The Company has complied with all mandatory requirements of Listing Regulations. The Company has adopted following non-mandatory requirements of the Listing Regulations:

Audit Qualification

The Company is in the regime of Unqualified Financial Statements

Reporting of Internal Auditor

The Internal Auditor directly reports to the Audit Committee

Certificate from a Company Secretary in Practice

The certificate from a Company Secretary in Practice, stating that none of the Directors on the Board of the Company have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India / Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such statutory authority, is enclosed to this Report.

Deviations, if any, of mandatory recommendations by the Committees to the Board of Directors

During the year, there was no instance wherein the Board of Directors of the Company did not accept any recommendation of the Committees.

Details of total fees paid to Statutory Auditor

The details of total fees for all services paid by the Company for the Financial Year 2019-20, to the Statutory Auditor and all entities in the network firm / network entity of which the Statutory Auditor is a part, are as follows

(Amount in ₹)
S.No. Nature of Services Amount
1. Statutory Audit Fee 1619700
Total 1619700
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

The disclosures in relation to Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 are mentioned in the Directors’ Report which form part of this Annual Report


The Certificate, as required under Regulation 17 (8) of the Listing Regulations, duly signed by the Chairman and Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, was placed before the Board, and the same is enclosed to this Report and forms part of the Annual Report.


As required under Listing Regulations, M/s. K.N. Shridhar & Associates, Company Secretaries, the Company’s Secretarial Auditors, have verified the compliances of the Corporate Governance by the Company. We have obtained a Certificate affirming the compliance from M/s. K.N. Shridhar & Associates, Company Secretaries, and the same is enclosed to this Report and forms a part of the Annual Report.

Declaration by Chairman and Managing Director under Listing Regulations regarding adherence to the Code of Conduct

In accordance with Listing Regulations, I hereby confirm that all the Directors and the Senior Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with their respective Code of Conduct, as applicable to them, for the year ended 31st March 2020.

Place: Dubai
Date: 10th November,2020
For Mirza International Limited
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Chairman and Managing Director


(Pursuant to Regulation 34(3) and Schedule V Para C clause (10)(i) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015)

The Members of
Mirza International Limited
KANPUR- 208001

We have examined the relevant registers, records, forms, returns and disclosures received from the Directors of Mirza International Limited having CIN: L19129UP1979PLC004821 and having registered office at 14/6, Civil Lines, Kanpur-208001 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company'), produced before us by the Company for the purpose of issuing this Certificate, in accordance with Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V Para-C Sub clause 10(i) of the Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the verifications (including Directors Identification Number (DIN) status at the portal ( as considered necessary and explanations furnished to us by the Company and its officers, we hereby certify that none of the Directors on the Board of the Company as stated below for the Financial Year ending on 31st March, 2020 have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, or any such other Statutory Authority.

S.No. Name of Director DIN Date of appointment
1. Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza 00049009 05/09/1979
2. Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza 00048990 06/09/1979
3. Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza 00049037 06/09/1989
4. Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza 00049066 01/01/1997
5. Mr. Shuja Mirza 01453110 01/06/2019
6. Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya 00049196 01/04/1997
7. Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus 00051645 08/07/1994
8. Dr. Yashvir Singh 00049360 08/07/1994
9. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain 00189602 30/07/2008
10. Mr. Sanjiv Gupta 02240256 12/11/2019
11. Ms. Saumya Srivastava 08206547 09/08/2019
12. Mr. Sanjay Bhalla 00699901 09/08/2019

Ensuring the eligibility for the appointment / continuity of every Director on the Board is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these based on our verification. This certificate is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor of the efficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

Place: Kanpur
Date: 27th October, 2020
For K.N. Shridhar & Associates
Company Secretaries
K.N. Shridhar
FCS- 3882


The Board of Directors
We hereby certify that

  1. We have reviewed financial statements and cash flow statement of Mirza International Limited (‘the Company’) for the quarter and year ended 31st March 2020 and that to the best of our knowledge and belief:
    1. these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading;
    2. These statements together present a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.
  2. There are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the Company during the above said period which are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the Company’s Code of Conduct.
  3. We accept the responsibility of establishing and maintaining internal controls for financial reporting and that we have evaluated the effectiveness of the internal control systems of the Company pertaining to financial reporting and we have disclosed to the Auditors and the Audit Committee deficiencies in the design or operation of such internal controls, if any, of which we are aware and the steps we have taken or propose to take to rectify these deficiencies.
  4. We have indicated to the Auditors and the Audit Committee:
    1. significant changes in internal control over financial reporting during the above said period;
    2. significant changes in accounting policies during the above said period and that the same have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements; and
    3. instances of significant fraud, of which we have become aware and the involvement therein, if any, of the management or an employee having a significant role in the Company’s internal control system over financial reporting.
Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Chairman and Managing Director
Place: Dubai
Date: 10th November, 2020
V.T. Cherian

Chief Financial Officer

Place: New Delhi


The Members of
Mirza International Limited

1. We have examined the compliance of the conditions of corporate governance by Mirza International Limited (“the Company”) for the year ended 31st March, 2020 as stipulated in Regulations 17 to 27, clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation 46(2) and paragraphs C and D of Schedule V of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended (“Listing Regulations”).

Management’s Responsibility

2. The compliance of conditions of corporate governance is the responsibility of the management of the Company. This responsibility includes the designing, implementing and operating effectiveness of internal control to ensure compliance with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the Listing Regulations.

Our Responsibility

3. Our responsibility is limited to examining the procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring compliance with the conditions of the Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.

4. We have examined the relevant records and documents maintained by the Company for the purposes of providing reasonable assurance on the compliance with Corporate Governance requirements by the Company.


5. Based on our examination of the relevant records and according to the information and explanations provided to us and the representations provided by the Management, we certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in Regulations 17 to 27 and clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation 46(2) and para C and D of Schedule V of the Listing Regulations during the year ended 31st March, 2020

6. We state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which the Management has conducted the affairs of the company.

Place: Kanpur
Date: 27th October, 2020
For K.N. Shridhar & Associates
Company Secretaries
K.N. Shridhar
FCS No.- 3882
COP No.- 2612


Pursuant to Regulation 34 read with Schedule V of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”), the Directors present the Report on Corporate Governance of the Company as follows:


Mirza International limited defines Corporate Governance as an ethically driven business process that is committed to values aimed at enhancing an organisation’s brand and reputation. The Company has a strong legacy of fair, transparent and ethical governance practices and it believes that good Corporate Governance is essential for achieving long-term corporate goals and enhancing stakeholders’ value. Good corporate governance is a synonym for sound management, transparency and disclosure, encompassing good corporate practices, procedures, standards and implicit rules which propel a company to take sound decisions, thus maximising long term shareholder value without compromising on integrity, societal obligations, environment and regulatory compliances.

In order to keep up the highest level of standards, the Company reviews its Corporate Governance practices periodically against the backdrop of the latest developments in the corporate arena, thereby endeavouring to confirm to the highest standards of Corporate Governance practices. The Company firmly believes in being transparent in all the areas of its operations and also to all the stakeholders. This is practiced through open working methods, emphasis on continuous communication, timely and complete disclosures and being transparent about its entire gamut of activities.

The Board of Directors is responsible for and committed to sound principles of Corporate Governance in the Company. This belief is reflected in our governance practices, under which we strive to maintain an effective, informed and independent Board. We are continuously nurturing and strengthening this framework through concerted and collective efforts of our people, under the guidance of our leadership team. Through this robust Corporate Governance mechanism that interlinks values, ethics and positive culture, the Company aims to achieve long-term sustainability.

2. Board of Directors

(a) Composition and Category of Board of Directors

The Company is managed and controlled by professional Board comprising of blend of Executive and Non-executive Directors with considerable professional expertise and experience which provides leadership and guidance to the management thereby enhancing Stakeholders’ value. As on 31st March, 2020, the Board of Directors of Company comprises of twelve Directors out of which six are Executive Directors and six are Non-Executive Independent Directors including one Woman Director. The composition of Board is in conformity with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) and Regulation 17 of Listing Regulations which are as follows:

Category Name of Directors
Executive Directors Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Shuja Mirza
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya
Non-Executive Independent Directors CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor*
Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal*
CA Saumya Srivastava#
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla#
Mr. Subhash Sapra&
Dr. Yashvir Singh
CA Sanjiv Gupta^

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal ceased to be Directors w.e.f. 19th September, 2019.

#CA Saumya Srivastava and Mr. Sanjay Bhalla were appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

&Mr. Subhash Sapra ceased to be Director w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^CA Sanjiv Gupta appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

As on 31st March 2020, none of the Directors on the Company’s Board was a Director in more than ten Public Companies (including seven Listed Companies), neither a Chairman of more than five Committees nor a member of more than ten Committees in all the public companies in which they are Directors. Further, all the Directors have made necessary disclosures regarding their Directorship and Chairmanship/Committee Membership in other Companies as per the requirement of Listing Regulations, Act and other applicable provisions, if any.

No Director is related to other Director on the Board except Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza, Managing Director of the Company, Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza, Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza and Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza, Whole Time Directors of the Company (Brothers) and Mr. Shuja Mirza, Whole Time Director of the Company (Son of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza).

The Appointment/re-appointment of the Managing Director, Whole Time Directors and Non-Executive Directors including the tenure of their appointment/re-appointment and terms of their remuneration, are approved by the members at their General Meetings or through the process of Postal Ballot.

(b) Number of Board Meetings

Four Board Meetings were held during the Financial Year 2019-2020 and the maximum time gap between any two consecutive meetings did not exceed one hundred and twenty days. The dates, on which the Board meetings were held, are as follows:

30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020.

The Agenda, along with the supporting documents, explanatory notes and information, as enumerated under Listing Regulations, are made available to the Board along with the notice of respective meetings in advance in order to enable them to make value addition and discharge their duties diligently during the meetings. The Board periodically reviews compliance reports of all laws applicable to the Company. The Company undertakes steps to rectify instances of non-compliance, if any.

(c) Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings, Annual General Meeting and number of Directorship(s) and Chairmanship(s) / Membership(s) of Committees of each Director in other Companies:

The names and categories of the Directors on the Board, along with their attendance at the Board Meetings held during the year ended 31st March 2020, and at the last Annual General Meeting, and the number of other Directorships and Chairmanships/Memberships of Committees held by them, are given below:

Name of Directors No. of Board Meetings attended during the year Whether attended the Last AGM Number of Directorships and Committee Memberships /Chairmanships in other Companies as on 31/03/2020
Directorships Committee Memberships Committee Chairmanships
Executive Directors
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza (Managing Director, Promoter) 3 No - - -
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 Yes - - -
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 No - - -
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 Yes 1 - -
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhayaya (Whole Time Director) 3 Yes - - -
Mr. Shuja Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter Group) 3 Yes - - -
Non-Executive Directors
CA. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Independent Director) 4 Yes - - -
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Independent Director) 3 Yes - - -
Dr. Yashvir Singh (Independent Director) 4 No - - -
CA Saumya Srivastava* (Independent Director) 2 Yes - - -
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla* (Independent Director) 2 No - - -
CA Sanjiv Gupta# (Independent Director) 1 No - - -
Mr. Subhash Sapra& (Independent Director) 2 Yes - - -
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor^ (Independent Director) 1 NA - - -
Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal^ (Independent Director) 0 NA - - -

*Appointed w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

#Appointed w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

&Resigned w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^Ceased to be Directors w.e.f 19th September, 2019.


1. Non-Executive Directors do not hold any share in the Company as on 31st March, 2020 and the Company has not issued any convertible instruments.

2. This includes Directorship in public limited companies (including subsidiaries of public limited companies) and excludes Directorship in this Company, associations, private, foreign and Section 8 companies.

3. Represents Chairmanships/Memberships of Audit Committee and Stakeholders Relationship (Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievance) Committee. This includes Chairmanships/Memberships in Public Limited Companies (including subsidiaries of public limited companies) and excludes Chairmanships/ Memberships in this Company, private, foreign and Section 8 companies.

(d) Familiarisation Programme of Independent Directors

Independent Directors of the Company are eminent personalities having wide experience in the fields of Finance, Education, Industry, Commerce and Administration. Their presence on the Board has been advantageous and fruitful in taking business decisions. As per Regulation 25 (7) of Listing Regulations, the Company shall provide suitable training to the Independent Directors to familiarise them with the Company, their roles, rights, responsibilities, nature of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the Company and any other relevant information, if any. The details of such training imparted are also required to be disclosed in the Annual Report.

The details of programmes conducted for familiarization of Independent Directors with the Company, nature of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the Company and related matters are put up on the website of the Company at the link:

(e) Core Skills/Expertise/Competencies of Directors

The existing Board of Directors of the Company comprises of appropriate skills/expertise/competencies in diversified domains for its effective functioning. Further, the Board has identified the skills/expertise/ competencies of each Director in accordance with their rich and varied experience across different sectors, in the following manner:

Area of Expertises Name of Directors
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Mr. Shuja Mirza Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus Dr. Yashvir Singh CA Saumya Srivastava Mr. Sanjay Bhalla CA Sanjiv Gupta
Strategy - - - - - -
Business Administration & Management -
Corporate Governance
Manufacturing - - - - - - -
Sales & Marketing - - - - - - -
Community Services - - -
Business Development - - -
Finance & Legal - - - - -
Global Vision - - - - - - -

Independent Directors are Non-Executive Directors as defined under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the Listing Regulations and Section 149(6) of the Act. The maximum tenure of independent directors is in compliance with the Act. Till the date of this report, all the Independent Directors have confirmed that they meet the criteria of independence as mentioned under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the SEBI Listing Regulations and Section 149(6) of the Act.

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, Mr. Subhash Sapra has resigned from the office of Independent Director of the Company w.e.f. 12th November, 2019 due to his health issues and incapability in attending the Board Meetings. Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Ms. Vinita Kejriwal ceased to be Independent Directors of the Company subsequent upon their retirement due to completion of the tenure as Independent Directors w.e.f. 19th September, 2019.


The Company has constituted the following committees for the smooth functioning of the Board:

  • Audit Committee
  • Nomination and Remuneration Committee
  • Stakeholders Relationship Committee
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

The composition of all Board Committees is in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations.

The Company’s guidelines relating to Board Meeting are applicable to Committee Meetings. Each Committee has the authority to engage outside experts, advisers and counsels to the extent it considers appropriate to assist in its function. The minutes of proceedings of Committee Meetings are circulated to the respective committee members and placed before Board Meetings for discussion/noting.

Detail of the composition, number of meetings held during the year, attendance of members and scope of the committees are as below:

(a) Audit Committee

The Audit Committee of the Company comprises of four Non-Executive Independent Directors. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain, a Chartered Accountant is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 177 of the Act read with Regulation 18 of the Listing Regulations. The representatives of Statutory Auditors, Executives from Accounts Department, Finance Department and Internal Audit Department are invited to the meetings of the Committee, as and when required. The Internal Auditor reports directly to the Committee. The Company Secretary acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Audit Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020. The Chairman of the Audit Committee attended the Annual General Meeting of the Company

The following table summarises attendance details of Audit Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Chairman)Non Executive, Independent Director 4
CA Saumya Srivastava# (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 2
CA Sanjiv Gupta& (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 1
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 3
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 1
Mr. Subhash Sapra* (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 2

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Mr. Subhash Sapra ceased to be the member of the Committee subsequent to their retirement/resignation from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020 and 12th November, 2020 respectively.

#CA Saumya Srivastava was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to her appointment on the Board.

&CA Sanjiv Gupta was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 12th November, 2019 subsequent to his appointment on the Board.

All the members of Audit Committee have the requisite qualification for appointment in the Committee and possess sound knowledge of finance, accounting practices and internal controls.

Scope of the Audit Committee

The Audit Committee, inter alia, supports the Board to ensure an effective internal control environment. The Committee discharges such duties and functions with powers generally indicated in Listing Regulations.

The scope of the Audit Committee is as follows:

Powers of Audit Committee
  1. To investigate any activity within its terms of reference.
  2. To seek information from any employee.
  3. To obtain outside legal or other professional advice.
  4. To secure attendance of outsiders with relevant expertise, if it considers necessary.
Terms of Reference
  • Oversight of the Company’s financial reporting process and disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible;
  • Recommendation for appointment, remuneration and terms of appointment of auditors of the Company;
  • Approval of payment to Statutory Auditors for any other services rendered by the Statutory Auditors;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the Annual Financial Statements and Auditor's Report thereon before submission to the Board for approval, with particular reference to:
    • Matters required to be included in the Director’s Responsibility Statement to be included in the Board’s Report in terms of clause (c) of sub-section (3) of Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013;
    • Changes, if any, in accounting policies and practices and reasons for the same;
    • Major accounting entries involving estimates based on the exercise of judgment by management;
    • Significant adjustments made in the financial statements arising out of audit findings;
    • Compliance with listing and other legal requirements relating to financial statements;
    • Disclosure of any Related Party Transactions; and
    • Qualifications in Draft Audit Report
  • Reviewing, with the management, the quarterly financial statements before submission to the Board for approval;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the statement of uses / application of funds raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferential issue, etc.), the statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document / prospectus / notice and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board to take up steps in this matter;
  • Reviewing and monitoring the auditor’s independence and performance, and effectiveness of audit process;
  • Approval or any subsequent modification of transactions of the Company with Related Parties;
  • Scrutiny of inter-corporate loans and investments;
  • Valuation of undertakings or assets of the listed entity, wherever it is necessary;
  • Evaluation of Internal Financial Controls and Risk Management Systems;
  • Reviewing, with the management, performance of Statutory and Internal Auditors, adequacy of the Internal Control Systems;
  • Reviewing the adequacy of Internal Audit Function, if any, including the structure of the Internal Audit Department, staffing and seniority of the official heading the department, reporting structure coverage and frequency of Internal Audit;
  • Discussion with Statutory Auditors before the audit commences, about the nature and scope of audit as well as post-audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern;
  • Reviewing reports of internal audit and discussing with Internal Auditors on any significant findings of any internal investigations by the Internal Auditors and the executive management’s response on matters and follow-up thereon;
  • Reviewing reports of Cost audit, if any, and discussion with Cost Auditors on any significant findings by them;
  • Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the Internal Auditors into matters where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the matter to the Board;
  • Looking into the reasons for substantial defaults in the payment to the Depositors, Debenture Holders, Shareholders (in case of non-payment of declared dividends) and creditors;
  • Reviewing the functioning of the Whistle Blower Mechanism
  • Approval of appointment of Chief Financial Officer after assessing the Qualifications, experience and background, etc. of the candidate;
  • Recommending to the Board, the appointment and fixation of remuneration of Cost Auditors, if applicable;
  • Evaluating Internal Financial Controls and Risk Management Systems and reviewing the Company’s financial and risk management policies;
  • Reviewing the Management Discussion and Analysis of financial condition and results of operations;
  • Reviewing the statement of significant Related Party Transactions (as defined by the Audit Committee), submitted by management;
  • Reviewing the Management Letters / letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the Statutory Auditors;
  • Reviewing the Internal Audit Reports relating to internal control weaknesses
  • Reviewing compliance with the provisions of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time, and verify that the systems for internal controls are adequate and are operating effectively; and
  • Reviewing the utilisation of loans and/or advances from/investment by the Company in its subsidiary companies exceeding ₹100 crore or 10% of the asset size of the subsidiary, whichever is lower.
  • Recommending to the Board, the appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of Chief Internal Auditor
  • Reviewing the statement of deviations as follows
    • quarterly statement of deviation(s) including report of monitoring agency, if applicable, submitted to stock exchange(s) in terms of Regulation 32(1).
    • annual statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice in terms of Regulation 32(7).
(b) Nomination and Remuneration Committee:

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company comprises of four Non-Executive Independent Directors. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain, a Chartered Accountant is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 178 of the Act read with Regulation 19 of the Listing Regulations. The Company Secretary of the Company acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020.

The following table summarises attendance details of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 3
Dr. Yashvir Singh (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
CA. Saumya Srivastava# (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 2
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Ex-Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 1

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor ceased to be the Chairman of the Committee subsequent to his retirement from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

#CA Saumya Srivastava was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to her appointment on the Board.

Terms of Reference

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is empowered to review and recommend to the Board of Directors, appointment/re-appointment, remuneration and commission of the Directors and Senior Management of the Company with the guidelines laid down under the statute.

The terms of reference of the Committee inter alia, includes the following:

  • Formulating the criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and independence of a Director and recommend to the Board of Directors a Policy relating to the remuneration of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees;
  • Formulating a criteria for evaluation of performance of Independent Directors and the Board of Directors;
  • Devising a Policy on diversity of Board of Directors;
  • Identifying persons who are qualified to become Directors and who may be appointed in Senior Management in accordance with the criteria laid down and recommend to the Board of Directors their appointment and removal;
  • Whether to extend or continue the term of appointment of the Independent Director, on the basis of the report of performance evaluation of Independent Directors; and
  • Recommend to the board, all remuneration, in whatever form, payable to senior management.

The Remuneration Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:

Performance evaluation criteria for Independent Directors

Pursuant to the provisions of the Act and Listing Regulations, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has laid down the Criteria for performance evaluation of the Board of Directors. The Board carries out the annual performance evaluation of its own performance, the Directors individually, Chairman as well as the evaluation of the working of its Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The performance of individual Directors including the chairman is evaluated on the parameters such as level of understanding and contribution, leadership skills, interpersonal skills, independence of judgment, safeguarding the interest of the Company and its shareholders etc. The performance evaluation of the Independent Directors is carried out by the entire Board. The performance evaluation of the Chairman and the Non-Independent Directors is carried out by the Independent Directors and the Directors expressed their satisfaction with the evaluation process.


The remuneration paid to the Executive Directors of the Company is decided by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee subject to the approval of shareholders, wherever required. The existing Remuneration Policy of the Company is directed towards rewarding performance, based on review of achievements on a periodical basis. The Remuneration Policy is in consonance with the existing industry practice:

(a) Non-Executive Directors

Non Executive Directors/ Independent Directors are paid sitting fees for attending the meetings of Board of Directors within the prescribed limits. The table below provides the details of the sitting fees paid to the Non-Executive Directors during the FY 2019-2020:

(Amount in ₹)
S. No Name of the Non executive Director Sitting fees*
1 CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain 40000.00
2 Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus 40000.00
3 Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor# 10000.00
4 Ms. Vinita Kejriwal# NIL**
5 CA Saumya Srivastava^ 20000.00
6 Mr. Sanjay Bhalla^ 20000.00
7 Mr. Subhash Sapra& 20000.00
8 Dr. Yashvir Singh 40000.00
9 CA Sanjiv Gupta$ 20000.00

*Sitting Fees include fees for attending a separate meeting of Independent Directors held on 21st March, 2020.

#ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

&ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^Appointed as Directors w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

$Appointed as Director w.e.f. 12th November, 20219.

**sup> Fee of Rs. 9000/- (Net of TDS) paid to Ms. Vinita Kejriwal for the meeting dated 30th May, 2019 returned unpaid on 1st September, 2019 due to non-clearance.

The Company has not issued any stock option to its Directors/Employees.

(b) Executive Directors

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee makes annual appraisal of the performance of the Executive Directors based on a detailed performance evaluation and recommends the remuneration payable to them, within the parameters approved by the shareholders, to the Board for their approval.

The table below provides the details of the remuneration paid to the Executive Directors during the FY 2019-2020:

(Amount in ₹)
Name of Directors Designation Perquisites (Rs.) Salary (Rs.) Total Remuneration (Rs.)
Mr. Irshad Mirza* Chairman(Executive) 2755483 _ 2755483
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Managing Director 707259 24000000 24707259
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 314562 20400000 20714562
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 855083 22800000 23655083
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 72866 20400000 20472866
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya Whole Time Director 58470 4260000 4318470
Mr. Shuja Mirza Whole Time Director 73786 15000000 15073786
TOTAL 4837509 106860000 111697509

*Mr. Irshad Mirza ceased to be the Director w.e.f. 30th May, 2020

Directors with materially significant, pecuniary or business relationship with the Company

The transactions with related parties are furnished in note no. 30 of Financial Statements, as stipulated under Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 24. Apart from related party transactions furnished in note no. 30, there are no transactions of material nature with Directors or their relatives and others, which may have potential conflict with the Company’s interest. The Register of Contracts required to be maintained under Section 189(1) and Rule 16(1) of the Act, containing the details of the contracts, in which the Directors are concerned or interested, is placed at the meeting of the Board of Directors for their approval and noting, on a periodical basis.

During the year, no pecuniary or business relationship existed between the Non-executive and Independent Directors and the Company

With the applicability of the Act and Listing Regulations, transactions attracting provisions of Section 188 which are in ordinary course of business and are at arm’s length have been entered into after being reviewed, scrutinized and approved by the Audit Committee and with approval of the Board. No transactions which are not in ordinary course of business and are not at arm’s length have been entered into with any related party.

The Company entered into Related Party Transaction with Euro Footwear Private Limited and Mirza (UK) Limited (related parties), which exceeded the limit prescribed under the provisions of Listing Regulations and was considered material in accordance with the policy of the Company on materiality of related party transactions. The aforesaid transaction were approved by Shareholders of the Company in the fortieth Annual General Meeting held on 19th September, 2020, by way of an ordinary resolution.

The Related Party Transactions Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:

(c) Stakeholders Relationship Committee

The Stakeholders Relationship Committee of the Company comprises of four Members, out of which three members are Non-Executive Independent Directors and one is Executive Director. Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 178 of the Act read with Regulation 20 of the Listing Regulations. The Company Secretary of the Company acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020

The following table summarises attendance details of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meeting Attended
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla# (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 2
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza (Member) Executive Director, Promoter 4
CA. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Member)Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Ex-Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 1

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor ceased to be the Chairman of the Committee subsequent to his retirement as Director from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

#Mr. Sanjay Bhalla was appointed as the Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to his appointment on the Board.

Scope of Stakeholders Relationship Committee

The Committee shall consider and resolve the grievances of the security holders of the Company including complaints related to transfer of shares, non-receipt of Annual Report and non-receipt of declared Dividends.

The terms of reference of the Committee inter alia, include the following:

  • Resolving the grievances of the security holders of the listed entity including complaints related to transfer/transmission of shares, non-receipt of annual report, non-receipt of declared dividends, issue of new/duplicate certificates, General Meetings etc;
  • Reviewing the measures taken for effective exercise of voting rights by shareholders;
  • Reviewing the adherence to the service standards adopted by the listed entity in respect of various services being rendered by the Registrar & Share Transfer Agent; and
  • Reviewing various measures and initiatives taken by the listed entity for reducing the quantum of unclaimed dividends and ensuring timely receipt of Dividend Warrants/Annual Reports/Statutory Notices by the shareholders of the company.

During the year under review, Company received 55 complaints all of which were resolved to the satisfaction of the shareholders

(d) Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Company comprises of three members, out of which two are Executive Directors and one being the Non-Executive Independent Director. Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 135 of the Act. The Company Secretary acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Scope of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Committee oversees the activities/functioning in identifying the area of Corporate Social Responsibility activities as specified in the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company in accordance with Schedule VII of the Act and execution of initiative as per pre-defined guidelines. The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:


Independent Directors Meeting

During the year under review, the Independent Directors met on 21st March, 2020, inter alia, to discuss:

  • Evaluation of the performance of Non-Independent Directors;
  • Evaluation of the Board of Directors as a whole;
  • Evaluation of the performance of the Chairman of the Company, taking into account the view of the Executive and Non-executive Directors; and
  • The quality, quantity and timelines of flow of information between the Company’s management and the Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform their duties.


The last three Annual General Meetings were held as under:

Financial Year Date Venue Time
2016-17 28.09.2017 Auditorium of Council for Leather Exports, HBTI Campus, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M
2017-18 26.09.2018 Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M
2018-19 19.09.2019 Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M.
Details of Special Resolutions passed in the last three Annual General Meetings is given hereunder:
Date of Annual General Meeting No. of Special Resolutions passed Particulars
28th September, 2017 8 1. Re-appointment of Mr. Irshad Mirza as Chairman of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

2. Re-appointment of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza as Managing Director of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

3. Re-appointment of Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

4. Re-appointment of Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

5. Re-appointment of Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

6. Re-appointment of Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

7. Re-appointment of Mr. Shuja Mirza as President (Marketing) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

8. Re-appointment of Mr. Faraz Mirza as President (Production) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017
26th September, 2018 0 No Special Resolution was passed in the Annual General Meeting held on 26th September, 2018
19th September, 2019 11 1. Re-appointment of Dr. Yashvir Singh (DIN: 00049360) as an Independent Director

2. Re-appointment of Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (DIN: 00051645) as an Independent Director

3. Re-appointment of CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain (DIN: 00189602) as an Independent Director

4. Re-appointment of Mr. Subhash Sapra (DIN: 00049243) as an Independent Director

5. Appointment of Mr. Shuja Mirza (DIN: 01453110) as Whole-time Director

6. Approval for increase in the Borrowing Power of the Company

7. Approval for creation of mortgages and /or charges in addition to the existing mortgage(s) / charge(s) created by the Company

8. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya (DIN:00049196) as Whole Time Director

9. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (DIN: 00051645) as Non-Executive Director

10. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Subhash Sapra (DIN: 00049243) as Non- Executive Director

11. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor (DIN: 00058126) as Non- Executive Director
Extra Ordinary General Meeting

During the financial year 2019-20, no Extra Ordinary General Meeting was held.

Postal Ballot

During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Company did not pass any resolution through Postal Ballot process. As on the date of this Report, no special resolution is proposed to be passed through postal ballot.


(a) Publications of Quarterly Results

The Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Results are submitted to the Stock Exchange(s) in accordance with the Listing Regulations. Further, the quarterly/half yearly/annual results in the prescribed format, are published within 48 hours in any prominent daily newspaper, such as Business Standard (English and Hindi). All vital information of the Company’s performance, including Financial Results, Annual Reports of the last three years and Shareholding Pattern have been posted on the Company’s website i.e.

(b) Websites

The Company’s website contains a separate dedicated section ‘Investor Relations’ where shareholders’ information is available. The Company’s Annual Report is also available in a user-friendly and downloadable form.

(c) News Releases, Presentations, among others

Official news releases and official media releases etc. are displayed on the Company’s website i.e.

(d) Presentation

The Company makes financial presentations to institutional investors, mutual funds and others who have invested or intends to invest in the Company’s share capital and such presentations are available on the website of the Company.

(e) Annual Report

The Annual Report containing, inter alia, Audited Financial Statements, Directors’ Report, Auditors’ Report, Business Responsibility Report, if applicable, and other important information is circulated to members and others entitled thereto. The Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Report forms part of the Annual Report and is displayed on the Company’s website i.e.

(f) Stock Exchanges

The Company makes timely disclosures of necessary information to BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited in terms of the Listing Regulations and other Rules and Regulations issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

(g) NSE Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS

The NEAPS is web based application designed by NSE for corporates. All periodical compliance filings like shareholding pattern, corporate governance report, results and other requirement of Listing Regulations, media releases, among others are filed electronically on NEAPS, by the Company.

(h) BSE Corporate Compliance & Listing Center (“Listing Centre”)

BSE Listing Centre is web based application designed for corporates. All periodical compliance filings like Shareholding Pattern, Corporate Governance Report, results, media releases, among others are also filed electronically on the Listing Centre by the Company

(i) SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES)

The investor complaints are processed in a centralized web-based complaints redress system. The salient features of this system are: Centralized database of all complaints, online upload of Action taken Reports (ATRs) by concerned Companies and online viewing by investors of actions taken on the complaint and current status.

(j) Reminders to Investors

Reminders to shareholders for claiming returned undelivered share certificates, unclaimed dividend and transfer of shares thereto, email registration, are regularly communicated and dispatched.

(k) Designated Exclusive E-mail Id:

The Company has designated the following email ids exclusively for investor servicing:


Company Registration details

The Company is registered with the Registrar of Companies, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) allotted to the Company by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) is L19129UP1979PLC004821.

Registered Office

14/6, Civil lines, Kanpur-208001

Corporate Office

A-7, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110044

Locations of the Company
1 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Magarwara, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-1 & Tannery Division
2 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Sahjani, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-2)
3 Plot No. C-4, 5, 36 & 37, Sector-59, Noida-201 303 (Unit-3)
4 UPSIDC Industrial Area , Site II, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-5)
5 Plot No. 1A, Ecotech-1, Extn. 1, Greater Noida – 201 303 (Unit-6)
6 Plot No. 18-19, Nand Nagar Industrial Estate Phase-1 Mahuakhera Ganj, Kashipur (Uttrakhand) (Unit-8, 9)
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Ms. Priyanka Pahuja

Annual General Meeting

The forty first Annual General Meeting of the Company is scheduled to be on Friday, 18th December, 2020 at Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 at 11:00 A.M.

Financial Calendar

The Company follows April to March as its Financial Year. The results for every quarter, beginning from April, will be declared within 45 days of the end of quarter, except for the last quarter, which will be submitted, along with the annual audited results within 60 days of the end of the last quarter, as permitted under the Listing Regulations.

Listing on Stock Exchanges

The Stock Exchanges, at which the Company’s equity shares are listed, and the respective stock codes are:

National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE): MIRZAINT
Exchange Plaza,
5th Floor, Plot No. C/1, G Block,
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai – 400 051,
Maharashtra, India

BSE Limited (BSE): 526642
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Mumbai – 400 001,
Maharashtra, India

International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the Company’s equity shares, having face value of ₹ 2 each, is INE771A01026.

Listing fees for the Financial Year 2020-21 have been paid to the Stock Exchanges.

Registrar and Share Transfer Agent

M/s. KFin Technologies Private Limited is the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company. The contact details of the RTA are:
KFin Technologies Private Limited
Selenium Tower B, Plot no. 31-32
Gachibowli Financial District,
Nanakaramguda, Hyderabad-500 032
Tel: + 91-40-67162222
Fax: + 91-040-23001153

Share Transfer System

Transfers of equity shares in electronic form are done through the depositories with no involvement of the Company. Transfer of equity shares in physical form are processed by our Registrar and Share Transfer Agent i.e. KFin Technologies Private Limited, Hyderabad within 10 to 12 working days from the date of receipt, provided the documents are complete in all respects. The Directors and certain officials of the Company are authorised by the Board severally to approve transfers, which are noted at subsequent Board Meetings.

Market Price Data

The details of monthly High Low Price(s) of Shares of the Company on National Stock Exchange and monthly High Low Index of NIFTY are as given below

National Stock Exchange NIFTY INDEX
Month High Low High Low
April' 19 60.60 54.00 11856.15 11549.10
May' 19 63.95 49.55 12041.15 11108.30
June' 19 68.90 54.05 12103.05 11625.10
July' 19 68.80 58.00 11981.75 10999.40
August' 19 64.50 52.95 11181.45 10637.15
September' 19 67.80 52.10 11694.85 10670.25
October' 19 64.90 52.75 11945.00 11090.15
November' 19 63.70 55.05 12158.80 11802.65
December' 19 60.70 53.10 12293.90 11832.30
January' 20 72.00 55.10 12430.50 11929.60
February' 20 65.40 51.60 12246.70 11175.05
March' 20 57.25 27.25 11433.00 7511.10

The details of monthly High Low Price(s) of Shares of the Company on Bombay Stock Exchange and monthly High Low BSE Sensex are as given below:

Bombay Stock Exchange BSE Sensex
Month High Low High Low
April' 19 60.25 54.05 39487.45 38460.25
May' 19 63.60 49.70 40124.96 36956.10
June' 19 68.75 53.60 40312.07 38870.96
July' 19 68.70 57.95 40032.41 37128.26
August' 19 66.00 53.00 37807.55 36102.35
September' 19 67.65 52.10 39441.12 35987.80
October' 19 64.45 51.50 40392.22 37415.83
November' 19 63.60 55.10 41163.79 40014.23
December' 19 61.00 53.30 41809.96 40135.37
January' 20 71.80 55.25 42273.87 40476.55
February' 20 65.30 54.30 41709.30 38219.97
March' 20 57.20 27.35 39083.17 25638.90
Distribution Schedule as on 31st March, 2020
Category No. of Cases % of Cases Amount % Amount
1-5000 40687 96.47 24365110.002 10.13
5001- 10000 793 1.88 5826490.00 2.42
10001 - 20000 340 0.81 4957004.00 2.06
20001 - 30000 125 0.30 3032334.00 1.26
30001 - 40000 79 0.19 2833330.00 1.18
40001 - 50000 25 0.06 1149212.00 0.48
50001 - 100000 69 0.16 4879212.00 2.03
100001 & above 58 0.14 193569308.00 80.45
Total 42176 100.00 240612000.00 100
Category of Shareholders as on 31st March, 2020
Category Cases Shares % of holding
Mutual Funds 3 33100 0.03
Trusts 1 500 0.00
Resident Individuals 40127 26754350 22.24
Promoters 14 84724473 70.42
Non Resident Indians 547 1413194 1.17
Clearing Members 80 170019 0.14
Indian Financial Institutions 1 90180 0.07
Foreign Portfolio Investors 2 77308 0.06
Banks 3 42505 0.04
Non Resident Indian Non Repatriable 212 1484598 1.23
Bodies Corporates 287 4301459 3.58
NBFC 1 7000 0.01
I E P F 1 395859 0.33
H U F 897 811455 0.67
Total 42176 120306000 100.00
Dematerialisation of Shares and Liquidity

The break-up of 12,03,06,000 equity shares held in Physical and Dematerialised form as on 31st March, 2020 is given below:

Particulars No. of shares Percentage
Physical Segment 520095 0.43
Demat Segment
NSDL 107346455 89.23
CDSL 12439450 10.34
Total 120306000 100
Outstanding GDRs /ADRs / Warrants or any Convertible Instruments Conversion Date and likely impact On Equity

The Company does not have any outstanding GDRs/ADRs/Warrants/Convertible instruments as on 31st March, 2020.

Commodity Price Risk or Foreign Exchange Risk and Hedging Activities

Company use Forward Contracts for hedging the risk.

Details of Shareholders Suspense Account
Particulars Demat Physical
Number of Shareholders Number of Equity Shares Number of Shareholders (phase wise transfers) Number of Equity Shares
Aggregate Number of Shareholders and outstanding shares in the Suspense Account lying as on April 1, 2019 0 0 13 26000
Number of Shareholders who approached the Company for transfer of shares 0 0 0 0
Number of shares transferred from Suspense Account during the year 0 0 0 0
Number of shareholders and aggregate no. of shares transferred to the Unclaimed Suspense Account during the year 0 0 0 0
Number of shares transferred to IEPF Authority during the year 50 7453 18 21000
Aggregate No of shareholders and the Outstanding Shares in the Suspense Account lying as March 31, 20 0 0 13 26000

Note: Voting Rights on these Shares shall remain frozen till the rightful owner of such shares claims the shares.

Credit Ratings

The Company has obtained the following credit ratings during the financial year:

S.No. Name of rating Agency Instrument Type Rating Revision, if any
1. CRISIL Limited Fund based-Long Term A-/ Stable Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Negative” to “Stable”
Fund based-Short Term A2+ Rating reaffirmed
2. ICRA Limited Fund based-Long Term A- Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Stable” to “Negative”
Fund based-Working Capital facilities A- Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Stable” to “Negative”
Non-fund based- Working Capital Facilities A2+ Rating reaffirmed



No strictures/penalties were imposed on the Company by Stock Exchanges or SEBI or any statutory authority, or any matter related to capital markets during the last three years.

Proceeds from Public Issues, Right Issues, Preferential Issues

During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Company did not raise capital through public, rights and/or preferential issue.

Subsidiary Companies

During the year under review, the Company has no material subsidiaries.

Vigil Mechanism (Whistle Blower) Policy

The Company has put in place a mechanism for reporting illegal, unethical behaviour, malpractice, impropriety, abuse, insider trading or wrongdoing. The Company has a Vigil Mechanism (Whistle Blower) Policy under which the employees are free to report violations of applicable laws and regulations and the Code of Conduct. The email Id where employees can post their complaints / observations is “”. During the year under review, no employee was denied access to Audit Committee.

Adoption of Mandatory and Non – Mandatory Requirements of Listing Regulations

The Company has complied with all mandatory requirements of Listing Regulations. The Company has adopted following non-mandatory requirements of the Listing Regulations:

Audit Qualification

The Company is in the regime of Unqualified Financial Statements

Reporting of Internal Auditor

The Internal Auditor directly reports to the Audit Committee

Certificate from a Company Secretary in Practice

The certificate from a Company Secretary in Practice, stating that none of the Directors on the Board of the Company have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India / Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such statutory authority, is enclosed to this Report.

Deviations, if any, of mandatory recommendations by the Committees to the Board of Directors

During the year, there was no instance wherein the Board of Directors of the Company did not accept any recommendation of the Committees.

Details of total fees paid to Statutory Auditor

The details of total fees for all services paid by the Company for the Financial Year 2019-20, to the Statutory Auditor and all entities in the network firm / network entity of which the Statutory Auditor is a part, are as follows

(Amount in ₹)
S.No. Nature of Services Amount
1. Statutory Audit Fee 1619700
Total 1619700
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

The disclosures in relation to Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 are mentioned in the Directors’ Report which form part of this Annual Report


The Certificate, as required under Regulation 17 (8) of the Listing Regulations, duly signed by the Chairman and Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, was placed before the Board, and the same is enclosed to this Report and forms part of the Annual Report.


As required under Listing Regulations, M/s. K.N. Shridhar & Associates, Company Secretaries, the Company’s Secretarial Auditors, have verified the compliances of the Corporate Governance by the Company. We have obtained a Certificate affirming the compliance from M/s. K.N. Shridhar & Associates, Company Secretaries, and the same is enclosed to this Report and forms a part of the Annual Report.

Declaration by Chairman and Managing Director under Listing Regulations regarding adherence to the Code of Conduct

In accordance with Listing Regulations, I hereby confirm that all the Directors and the Senior Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with their respective Code of Conduct, as applicable to them, for the year ended 31st March 2020.

Place: Dubai
Date: 10th November,2020
For Mirza International Limited
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Chairman and Managing Director


(Pursuant to Regulation 34(3) and Schedule V Para C clause (10)(i) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015)

The Members of
Mirza International Limited
KANPUR- 208001

We have examined the relevant registers, records, forms, returns and disclosures received from the Directors of Mirza International Limited having CIN: L19129UP1979PLC004821 and having registered office at 14/6, Civil Lines, Kanpur-208001 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company'), produced before us by the Company for the purpose of issuing this Certificate, in accordance with Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V Para-C Sub clause 10(i) of the Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the verifications (including Directors Identification Number (DIN) status at the portal ( as considered necessary and explanations furnished to us by the Company and its officers, we hereby certify that none of the Directors on the Board of the Company as stated below for the Financial Year ending on 31st March, 2020 have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, or any such other Statutory Authority.

S.No. Name of Director DIN Date of appointment
1. Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza 00049009 05/09/1979
2. Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza 00048990 06/09/1979
3. Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza 00049037 06/09/1989
4. Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza 00049066 01/01/1997
5. Mr. Shuja Mirza 01453110 01/06/2019
6. Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya 00049196 01/04/1997
7. Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus 00051645 08/07/1994
8. Dr. Yashvir Singh 00049360 08/07/1994
9. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain 00189602 30/07/2008
10. Mr. Sanjiv Gupta 02240256 12/11/2019
11. Ms. Saumya Srivastava 08206547 09/08/2019
12. Mr. Sanjay Bhalla 00699901 09/08/2019

Ensuring the eligibility for the appointment / continuity of every Director on the Board is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these based on our verification. This certificate is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor of the efficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

Place: Kanpur
Date: 27th October, 2020
For K.N. Shridhar & Associates
Company Secretaries
K.N. Shridhar
FCS- 3882


The Board of Directors
We hereby certify that

  1. We have reviewed financial statements and cash flow statement of Mirza International Limited (‘the Company’) for the quarter and year ended 31st March 2020 and that to the best of our knowledge and belief:
    1. these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading;
    2. These statements together present a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.
  2. There are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the Company during the above said period which are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the Company’s Code of Conduct.
  3. We accept the responsibility of establishing and maintaining internal controls for financial reporting and that we have evaluated the effectiveness of the internal control systems of the Company pertaining to financial reporting and we have disclosed to the Auditors and the Audit Committee deficiencies in the design or operation of such internal controls, if any, of which we are aware and the steps we have taken or propose to take to rectify these deficiencies.
  4. We have indicated to the Auditors and the Audit Committee:
    1. significant changes in internal control over financial reporting during the above said period;
    2. significant changes in accounting policies during the above said period and that the same have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements; and
    3. instances of significant fraud, of which we have become aware and the involvement therein, if any, of the management or an employee having a significant role in the Company’s internal control system over financial reporting.
Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Chairman and Managing Director
Place: Dubai
Date: 10th November, 2020
V.T. Cherian

Chief Financial Officer

Place: New Delhi


The Members of
Mirza International Limited

1. We have examined the compliance of the conditions of corporate governance by Mirza International Limited (“the Company”) for the year ended 31st March, 2020 as stipulated in Regulations 17 to 27, clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation 46(2) and paragraphs C and D of Schedule V of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended (“Listing Regulations”).

Management’s Responsibility

2. The compliance of conditions of corporate governance is the responsibility of the management of the Company. This responsibility includes the designing, implementing and operating effectiveness of internal control to ensure compliance with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the Listing Regulations.

Our Responsibility

3. Our responsibility is limited to examining the procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring compliance with the conditions of the Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.

4. We have examined the relevant records and documents maintained by the Company for the purposes of providing reasonable assurance on the compliance with Corporate Governance requirements by the Company.


5. Based on our examination of the relevant records and according to the information and explanations provided to us and the representations provided by the Management, we certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in Regulations 17 to 27 and clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation 46(2) and para C and D of Schedule V of the Listing Regulations during the year ended 31st March, 2020

6. We state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which the Management has conducted the affairs of the company.

Place: Kanpur
Date: 27th October, 2020
For K.N. Shridhar & Associates
Company Secretaries
K.N. Shridhar
FCS No.- 3882
COP No.- 2612


Pursuant to Regulation 34 read with Schedule V of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”), the Directors present the Report on Corporate Governance of the Company as follows:


Mirza International limited defines Corporate Governance as an ethically driven business process that is committed to values aimed at enhancing an organisation’s brand and reputation. The Company has a strong legacy of fair, transparent and ethical governance practices and it believes that good Corporate Governance is essential for achieving long-term corporate goals and enhancing stakeholders’ value. Good corporate governance is a synonym for sound management, transparency and disclosure, encompassing good corporate practices, procedures, standards and implicit rules which propel a company to take sound decisions, thus maximising long term shareholder value without compromising on integrity, societal obligations, environment and regulatory compliances.

In order to keep up the highest level of standards, the Company reviews its Corporate Governance practices periodically against the backdrop of the latest developments in the corporate arena, thereby endeavouring to confirm to the highest standards of Corporate Governance practices. The Company firmly believes in being transparent in all the areas of its operations and also to all the stakeholders. This is practiced through open working methods, emphasis on continuous communication, timely and complete disclosures and being transparent about its entire gamut of activities.

The Board of Directors is responsible for and committed to sound principles of Corporate Governance in the Company. This belief is reflected in our governance practices, under which we strive to maintain an effective, informed and independent Board. We are continuously nurturing and strengthening this framework through concerted and collective efforts of our people, under the guidance of our leadership team. Through this robust Corporate Governance mechanism that interlinks values, ethics and positive culture, the Company aims to achieve long-term sustainability.

2. Board of Directors

(a) Composition and Category of Board of Directors

The Company is managed and controlled by professional Board comprising of blend of Executive and Non-executive Directors with considerable professional expertise and experience which provides leadership and guidance to the management thereby enhancing Stakeholders’ value. As on 31st March, 2020, the Board of Directors of Company comprises of twelve Directors out of which six are Executive Directors and six are Non-Executive Independent Directors including one Woman Director. The composition of Board is in conformity with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) and Regulation 17 of Listing Regulations which are as follows:

Category Name of Directors
Executive Directors Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Shuja Mirza
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya
Non-Executive Independent Directors CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor*
Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal*
CA Saumya Srivastava#
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla#
Mr. Subhash Sapra&
Dr. Yashvir Singh
CA Sanjiv Gupta^

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal ceased to be Directors w.e.f. 19th September, 2019.

#CA Saumya Srivastava and Mr. Sanjay Bhalla were appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

&Mr. Subhash Sapra ceased to be Director w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^CA Sanjiv Gupta appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

As on 31st March 2020, none of the Directors on the Company’s Board was a Director in more than ten Public Companies (including seven Listed Companies), neither a Chairman of more than five Committees nor a member of more than ten Committees in all the public companies in which they are Directors. Further, all the Directors have made necessary disclosures regarding their Directorship and Chairmanship/Committee Membership in other Companies as per the requirement of Listing Regulations, Act and other applicable provisions, if any.

No Director is related to other Director on the Board except Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza, Managing Director of the Company, Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza, Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza and Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza, Whole Time Directors of the Company (Brothers) and Mr. Shuja Mirza, Whole Time Director of the Company (Son of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza).

The Appointment/re-appointment of the Managing Director, Whole Time Directors and Non-Executive Directors including the tenure of their appointment/re-appointment and terms of their remuneration, are approved by the members at their General Meetings or through the process of Postal Ballot.

(b) Number of Board Meetings

Four Board Meetings were held during the Financial Year 2019-2020 and the maximum time gap between any two consecutive meetings did not exceed one hundred and twenty days. The dates, on which the Board meetings were held, are as follows:

30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020.

The Agenda, along with the supporting documents, explanatory notes and information, as enumerated under Listing Regulations, are made available to the Board along with the notice of respective meetings in advance in order to enable them to make value addition and discharge their duties diligently during the meetings. The Board periodically reviews compliance reports of all laws applicable to the Company. The Company undertakes steps to rectify instances of non-compliance, if any.

(c) Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings, Annual General Meeting and number of Directorship(s) and Chairmanship(s) / Membership(s) of Committees of each Director in other Companies:

The names and categories of the Directors on the Board, along with their attendance at the Board Meetings held during the year ended 31st March 2020, and at the last Annual General Meeting, and the number of other Directorships and Chairmanships/Memberships of Committees held by them, are given below:

Name of Directors No. of Board Meetings attended during the year Whether attended the Last AGM Number of Directorships and Committee Memberships /Chairmanships in other Companies as on 31/03/2020
Directorships Committee Memberships Committee Chairmanships
Executive Directors
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza (Managing Director, Promoter) 3 No - - -
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 Yes - - -
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 No - - -
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 Yes 1 - -
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhayaya (Whole Time Director) 3 Yes - - -
Mr. Shuja Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter Group) 3 Yes - - -
Non-Executive Directors
CA. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Independent Director) 4 Yes - - -
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Independent Director) 3 Yes - - -
Dr. Yashvir Singh (Independent Director) 4 No - - -
CA Saumya Srivastava* (Independent Director) 2 Yes - - -
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla* (Independent Director) 2 No - - -
CA Sanjiv Gupta# (Independent Director) 1 No - - -
Mr. Subhash Sapra& (Independent Director) 2 Yes - - -
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor^ (Independent Director) 1 NA - - -
Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal^ (Independent Director) 0 NA - - -

*Appointed w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

#Appointed w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

&Resigned w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^Ceased to be Directors w.e.f 19th September, 2019.


1. Non-Executive Directors do not hold any share in the Company as on 31st March, 2020 and the Company has not issued any convertible instruments.

2. This includes Directorship in public limited companies (including subsidiaries of public limited companies) and excludes Directorship in this Company, associations, private, foreign and Section 8 companies.

3. Represents Chairmanships/Memberships of Audit Committee and Stakeholders Relationship (Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievance) Committee. This includes Chairmanships/Memberships in Public Limited Companies (including subsidiaries of public limited companies) and excludes Chairmanships/ Memberships in this Company, private, foreign and Section 8 companies.

(d) Familiarisation Programme of Independent Directors

Independent Directors of the Company are eminent personalities having wide experience in the fields of Finance, Education, Industry, Commerce and Administration. Their presence on the Board has been advantageous and fruitful in taking business decisions. As per Regulation 25 (7) of Listing Regulations, the Company shall provide suitable training to the Independent Directors to familiarise them with the Company, their roles, rights, responsibilities, nature of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the Company and any other relevant information, if any. The details of such training imparted are also required to be disclosed in the Annual Report.

The details of programmes conducted for familiarization of Independent Directors with the Company, nature of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the Company and related matters are put up on the website of the Company at the link:

(e) Core Skills/Expertise/Competencies of Directors

The existing Board of Directors of the Company comprises of appropriate skills/expertise/competencies in diversified domains for its effective functioning. Further, the Board has identified the skills/expertise/ competencies of each Director in accordance with their rich and varied experience across different sectors, in the following manner:

Area of Expertises Name of Directors
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Mr. Shuja Mirza Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus Dr. Yashvir Singh CA Saumya Srivastava Mr. Sanjay Bhalla CA Sanjiv Gupta
Strategy - - - - - -
Business Administration & Management -
Corporate Governance
Manufacturing - - - - - - -
Sales & Marketing - - - - - - -
Community Services - - -
Business Development - - -
Finance & Legal - - - - -
Global Vision - - - - - - -

Independent Directors are Non-Executive Directors as defined under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the Listing Regulations and Section 149(6) of the Act. The maximum tenure of independent directors is in compliance with the Act. Till the date of this report, all the Independent Directors have confirmed that they meet the criteria of independence as mentioned under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the SEBI Listing Regulations and Section 149(6) of the Act.

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, Mr. Subhash Sapra has resigned from the office of Independent Director of the Company w.e.f. 12th November, 2019 due to his health issues and incapability in attending the Board Meetings. Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Ms. Vinita Kejriwal ceased to be Independent Directors of the Company subsequent upon their retirement due to completion of the tenure as Independent Directors w.e.f. 19th September, 2019.


The Company has constituted the following committees for the smooth functioning of the Board:

  • Audit Committee
  • Nomination and Remuneration Committee
  • Stakeholders Relationship Committee
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

The composition of all Board Committees is in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations.

The Company’s guidelines relating to Board Meeting are applicable to Committee Meetings. Each Committee has the authority to engage outside experts, advisers and counsels to the extent it considers appropriate to assist in its function. The minutes of proceedings of Committee Meetings are circulated to the respective committee members and placed before Board Meetings for discussion/noting.

Detail of the composition, number of meetings held during the year, attendance of members and scope of the committees are as below:

(a) Audit Committee

The Audit Committee of the Company comprises of four Non-Executive Independent Directors. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain, a Chartered Accountant is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 177 of the Act read with Regulation 18 of the Listing Regulations. The representatives of Statutory Auditors, Executives from Accounts Department, Finance Department and Internal Audit Department are invited to the meetings of the Committee, as and when required. The Internal Auditor reports directly to the Committee. The Company Secretary acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Audit Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020. The Chairman of the Audit Committee attended the Annual General Meeting of the Company

The following table summarises attendance details of Audit Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Chairman)Non Executive, Independent Director 4
CA Saumya Srivastava# (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 2
CA Sanjiv Gupta& (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 1
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 3
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 1
Mr. Subhash Sapra* (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 2

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Mr. Subhash Sapra ceased to be the member of the Committee subsequent to their retirement/resignation from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020 and 12th November, 2020 respectively.

#CA Saumya Srivastava was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to her appointment on the Board.

&CA Sanjiv Gupta was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 12th November, 2019 subsequent to his appointment on the Board.

All the members of Audit Committee have the requisite qualification for appointment in the Committee and possess sound knowledge of finance, accounting practices and internal controls.

Scope of the Audit Committee

The Audit Committee, inter alia, supports the Board to ensure an effective internal control environment. The Committee discharges such duties and functions with powers generally indicated in Listing Regulations.

The scope of the Audit Committee is as follows:

Powers of Audit Committee
  1. To investigate any activity within its terms of reference.
  2. To seek information from any employee.
  3. To obtain outside legal or other professional advice.
  4. To secure attendance of outsiders with relevant expertise, if it considers necessary.
Terms of Reference
  • Oversight of the Company’s financial reporting process and disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible;
  • Recommendation for appointment, remuneration and terms of appointment of auditors of the Company;
  • Approval of payment to Statutory Auditors for any other services rendered by the Statutory Auditors;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the Annual Financial Statements and Auditor's Report thereon before submission to the Board for approval, with particular reference to:
    • Matters required to be included in the Director’s Responsibility Statement to be included in the Board’s Report in terms of clause (c) of sub-section (3) of Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013;
    • Changes, if any, in accounting policies and practices and reasons for the same;
    • Major accounting entries involving estimates based on the exercise of judgment by management;
    • Significant adjustments made in the financial statements arising out of audit findings;
    • Compliance with listing and other legal requirements relating to financial statements;
    • Disclosure of any Related Party Transactions; and
    • Qualifications in Draft Audit Report
  • Reviewing, with the management, the quarterly financial statements before submission to the Board for approval;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the statement of uses / application of funds raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferential issue, etc.), the statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document / prospectus / notice and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board to take up steps in this matter;
  • Reviewing and monitoring the auditor’s independence and performance, and effectiveness of audit process;
  • Approval or any subsequent modification of transactions of the Company with Related Parties;
  • Scrutiny of inter-corporate loans and investments;
  • Valuation of undertakings or assets of the listed entity, wherever it is necessary;
  • Evaluation of Internal Financial Controls and Risk Management Systems;
  • Reviewing, with the management, performance of Statutory and Internal Auditors, adequacy of the Internal Control Systems;
  • Reviewing the adequacy of Internal Audit Function, if any, including the structure of the Internal Audit Department, staffing and seniority of the official heading the department, reporting structure coverage and frequency of Internal Audit;
  • Discussion with Statutory Auditors before the audit commences, about the nature and scope of audit as well as post-audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern;
  • Reviewing reports of internal audit and discussing with Internal Auditors on any significant findings of any internal investigations by the Internal Auditors and the executive management’s response on matters and follow-up thereon;
  • Reviewing reports of Cost audit, if any, and discussion with Cost Auditors on any significant findings by them;
  • Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the Internal Auditors into matters where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the matter to the Board;
  • Looking into the reasons for substantial defaults in the payment to the Depositors, Debenture Holders, Shareholders (in case of non-payment of declared dividends) and creditors;
  • Reviewing the functioning of the Whistle Blower Mechanism
  • Approval of appointment of Chief Financial Officer after assessing the Qualifications, experience and background, etc. of the candidate;
  • Recommending to the Board, the appointment and fixation of remuneration of Cost Auditors, if applicable;
  • Evaluating Internal Financial Controls and Risk Management Systems and reviewing the Company’s financial and risk management policies;
  • Reviewing the Management Discussion and Analysis of financial condition and results of operations;
  • Reviewing the statement of significant Related Party Transactions (as defined by the Audit Committee), submitted by management;
  • Reviewing the Management Letters / letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the Statutory Auditors;
  • Reviewing the Internal Audit Reports relating to internal control weaknesses
  • Reviewing compliance with the provisions of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time, and verify that the systems for internal controls are adequate and are operating effectively; and
  • Reviewing the utilisation of loans and/or advances from/investment by the Company in its subsidiary companies exceeding ₹100 crore or 10% of the asset size of the subsidiary, whichever is lower.
  • Recommending to the Board, the appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of Chief Internal Auditor
  • Reviewing the statement of deviations as follows
    • quarterly statement of deviation(s) including report of monitoring agency, if applicable, submitted to stock exchange(s) in terms of Regulation 32(1).
    • annual statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice in terms of Regulation 32(7).
(b) Nomination and Remuneration Committee:

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company comprises of four Non-Executive Independent Directors. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain, a Chartered Accountant is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 178 of the Act read with Regulation 19 of the Listing Regulations. The Company Secretary of the Company acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020.

The following table summarises attendance details of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 3
Dr. Yashvir Singh (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
CA. Saumya Srivastava# (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 2
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Ex-Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 1

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor ceased to be the Chairman of the Committee subsequent to his retirement from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

#CA Saumya Srivastava was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to her appointment on the Board.

Terms of Reference

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is empowered to review and recommend to the Board of Directors, appointment/re-appointment, remuneration and commission of the Directors and Senior Management of the Company with the guidelines laid down under the statute.

The terms of reference of the Committee inter alia, includes the following:

  • Formulating the criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and independence of a Director and recommend to the Board of Directors a Policy relating to the remuneration of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees;
  • Formulating a criteria for evaluation of performance of Independent Directors and the Board of Directors;
  • Devising a Policy on diversity of Board of Directors;
  • Identifying persons who are qualified to become Directors and who may be appointed in Senior Management in accordance with the criteria laid down and recommend to the Board of Directors their appointment and removal;
  • Whether to extend or continue the term of appointment of the Independent Director, on the basis of the report of performance evaluation of Independent Directors; and
  • Recommend to the board, all remuneration, in whatever form, payable to senior management.

The Remuneration Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:

Performance evaluation criteria for Independent Directors

Pursuant to the provisions of the Act and Listing Regulations, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has laid down the Criteria for performance evaluation of the Board of Directors. The Board carries out the annual performance evaluation of its own performance, the Directors individually, Chairman as well as the evaluation of the working of its Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The performance of individual Directors including the chairman is evaluated on the parameters such as level of understanding and contribution, leadership skills, interpersonal skills, independence of judgment, safeguarding the interest of the Company and its shareholders etc. The performance evaluation of the Independent Directors is carried out by the entire Board. The performance evaluation of the Chairman and the Non-Independent Directors is carried out by the Independent Directors and the Directors expressed their satisfaction with the evaluation process.


The remuneration paid to the Executive Directors of the Company is decided by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee subject to the approval of shareholders, wherever required. The existing Remuneration Policy of the Company is directed towards rewarding performance, based on review of achievements on a periodical basis. The Remuneration Policy is in consonance with the existing industry practice:

(a) Non-Executive Directors

Non Executive Directors/ Independent Directors are paid sitting fees for attending the meetings of Board of Directors within the prescribed limits. The table below provides the details of the sitting fees paid to the Non-Executive Directors during the FY 2019-2020:

(Amount in ₹)
S. No Name of the Non executive Director Sitting fees*
1 CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain 40000.00
2 Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus 40000.00
3 Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor# 10000.00
4 Ms. Vinita Kejriwal# NIL**
5 CA Saumya Srivastava^ 20000.00
6 Mr. Sanjay Bhalla^ 20000.00
7 Mr. Subhash Sapra& 20000.00
8 Dr. Yashvir Singh 40000.00
9 CA Sanjiv Gupta$ 20000.00

*Sitting Fees include fees for attending a separate meeting of Independent Directors held on 21st March, 2020.

#ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

&ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^Appointed as Directors w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

$Appointed as Director w.e.f. 12th November, 20219.

**sup> Fee of Rs. 9000/- (Net of TDS) paid to Ms. Vinita Kejriwal for the meeting dated 30th May, 2019 returned unpaid on 1st September, 2019 due to non-clearance.

The Company has not issued any stock option to its Directors/Employees.

(b) Executive Directors

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee makes annual appraisal of the performance of the Executive Directors based on a detailed performance evaluation and recommends the remuneration payable to them, within the parameters approved by the shareholders, to the Board for their approval.

The table below provides the details of the remuneration paid to the Executive Directors during the FY 2019-2020:

(Amount in ₹)
Name of Directors Designation Perquisites (Rs.) Salary (Rs.) Total Remuneration (Rs.)
Mr. Irshad Mirza* Chairman(Executive) 2755483 _ 2755483
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Managing Director 707259 24000000 24707259
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 314562 20400000 20714562
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 855083 22800000 23655083
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 72866 20400000 20472866
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya Whole Time Director 58470 4260000 4318470
Mr. Shuja Mirza Whole Time Director 73786 15000000 15073786
TOTAL 4837509 106860000 111697509

*Mr. Irshad Mirza ceased to be the Director w.e.f. 30th May, 2020

Directors with materially significant, pecuniary or business relationship with the Company

The transactions with related parties are furnished in note no. 30 of Financial Statements, as stipulated under Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 24. Apart from related party transactions furnished in note no. 30, there are no transactions of material nature with Directors or their relatives and others, which may have potential conflict with the Company’s interest. The Register of Contracts required to be maintained under Section 189(1) and Rule 16(1) of the Act, containing the details of the contracts, in which the Directors are concerned or interested, is placed at the meeting of the Board of Directors for their approval and noting, on a periodical basis.

During the year, no pecuniary or business relationship existed between the Non-executive and Independent Directors and the Company

With the applicability of the Act and Listing Regulations, transactions attracting provisions of Section 188 which are in ordinary course of business and are at arm’s length have been entered into after being reviewed, scrutinized and approved by the Audit Committee and with approval of the Board. No transactions which are not in ordinary course of business and are not at arm’s length have been entered into with any related party.

The Company entered into Related Party Transaction with Euro Footwear Private Limited and Mirza (UK) Limited (related parties), which exceeded the limit prescribed under the provisions of Listing Regulations and was considered material in accordance with the policy of the Company on materiality of related party transactions. The aforesaid transaction were approved by Shareholders of the Company in the fortieth Annual General Meeting held on 19th September, 2020, by way of an ordinary resolution.

The Related Party Transactions Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:

(c) Stakeholders Relationship Committee

The Stakeholders Relationship Committee of the Company comprises of four Members, out of which three members are Non-Executive Independent Directors and one is Executive Director. Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 178 of the Act read with Regulation 20 of the Listing Regulations. The Company Secretary of the Company acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020

The following table summarises attendance details of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meeting Attended
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla# (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 2
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza (Member) Executive Director, Promoter 4
CA. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Member)Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Ex-Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 1

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor ceased to be the Chairman of the Committee subsequent to his retirement as Director from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

#Mr. Sanjay Bhalla was appointed as the Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to his appointment on the Board.

Scope of Stakeholders Relationship Committee

The Committee shall consider and resolve the grievances of the security holders of the Company including complaints related to transfer of shares, non-receipt of Annual Report and non-receipt of declared Dividends.

The terms of reference of the Committee inter alia, include the following:

  • Resolving the grievances of the security holders of the listed entity including complaints related to transfer/transmission of shares, non-receipt of annual report, non-receipt of declared dividends, issue of new/duplicate certificates, General Meetings etc;
  • Reviewing the measures taken for effective exercise of voting rights by shareholders;
  • Reviewing the adherence to the service standards adopted by the listed entity in respect of various services being rendered by the Registrar & Share Transfer Agent; and
  • Reviewing various measures and initiatives taken by the listed entity for reducing the quantum of unclaimed dividends and ensuring timely receipt of Dividend Warrants/Annual Reports/Statutory Notices by the shareholders of the company.

During the year under review, Company received 55 complaints all of which were resolved to the satisfaction of the shareholders

(d) Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Company comprises of three members, out of which two are Executive Directors and one being the Non-Executive Independent Director. Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 135 of the Act. The Company Secretary acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Scope of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Committee oversees the activities/functioning in identifying the area of Corporate Social Responsibility activities as specified in the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company in accordance with Schedule VII of the Act and execution of initiative as per pre-defined guidelines. The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:


Independent Directors Meeting

During the year under review, the Independent Directors met on 21st March, 2020, inter alia, to discuss:

  • Evaluation of the performance of Non-Independent Directors;
  • Evaluation of the Board of Directors as a whole;
  • Evaluation of the performance of the Chairman of the Company, taking into account the view of the Executive and Non-executive Directors; and
  • The quality, quantity and timelines of flow of information between the Company’s management and the Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform their duties.


The last three Annual General Meetings were held as under:

Financial Year Date Venue Time
2016-17 28.09.2017 Auditorium of Council for Leather Exports, HBTI Campus, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M
2017-18 26.09.2018 Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M
2018-19 19.09.2019 Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M.
Details of Special Resolutions passed in the last three Annual General Meetings is given hereunder:
Date of Annual General Meeting No. of Special Resolutions passed Particulars
28th September, 2017 8 1. Re-appointment of Mr. Irshad Mirza as Chairman of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

2. Re-appointment of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza as Managing Director of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

3. Re-appointment of Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

4. Re-appointment of Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

5. Re-appointment of Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

6. Re-appointment of Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

7. Re-appointment of Mr. Shuja Mirza as President (Marketing) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

8. Re-appointment of Mr. Faraz Mirza as President (Production) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017
26th September, 2018 0 No Special Resolution was passed in the Annual General Meeting held on 26th September, 2018
19th September, 2019 11 1. Re-appointment of Dr. Yashvir Singh (DIN: 00049360) as an Independent Director

2. Re-appointment of Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (DIN: 00051645) as an Independent Director

3. Re-appointment of CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain (DIN: 00189602) as an Independent Director

4. Re-appointment of Mr. Subhash Sapra (DIN: 00049243) as an Independent Director

5. Appointment of Mr. Shuja Mirza (DIN: 01453110) as Whole-time Director

6. Approval for increase in the Borrowing Power of the Company

7. Approval for creation of mortgages and /or charges in addition to the existing mortgage(s) / charge(s) created by the Company

8. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya (DIN:00049196) as Whole Time Director

9. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (DIN: 00051645) as Non-Executive Director

10. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Subhash Sapra (DIN: 00049243) as Non- Executive Director

11. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor (DIN: 00058126) as Non- Executive Director
Extra Ordinary General Meeting

During the financial year 2019-20, no Extra Ordinary General Meeting was held.

Postal Ballot

During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Company did not pass any resolution through Postal Ballot process. As on the date of this Report, no special resolution is proposed to be passed through postal ballot.


(a) Publications of Quarterly Results

The Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Results are submitted to the Stock Exchange(s) in accordance with the Listing Regulations. Further, the quarterly/half yearly/annual results in the prescribed format, are published within 48 hours in any prominent daily newspaper, such as Business Standard (English and Hindi). All vital information of the Company’s performance, including Financial Results, Annual Reports of the last three years and Shareholding Pattern have been posted on the Company’s website i.e.

(b) Websites

The Company’s website contains a separate dedicated section ‘Investor Relations’ where shareholders’ information is available. The Company’s Annual Report is also available in a user-friendly and downloadable form.

(c) News Releases, Presentations, among others

Official news releases and official media releases etc. are displayed on the Company’s website i.e.

(d) Presentation

The Company makes financial presentations to institutional investors, mutual funds and others who have invested or intends to invest in the Company’s share capital and such presentations are available on the website of the Company.

(e) Annual Report

The Annual Report containing, inter alia, Audited Financial Statements, Directors’ Report, Auditors’ Report, Business Responsibility Report, if applicable, and other important information is circulated to members and others entitled thereto. The Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Report forms part of the Annual Report and is displayed on the Company’s website i.e.

(f) Stock Exchanges

The Company makes timely disclosures of necessary information to BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited in terms of the Listing Regulations and other Rules and Regulations issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

(g) NSE Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS

The NEAPS is web based application designed by NSE for corporates. All periodical compliance filings like shareholding pattern, corporate governance report, results and other requirement of Listing Regulations, media releases, among others are filed electronically on NEAPS, by the Company.

(h) BSE Corporate Compliance & Listing Center (“Listing Centre”)

BSE Listing Centre is web based application designed for corporates. All periodical compliance filings like Shareholding Pattern, Corporate Governance Report, results, media releases, among others are also filed electronically on the Listing Centre by the Company

(i) SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES)

The investor complaints are processed in a centralized web-based complaints redress system. The salient features of this system are: Centralized database of all complaints, online upload of Action taken Reports (ATRs) by concerned Companies and online viewing by investors of actions taken on the complaint and current status.

(j) Reminders to Investors

Reminders to shareholders for claiming returned undelivered share certificates, unclaimed dividend and transfer of shares thereto, email registration, are regularly communicated and dispatched.

(k) Designated Exclusive E-mail Id:

The Company has designated the following email ids exclusively for investor servicing:


Company Registration details

The Company is registered with the Registrar of Companies, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) allotted to the Company by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) is L19129UP1979PLC004821.

Registered Office

14/6, Civil lines, Kanpur-208001

Corporate Office

A-7, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110044

Locations of the Company
1 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Magarwara, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-1 & Tannery Division
2 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Sahjani, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-2)
3 Plot No. C-4, 5, 36 & 37, Sector-59, Noida-201 303 (Unit-3)
4 UPSIDC Industrial Area , Site II, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-5)
5 Plot No. 1A, Ecotech-1, Extn. 1, Greater Noida – 201 303 (Unit-6)
6 Plot No. 18-19, Nand Nagar Industrial Estate Phase-1 Mahuakhera Ganj, Kashipur (Uttrakhand) (Unit-8, 9)
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Ms. Priyanka Pahuja

Annual General Meeting

The forty first Annual General Meeting of the Company is scheduled to be on Friday, 18th December, 2020 at Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 at 11:00 A.M.

Financial Calendar

The Company follows April to March as its Financial Year. The results for every quarter, beginning from April, will be declared within 45 days of the end of quarter, except for the last quarter, which will be submitted, along with the annual audited results within 60 days of the end of the last quarter, as permitted under the Listing Regulations.

Listing on Stock Exchanges

The Stock Exchanges, at which the Company’s equity shares are listed, and the respective stock codes are:

National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE): MIRZAINT
Exchange Plaza,
5th Floor, Plot No. C/1, G Block,
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai – 400 051,
Maharashtra, India

BSE Limited (BSE): 526642
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Mumbai – 400 001,
Maharashtra, India

International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the Company’s equity shares, having face value of ₹ 2 each, is INE771A01026.

Listing fees for the Financial Year 2020-21 have been paid to the Stock Exchanges.

Registrar and Share Transfer Agent

M/s. KFin Technologies Private Limited is the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company. The contact details of the RTA are:
KFin Technologies Private Limited
Selenium Tower B, Plot no. 31-32
Gachibowli Financial District,
Nanakaramguda, Hyderabad-500 032
Tel: + 91-40-67162222
Fax: + 91-040-23001153

Share Transfer System

Transfers of equity shares in electronic form are done through the depositories with no involvement of the Company. Transfer of equity shares in physical form are processed by our Registrar and Share Transfer Agent i.e. KFin Technologies Private Limited, Hyderabad within 10 to 12 working days from the date of receipt, provided the documents are complete in all respects. The Directors and certain officials of the Company are authorised by the Board severally to approve transfers, which are noted at subsequent Board Meetings.

Market Price Data

The details of monthly High Low Price(s) of Shares of the Company on National Stock Exchange and monthly High Low Index of NIFTY are as given below

National Stock Exchange NIFTY INDEX
Month High Low High Low
April' 19 60.60 54.00 11856.15 11549.10
May' 19 63.95 49.55 12041.15 11108.30
June' 19 68.90 54.05 12103.05 11625.10
July' 19 68.80 58.00 11981.75 10999.40
August' 19 64.50 52.95 11181.45 10637.15
September' 19 67.80 52.10 11694.85 10670.25
October' 19 64.90 52.75 11945.00 11090.15
November' 19 63.70 55.05 12158.80 11802.65
December' 19 60.70 53.10 12293.90 11832.30
January' 20 72.00 55.10 12430.50 11929.60
February' 20 65.40 51.60 12246.70 11175.05
March' 20 57.25 27.25 11433.00 7511.10

The details of monthly High Low Price(s) of Shares of the Company on Bombay Stock Exchange and monthly High Low BSE Sensex are as given below:

Bombay Stock Exchange BSE Sensex
Month High Low High Low
April' 19 60.25 54.05 39487.45 38460.25
May' 19 63.60 49.70 40124.96 36956.10
June' 19 68.75 53.60 40312.07 38870.96
July' 19 68.70 57.95 40032.41 37128.26
August' 19 66.00 53.00 37807.55 36102.35
September' 19 67.65 52.10 39441.12 35987.80
October' 19 64.45 51.50 40392.22 37415.83
November' 19 63.60 55.10 41163.79 40014.23
December' 19 61.00 53.30 41809.96 40135.37
January' 20 71.80 55.25 42273.87 40476.55
February' 20 65.30 54.30 41709.30 38219.97
March' 20 57.20 27.35 39083.17 25638.90
Distribution Schedule as on 31st March, 2020
Category No. of Cases % of Cases Amount % Amount
1-5000 40687 96.47 24365110.002 10.13
5001- 10000 793 1.88 5826490.00 2.42
10001 - 20000 340 0.81 4957004.00 2.06
20001 - 30000 125 0.30 3032334.00 1.26
30001 - 40000 79 0.19 2833330.00 1.18
40001 - 50000 25 0.06 1149212.00 0.48
50001 - 100000 69 0.16 4879212.00 2.03
100001 & above 58 0.14 193569308.00 80.45
Total 42176 100.00 240612000.00 100
Category of Shareholders as on 31st March, 2020
Category Cases Shares % of holding
Mutual Funds 3 33100 0.03
Trusts 1 500 0.00
Resident Individuals 40127 26754350 22.24
Promoters 14 84724473 70.42
Non Resident Indians 547 1413194 1.17
Clearing Members 80 170019 0.14
Indian Financial Institutions 1 90180 0.07
Foreign Portfolio Investors 2 77308 0.06
Banks 3 42505 0.04
Non Resident Indian Non Repatriable 212 1484598 1.23
Bodies Corporates 287 4301459 3.58
NBFC 1 7000 0.01
I E P F 1 395859 0.33
H U F 897 811455 0.67
Total 42176 120306000 100.00
Dematerialisation of Shares and Liquidity

The break-up of 12,03,06,000 equity shares held in Physical and Dematerialised form as on 31st March, 2020 is given below:

Particulars No. of shares Percentage
Physical Segment 520095 0.43
Demat Segment
NSDL 107346455 89.23
CDSL 12439450 10.34
Total 120306000 100
Outstanding GDRs /ADRs / Warrants or any Convertible Instruments Conversion Date and likely impact On Equity

The Company does not have any outstanding GDRs/ADRs/Warrants/Convertible instruments as on 31st March, 2020.

Commodity Price Risk or Foreign Exchange Risk and Hedging Activities

Company use Forward Contracts for hedging the risk.

Details of Shareholders Suspense Account
Particulars Demat Physical
Number of Shareholders Number of Equity Shares Number of Shareholders (phase wise transfers) Number of Equity Shares
Aggregate Number of Shareholders and outstanding shares in the Suspense Account lying as on April 1, 2019 0 0 13 26000
Number of Shareholders who approached the Company for transfer of shares 0 0 0 0
Number of shares transferred from Suspense Account during the year 0 0 0 0
Number of shareholders and aggregate no. of shares transferred to the Unclaimed Suspense Account during the year 0 0 0 0
Number of shares transferred to IEPF Authority during the year 50 7453 18 21000
Aggregate No of shareholders and the Outstanding Shares in the Suspense Account lying as March 31, 20 0 0 13 26000

Note: Voting Rights on these Shares shall remain frozen till the rightful owner of such shares claims the shares.

Credit Ratings

The Company has obtained the following credit ratings during the financial year:

S.No. Name of rating Agency Instrument Type Rating Revision, if any
1. CRISIL Limited Fund based-Long Term A-/ Stable Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Negative” to “Stable”
Fund based-Short Term A2+ Rating reaffirmed
2. ICRA Limited Fund based-Long Term A- Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Stable” to “Negative”
Fund based-Working Capital facilities A- Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Stable” to “Negative”
Non-fund based- Working Capital Facilities A2+ Rating reaffirmed



No strictures/penalties were imposed on the Company by Stock Exchanges or SEBI or any statutory authority, or any matter related to capital markets during the last three years.

Proceeds from Public Issues, Right Issues, Preferential Issues

During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Company did not raise capital through public, rights and/or preferential issue.

Subsidiary Companies

During the year under review, the Company has no material subsidiaries.

Vigil Mechanism (Whistle Blower) Policy

The Company has put in place a mechanism for reporting illegal, unethical behaviour, malpractice, impropriety, abuse, insider trading or wrongdoing. The Company has a Vigil Mechanism (Whistle Blower) Policy under which the employees are free to report violations of applicable laws and regulations and the Code of Conduct. The email Id where employees can post their complaints / observations is “”. During the year under review, no employee was denied access to Audit Committee.

Adoption of Mandatory and Non – Mandatory Requirements of Listing Regulations

The Company has complied with all mandatory requirements of Listing Regulations. The Company has adopted following non-mandatory requirements of the Listing Regulations:

Audit Qualification

The Company is in the regime of Unqualified Financial Statements

Reporting of Internal Auditor

The Internal Auditor directly reports to the Audit Committee

Certificate from a Company Secretary in Practice

The certificate from a Company Secretary in Practice, stating that none of the Directors on the Board of the Company have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India / Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such statutory authority, is enclosed to this Report.

Deviations, if any, of mandatory recommendations by the Committees to the Board of Directors

During the year, there was no instance wherein the Board of Directors of the Company did not accept any recommendation of the Committees.

Details of total fees paid to Statutory Auditor

The details of total fees for all services paid by the Company for the Financial Year 2019-20, to the Statutory Auditor and all entities in the network firm / network entity of which the Statutory Auditor is a part, are as follows

(Amount in ₹)
S.No. Nature of Services Amount
1. Statutory Audit Fee 1619700
Total 1619700
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

The disclosures in relation to Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 are mentioned in the Directors’ Report which form part of this Annual Report


The Certificate, as required under Regulation 17 (8) of the Listing Regulations, duly signed by the Chairman and Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, was placed before the Board, and the same is enclosed to this Report and forms part of the Annual Report.


As required under Listing Regulations, M/s. K.N. Shridhar & Associates, Company Secretaries, the Company’s Secretarial Auditors, have verified the compliances of the Corporate Governance by the Company. We have obtained a Certificate affirming the compliance from M/s. K.N. Shridhar & Associates, Company Secretaries, and the same is enclosed to this Report and forms a part of the Annual Report.

Declaration by Chairman and Managing Director under Listing Regulations regarding adherence to the Code of Conduct

In accordance with Listing Regulations, I hereby confirm that all the Directors and the Senior Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with their respective Code of Conduct, as applicable to them, for the year ended 31st March 2020.

Place: Dubai
Date: 10th November,2020
For Mirza International Limited
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Chairman and Managing Director


(Pursuant to Regulation 34(3) and Schedule V Para C clause (10)(i) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015)

The Members of
Mirza International Limited
KANPUR- 208001

We have examined the relevant registers, records, forms, returns and disclosures received from the Directors of Mirza International Limited having CIN: L19129UP1979PLC004821 and having registered office at 14/6, Civil Lines, Kanpur-208001 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company'), produced before us by the Company for the purpose of issuing this Certificate, in accordance with Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V Para-C Sub clause 10(i) of the Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the verifications (including Directors Identification Number (DIN) status at the portal ( as considered necessary and explanations furnished to us by the Company and its officers, we hereby certify that none of the Directors on the Board of the Company as stated below for the Financial Year ending on 31st March, 2020 have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, or any such other Statutory Authority.

S.No. Name of Director DIN Date of appointment
1. Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza 00049009 05/09/1979
2. Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza 00048990 06/09/1979
3. Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza 00049037 06/09/1989
4. Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza 00049066 01/01/1997
5. Mr. Shuja Mirza 01453110 01/06/2019
6. Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya 00049196 01/04/1997
7. Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus 00051645 08/07/1994
8. Dr. Yashvir Singh 00049360 08/07/1994
9. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain 00189602 30/07/2008
10. Mr. Sanjiv Gupta 02240256 12/11/2019
11. Ms. Saumya Srivastava 08206547 09/08/2019
12. Mr. Sanjay Bhalla 00699901 09/08/2019

Ensuring the eligibility for the appointment / continuity of every Director on the Board is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these based on our verification. This certificate is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor of the efficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

Place: Kanpur
Date: 27th October, 2020
For K.N. Shridhar & Associates
Company Secretaries
K.N. Shridhar
FCS- 3882


The Board of Directors
We hereby certify that

  1. We have reviewed financial statements and cash flow statement of Mirza International Limited (‘the Company’) for the quarter and year ended 31st March 2020 and that to the best of our knowledge and belief:
    1. these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading;
    2. These statements together present a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.
  2. There are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the Company during the above said period which are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the Company’s Code of Conduct.
  3. We accept the responsibility of establishing and maintaining internal controls for financial reporting and that we have evaluated the effectiveness of the internal control systems of the Company pertaining to financial reporting and we have disclosed to the Auditors and the Audit Committee deficiencies in the design or operation of such internal controls, if any, of which we are aware and the steps we have taken or propose to take to rectify these deficiencies.
  4. We have indicated to the Auditors and the Audit Committee:
    1. significant changes in internal control over financial reporting during the above said period;
    2. significant changes in accounting policies during the above said period and that the same have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements; and
    3. instances of significant fraud, of which we have become aware and the involvement therein, if any, of the management or an employee having a significant role in the Company’s internal control system over financial reporting.
Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Chairman and Managing Director
Place: Dubai
Date: 10th November, 2020
V.T. Cherian

Chief Financial Officer

Place: New Delhi


The Members of
Mirza International Limited

1. We have examined the compliance of the conditions of corporate governance by Mirza International Limited (“the Company”) for the year ended 31st March, 2020 as stipulated in Regulations 17 to 27, clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation 46(2) and paragraphs C and D of Schedule V of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended (“Listing Regulations”).

Management’s Responsibility

2. The compliance of conditions of corporate governance is the responsibility of the management of the Company. This responsibility includes the designing, implementing and operating effectiveness of internal control to ensure compliance with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the Listing Regulations.

Our Responsibility

3. Our responsibility is limited to examining the procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring compliance with the conditions of the Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.

4. We have examined the relevant records and documents maintained by the Company for the purposes of providing reasonable assurance on the compliance with Corporate Governance requirements by the Company.


5. Based on our examination of the relevant records and according to the information and explanations provided to us and the representations provided by the Management, we certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in Regulations 17 to 27 and clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation 46(2) and para C and D of Schedule V of the Listing Regulations during the year ended 31st March, 2020

6. We state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which the Management has conducted the affairs of the company.

Place: Kanpur
Date: 27th October, 2020
For K.N. Shridhar & Associates
Company Secretaries
K.N. Shridhar
FCS No.- 3882
COP No.- 2612


Pursuant to Regulation 34 read with Schedule V of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 a Report on Corporate Governance is as follows:


Corporate Governance is the process which help to maintain professional, transparent, ethical and perpetual business. It is a set of systems and practices to ensure that the affairs of the Company are being managed in a way which ensures accountability, transparency and fairness in all its transactions.

MIL believes that good corporate governance practices enable the management to direct and control the affairs of the company in an efficient manner and to achieve the goal of maximizing value for its stakeholders.

Corporate Governance is not a destination but a continuous journey with an upward moving target. The Company will continue its efforts towards raising its standard in Corporate Governance and will also review its system and procedures constantly in order to keep pace with the changing economic environment.


The Board of Directors has an ideal combination of Executive and Non Executive Independent Directors and is in conformity with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 17 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015

As on 31.03.2017, Board of Directors comprises of 13 Directors out of which 6 are Executive Directors and 7 are Non Executive Independent Directors including 1 Woman Director. The Chairman is Executive Director and Promoter of the Company. None of the Directors on the Board is a member in more than 10 Committees or act as a Chairman of more than 5 Committees (as specified in Regulation 26 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015), across all the Companies in which they are Director. The necessary disclosures regarding Committee Memberships/ Chairmanships have been made by the Directors. Further none of the Independent Directors serve as such in more than seven (7) Listed Companies.

The numbers of Independent Directors are 7 which are in compliance with the stipulated one half of the total number of Directors. All Independent Directors are persons of eminence and bring a wide range of expertise and experience to the Board thereby ensuring the best interest of stakeholders and the Company. Every Independent Director at the first meeting of the Board in which he/she participate as a Director and thereafter at the first meeting of the Board in every financial year gives a declaration that he/she meets the criteria of Independence as prescribed under sub-section (6) of Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 25 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.

Mr. Irshad Mirza, Chairman is father of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza, Managing Director, Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza, Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza & Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza, Whole Time Directors of the Company.

The Board of Directors met 5 times during the financial year 2016-17.The meetings were held on April1, 2016, May 30, 2016, July30, 2016, November 12, 2016 and January 31, 2017. The maximum time gap between any two consecutive meetings did not exceed one hundred and twenty days.

The following table gives the composition and category of the Directors on the Board, their attendance at the Board Meetings during the year and the last Annual General Meeting, as also the number of Directorships and Committee Memberships / Chairmanships held by them in other Companies:

Name of Directors Category Attendance Particulars Number of Directorships and Committee Memberships /Chairmanships
Board Meeting Last Agm Other Directorships Committee Memberships Committee Chairmanships
Mr. Irshad Mirza Chairman (Executive), Promoter 5 Yes 2 - -
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Managing Director, Promoter 1 No 1 - -
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Executive Director, Promoter 3 Yes 1 - -
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Executive Director, Promoter 4 Yes 1 - -
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Executive Director, Promoter 3 No 3 - -
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhayaya Executive Director 5 Yes - - -
Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain Non Executive, Independent Director 5 Yes - - -
Mr. Islam Ul Haq Non Executive, Independent Director 5 Yes - - -
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus Non Executive, Independent Director 5 Yes - - -
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor Non Executive, Independent Director 4 Yes - - -
Dr. Yashvir Singh Non Executive, Independent Director 4 No - - -
Mr. Subhash Sapra Non Executive, Independent Director 3 No - - -
Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal Non Executive, Independent Director 2 Yes - - -

1. No. of equity shares held by Non Executive Directors as on 31st March, 2017 are : Mr. SubhashSapra - 1000; Mr. P.N. Kapoor – Nil; Mr. Islam ulHaq – Nil; Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain – Nil; Mr. Q. N. Salam – Nil; Dr. Yashvir Singh – Nil, Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal - Nil

2. For the purpose of the above, Directorship in other Public Limited Companies is only considered

3. In accordance with Regulation 26 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, Membership(s)/ Chairmanship(s) of only Audit Committee and Stakeholder Relationship Committees in all Public Limited Companies (excluding Mirza International Limited) have been considered.


Independent Directors of the Company are eminent personalities having wide experience in the fields of Finance, Education, Industry, Commerce and Administration. Their presence on the Board has been advantageous and fruitful in taking business decisions.

The Board Members are provided with necessary documents, reports and internal Policies to enable them familiarize with the Company’s procedures and practices.

Periodic presentations are made at the Board & Committee Meetings, on business and performance updates of the Company, global business environment, business strategy and risk involved. Detailed presentations on the Company’s business segments were made at the separate meeting of the Independent Directors held during the year.

Quarterly updates on relevant statutory changes and landmark judicial pronouncements encompassing important laws are regularly circulated to the Directors. The details of such familiarization programme for Independent Directors are posted on the website of the Company and can be accessed at


The Companies has constituted various committees for the smooth functioning of the Board. The composition of all Board Committees is in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. Details of mandatory committees as per SEBI (LODR) Regulations are as given below:


Audit Committee of the Company comprises the majority of Independent Directors.The Committee composition meets with the requirements of Sec 177 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Regulation 18 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.

During the Financial Year 5 (Five) Audit Committee Meetings held on April 1, 2016, May 30, 2016, July 30, 2016, November 12, 2016,January 31, 2017 and the Committee reviewed the Related Party Transactions, Internal Audit Report, Quarterly and Half Yearly and Annual Financial Statements before submission to the Board. The composition of Audit Committee as on March 31, 2017 and the details of Members attendance at the meetings of the Committee are as Under:

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 5
Mr. P.N. Kapoor (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Subhash Sapra (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 3
Mr. Irshad Mirza (Member) Executive, Promoter 5
Mr. Q.N Salam (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 5

All the members of Audit Committee have the requisite qualification for appointment in the Committee and possess sound knowledge of finance, accounting practices and internal controls. The Chairman of the Audit Committee attended the Annual General Meeting of the Company and Company Secretary is acting as the Secretary of the Audit Committee. The terms of reference of Audit Committee are comprises as the followings:

  • Oversight of the Company’s financial reporting process and disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible;
  • Recommendation for appointment, remuneration and terms of appointment of auditors of the Company;
  • Approval of payment to Statutory Auditors for any other services rendered by the Statutory Auditors;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the Annual Financial Statements and Auditor's Report thereon before submission to the Board for approval, with particular reference to:
    • Matters required to be included in the Director’s Responsibility Statement to be included in the Board’s Report in terms of clause (c) of sub-section (3) of Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013;
    • Changes, if any, in accounting policies and practices and reasons for the same;
    • Major accounting entries involving estimates based on the exercise of judgment by management;
    • Significant adjustments made in the financial statements arising out of audit findings;
    • Compliance with listing and other legal requirements relating to financial statements;
    • Disclosure of any Related Party Transactions;
    • Qualifications in Draft Audit Report
  • Reviewing, with the management, the quarterly financial statements before submission to the Board for approval;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the statement of uses / application of funds raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferential issue, etc.), the statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document / prospectus / notice and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board to take up steps in this matter;
  • Reviewing and monitoring the auditor’s independence and performance, and effectiveness of audit process;
  • Approval or any subsequent modification of transactions of the Company with Related Parties;
  • Scrutiny of inter-corporate loans and investments;
  • Valuation of undertakings or assets of the listed entity, wherever it is necessary;
  • Evaluation of Internal Financial Controls and Risk Management Systems;
  • Reviewing, with the management, performance of Statutory and Internal Auditors, adequacy of the Internal Control Systems;
  • Reviewing the adequacy of Internal Audit Function, if any, including the structure of the Internal Audit Department, staffing and seniority of the official heading the department, reporting structure coverage and frequency of Internal Audit;
  • Discussion with Internal Auditors of any significant findings and follow up there on;
  • Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the Internal Auditors into matters where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the matter to the Board;
  • Discussion with Statutory Auditors before the audit commences, about the nature and scope of audit as well as post-audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern;
  • To look into the reasons for substantial defaults in the payment to the Depositors, Debenture Holders, Shareholders (in case of non-payment of declared dividends) and creditors;
  • To review the functioning of the Whistle Blower Mechanism;
  • Approval of appointment of Chief Financial Officer after assessing the Qualifications, experience and background, etc. of the candidate;
  • The Audit Committee shall mandatorily review the following information:
    • Management discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations;
    • Statement of significant Related Party Transactions (as defined by the Audit Committee), submitted by management;
    • Internal Audit Reports relating to internal control weaknesses; and
    • The appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of the Chief Internal Auditor shall be subject to review by the Audit Committee.
    • Statement of deviations:
      • Quarterly statement of deviation(s) including report of monitoring agency, if applicable, submitted to Stock Exchange(s) in terms of Regulation 32(1)
      • Annual statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice in terms of Regulation 32(7).

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee acts in accordance with the prescribed provisions of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Regulation 19 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. The terms of reference of the Committee inter alia, include the following:

  • Formulating a criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and independence of a Director and recommend to the Board of Directors a Policy relating to, the remuneration of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees;
  • Formulating a criteria for evaluation of performance of Independent Directors and the Board of Directors;
  • Devising a Policy on diversity of Board of Directors;
  • Identifying persons who are qualified to become Directors and who may be appointed in Senior Management in accordance with the criteria laid down, and recommend to the Board of Directors their appointment and removal.
  • Whether to extend or continue the term of appointment of the Independent Director, on the basis of the report of performance evaluation of Independent Directors.

During the Financial Year no meeting of Nomination and Remuneration Committee Meeting was held. The composition of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee as on March 31, 2017 the details of Members attendance at the meeting of the Committee are as Under :

Name of Member Category
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director
Dr. Yashvir Singh (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director
Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Member) Non Executive, Independent Directorr
Performance evaluation criteria for Independent Directors -

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has laid down the Criteria for performance evaluation of Independent Directors which are as under -

Areas of Evaluation
  • Attendance & participation
  • Code of Conduct
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Updation & Awareness
  • Understanding & Contribution
  • Vigil-Mechanism
  • Opinions & Suggestions
  • Leadership Skills
  • Team Work
  • Compliances

The Shareholders/Investors' Grievance Committee acts in accordance with the prescribed provisions of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Regulation 20 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.

The Committee shall consider and resolve the grievances of the security holders of the Company including complaints related to transfer of shares, non-receipt of Annual Report and non-receipt of declared Dividends.

During the Financial year ended as on March 31, 2017, Five (5) Share Transfer and Investors' Grievance Committee Meetings were held on April 1, 2016, May 30, 2016, July 30, 2016 November 12, 2016, January 31, 2017. The composition of the Share Transfer and Investors Grievance Committee as on March 31, 2017 and the details of Members attendance at the meetings of the Committee are as Under :

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 5
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza (Member) Executive Director, Promoter 3
Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 5

During the year under review, Company received 53 complaints all of which were resolved to the satisfaction of the shareholders.

The Company Secretary of the Company acts as Compliance Officer of the Committee.


The remuneration paid to the Executive Directors of the Company is decided by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee subject to the approval of Shareholders / Central Government, wherever required. The existing Remuneration Policy of the Company is directed towards rewarding performance, based on review of achievements on a periodical basis. The Remuneration Policy is in consonance with the existing industry practice:


Non Executive Directors/ Independent Directors are paid sitting fees for attending the meetings of Board of Directors within the prescribed limits. The Sitting Fees paid to them for the year ended March 31, 2017 is ₹3,30,000 * detailed as : 1) Mr. Q.N. Salam – ₹60,000 /-; 2) Mr. P.N. Kapoor - ₹50,000/-; 3) Dr. Yashvir Singh - ₹40,000 /-; 4) Mr. SubhashSapra - ₹30,000 /-; 5) Mr. Islam ulHaq - ₹60,000 /-; 6) Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain - ₹60,000 /-; 7) Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal – ₹30,000 /-.

*Sitting Fees also paid to Independent Directors for attending a separate meeting of Independent Directors.


The Nomination and Remuneration Committee makes annual appraisal of the performance of the Executive Directors based on a detailed performance evaluation and recommends the remuneration payable to them, within the parameters approved by the shareholders / Central Government, to the Board for their approval.

As per terms of appointment, remuneration paid to the Directors during the year and approved by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee is as under:

Name of Directors Designation Perquisites (Rs.) Salary (Rs.) Total Remuneration (Rs.)
Mr. Irshad Mirza Chairman (Executive) 207026 NIL 207026
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Managing Director NIL 21600000 21600000
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 917781 18000000 18917781
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 214468 20400000 20614468
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 1484773 18000000 19484773
Mr. N.P Upadhyay Whole Time Director 51373 3900000 3951373
TOTAL 2875421 81900000 84775421


The last three Annual General Meetings were held as under:

Year Date Type of meeting Venue Time
2013-14 20.09.2014 Annual General Meeting Auditorium of council for Leather Exports, Nawabganj, HBTI Campus, Kanpur. 12:00 Noon
2014-15 29.09.2015 Annual General Meeting Auditorium of council for Leather Exports, Nawabganj, HBTI Campus, Kanpur. 01:00 P.M
2014-16 29.09.2016 Annual General Meeting Auditorium of council for Leather Exports, Nawabganj, HBTI Campus, Kanpur. 01:00 P.M.

Details of Special Resolutions passed in the last three Annual General Meetings is given hereunder:

Date of Annual General Meeting Particulars of Special Resolutions passed in the last three Annual General Meetings>
20th September, 2014 Re-appointment of Mr. Irshad Mirza as Executive Chairman of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 01.10.2014.

Re-appointment of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza as Managing Director of the Company on increased remuneration for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 01.10.2014.

Re-appointment of Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza, Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza, Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza, Mr. N.P. Upadhyay as Whole Time Directors of the Company on increased remuneration for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 01.10.2014.

Re-appointment of Mr. Shuja Mirza as President (Marketing) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 01.10.2014.

Re-appointment of Mr. Faraz Mirza as President (Production) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 01.10.2014.

Increase in Borrowing powers and Creation of Charge on Company's Properties.

Adoption of New Articles of Association of the Company.

Keeping of Register of Members together with Index of Members at the office of Registrar and Share Transfer Agents of the Company.

Entering into Related Party Transactions up to the maximum per annum amount.

During the year 2016-17, the Company had not passed any resolutions through Postal Ballot process.


The Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Results are regularly submitted to the Stock Exchange(s) in accordance with the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 are generally published in The Financial Express (English) and Dainik Aaj (in Hindi). The information regarding the performance of the Company is shared with shareholders vide Annual Report. The Press Releases, Quarterly and Annual Results are also posted on the Company’s website


Annual General Meeting

Date:28th September, 2017

Time: 01:00 P.M

Venue:Auditorium of Council for Leather Exports, HBTI, Nawabganj, Kanpur

Financial Calendar (2017-18) (tentative)
Quarter Date of Board Meeting
1st Quarter First week of August, 2017
2nd Quarter Fourth week of October, 2017
3rd Quarter Fourth week of January, 2018
4th Quarter Fourth week of May, 2018

Book Closure Date: From September 22, 2017 to September 28 , 2017 (Both days inclusive) Dividend Payment Date: October 3, 2017


The Company’s shares are listed on the following Stock Exchanges and the Listing Fees have been paid to the Exchanges:

Name & Address of The Stock Exchanges Stock Code/Scrip Code ISIN Number for NSDL/CDSL (Dematerialised Share)
BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai 400 001 526642 INE771A01026
The National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051 MIRZAINT INE771A01026

The details of monthly High Low Price (s) of Shares of the Company on National Stock Exchange& monthly High Low Index of NIFTY are as given below:

National Stock Exchange NIFTY INDEX
Month High Low High Low
April' 16 108.50 96.00 7992.00 7516.85
May' 16 110.25 91.40 8213.60 7678.35
June' 16 99.35 84.55 8308.15 7927.05
July' 16 98.90 88.00 8674.70 8287.55
August' 16 92.50 83.50 8819.20 8518.15
September' 16 97.30 84.00 8968.70 8555.20
October' 16 102.50 92.35 8806.95 8506.15
November' 16 95.80 68.10 8669.60 7916.40
December' 16 88.05 77.25 8274.95 7893.80
January' 17 100.30 84.60 8672.70 8133.80
February' 17 96.85 88.00 8982.15 8537.50
March' 17 93.90 84.00 9218.40 8860.10

The details of monthly High Low Price (s) of Shares of the Company on Bombay Stock Exchange & monthly High Low BSE Sensex are as given below:

Bombay Stock Exchange BSE Sensex
Month High Low High Low
April' 16 108.60 94.55 26,100.54 24,523.20
May' 16 110.50 91.80 26,837.20 25,057.93
June' 16 99.40 85.00 27,105.41 25,911.33
July' 16 98.80 88.25 28,240.20 27,034.14
August' 16 93.00 83.50 28,532.25 27,627.97
September' 16 98.90 84.00 29,077.28 27,716.78
October' 16 102.00 91.70 28,477.65 27,488.30
November' 16 95.90 69.00 28,029.80 25,717.93
December' 16 87.80 77.70 26,803.76 25,753.74
January' 17 100.20 84.75 27,980.39 26,447.06
February' 17 96.45 88.25 29,065.31 27,590.10
March' 17 93.75 83.90 29,824.62 28,716.21


Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot no. 31-32
Gachibowli Financial District,
Nanakaramguda , Hyderabad-500 032
Tel: +91-40-67161700
Fax: +91-40-67161680


The Company is providing facilities of common agency for all the work related to share registry in terms of both physical and electronic at a single point by our Registrar & Share Transfer Agent i.e. Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad. The Company submit a Compliance Certificate to the exchange duly signed by both the Compliance Officer of the Company and authorised representative of Registrar and Share Transfer Agent. Presently, the share transfers which are received in physical form are processed and the share certificates returned within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt, subject to the documents being valid and complete in all respects.

The Company obtains from a Company Secretary in Practice a half yearly Compliance Certificate of compliance with the share transfer formalities as required under 40(9) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 and file a copy of the certificate with the Stock Exchanges.

No. of equity shares No of shareholders % of shareholders Amount % Amount
up to 1 - 5000 40530 96.77 26494156.00 11.01
5001 - 10000 724 1.73 5367674.00 2.23
10001 - 20000 319 0.76 4765556.00 1.98
20001 - 30000 97 0.23 2412086.00 1.00
30001 - 40000 51 0.12 1784874.00 0.74
40001 - 50000 26 0.06 1181892.00 0.49
50001 - 100000 69 0.16 5009704.00 2.08
100001 & above 68 0.16 193596058.00 80.46
Total 41884 100.00 240612000.00 100.00
Category Cases Shares % of holding
Banks 3 81953 0.07
Clearing Members 105 704968 0.59
Foreign Institutional Investor 1 13545 0.01
Foreign Portfolio Investors 10 496518 0.41
H U F 869 842445 0.70
Indian Financial Institutions 1 101900 0.08
Indian Mutual Funds 1 1000 0.00
Bodies Corporate 594 6636857 5.52
Mutual Funds 2 4500 0.00
NBFC 7 46935 0.04
Non Resident Indians 475 578189 0.48
NRI Non- Repatriation 475 578189 0.48
Company Promoters 22 88755981 73.78
Resident individuals 39664 21705682 18.04
Trusts 1 2500.00 0.00
41884 120306000 100.00

The break-up of 12,03,06,000 equity shares held in Physical and Dematerialised form as on March 31, 2017, is given below:

Particulars No. of shares Percentage
Physical Segment 899367 0.75
Demat Segment
NSDL 109756411 91.23
CDSL 9650222 8.20
Total 120306000 100.00

Not applicable.


Company use Forward Contracts for hedging the risk.

1 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Magarwara, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-1 & Tannery Division)
2 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Sahjani, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-2)
3 Plot No. C-4, 5, 36 & 37, Sector-59, Noida-201 303 (Unit-3)
4 UPSIDC Industrial Area , Site II, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-5)
5 Plot No. 1A, Ecotech-1, Extn. 1, Greater Noida – 201 303 (Unit-6)
6 Plot No. 18-19, Nand Nagar Industrial Estate Phase-1 Mahuakhera Ganj, Kashipur (Uttrakhand) (Unit-8,9)

Shareholders correspondence should be addressed to our Registrar & Share Transfer Agents at the address mentioned above. Contact Persons: Mr. N Shiv Kumar Ph. No. +91 040 6716 1653, Email id.: Shareholders may also contact Mr. Ankit Misra, Company Secretary at the Registered Office of the Company for any assistance Ph. No. 0512-2530775 Email Shareholders holding shares in electronic mode should address all their correspondence to their respective Depository Participant.

  • There are no materially significant transactions made by the Company with its Promoters, Directors or Management, their subsidiaries or relatives etc. that may have a potential conflict with the interest of the Company at large. Transactions with the Related Parties are disclosed in Notes to the Accounts in the Annual Report.
  • During the last three years, there were no strictures or penalties imposed by either SEBI or the Stock Exchanges or any other Statutory Authority for non-compliance of any matter related to the Capital Markets.
  • The Company has adopted a Vigil Mechanism/ Whistle Blower Policy for developing a culture where it is safe for all Directors/Employees to raise concerns about any unacceptable practice and any event of misconduct. The Policy allows unrestricted access to all employees and other to approach the Audit Committee and there has been no instance during the year where any personnel has been denied access to the Audit Committee.
  • The Company has complied with all mandatory requirements and adopted part of non-mandatory requirements of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.
  • The Company does not have Subsidiary / Material Subsidiary. Further, a Policy on Related Party Transactions is posted on the website of the Company and is available at the web link
  • During the Financial Year ended on 31st March, 2017 the Company did not engage in commodity hedging activities.
  • During the Financial Year ended on 31st March, 2017 the Company did not engage in commodity hedging activities.
  • The Company has presently not adopted certain non-mandatory requirements in regard to maintenance of Non Executive Chairman’s Office, sending half-yearly declaration of financial performance to each household of shareholders and reporting of Internal Auditors directly to the Audit Committee. However, other non mandatory requirements viz. separate posts of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and regime of unqualified financial statements has generally been complied with.
  • The Company has complied all the requirements of Regulation 17 to 27 and Clause (b) to (i) of sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 46 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.


Aggregate Number of Shareholders in the Suspense Account lying as at April 1, 2016 56
Aggregate Outstanding Shares in the Suspense Account lying at beginning of the year ended April 1, 2016 112000
Number of Shareholders who approached issuer for transfer of shares from Suspense Account during the year ended March 31, 2017 0
Number of Shareholders to whom shares were transferred from Suspense Account during the year ended March 31, 2017 0
Aggregate Number of Shareholders in the Suspense Account lying as at March 31, 2017 56
Aggregate Outstanding Shares in the Suspense Account lying at March 31, 2017 112000
p>Note: Voting Rights on these Shares shall remain frozen till the rightful owner of such shares claim the shares.


As per 26 (3) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, all Board Members and Senior Management Personnel of the Company have affirmed compliance with the Company’s Code of Conduct for the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2017.

Place: Kanpur
Date: May 30, 2017
For Mirza International Limited
Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Managing Director


The Board of Directors
Mirza International Limited

We have examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance by Mirza International Limited (“the Company”) for the year ended 31st March, 2017 as stipulated in Para E of schedule V of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.

The Compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the Company’s Management. Our examination was limited to procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on financial statements of the Company.

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, we certify that Company has materially complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the above Listing Regulation.

We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance to future viability of the Company nor of the efficiency or effectiveness with which management has conducted affairs of the Company.

Place: Kanpur
Date: May 30, 2017

Company Secretaries

FCS No.:3882
C.P.: 2612


Pursuant to Regulation 34 read with Schedule V of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”), the Directors present the Report on Corporate Governance of the Company as follows:


Mirza International limited defines Corporate Governance as an ethically driven business process that is committed to values aimed at enhancing an organisation’s brand and reputation. The Company has a strong legacy of fair, transparent and ethical governance practices and it believes that good Corporate Governance is essential for achieving long-term corporate goals and enhancing stakeholders’ value. Good corporate governance is a synonym for sound management, transparency and disclosure, encompassing good corporate practices, procedures, standards and implicit rules which propel a company to take sound decisions, thus maximising long term shareholder value without compromising on integrity, societal obligations, environment and regulatory compliances.

In order to keep up the highest level of standards, the Company reviews its Corporate Governance practices periodically against the backdrop of the latest developments in the corporate arena, thereby endeavouring to confirm to the highest standards of Corporate Governance practices. The Company firmly believes in being transparent in all the areas of its operations and also to all the stakeholders. This is practiced through open working methods, emphasis on continuous communication, timely and complete disclosures and being transparent about its entire gamut of activities.

The Board of Directors is responsible for and committed to sound principles of Corporate Governance in the Company. This belief is reflected in our governance practices, under which we strive to maintain an effective, informed and independent Board. We are continuously nurturing and strengthening this framework through concerted and collective efforts of our people, under the guidance of our leadership team. Through this robust Corporate Governance mechanism that interlinks values, ethics and positive culture, the Company aims to achieve long-term sustainability.

2. Board of Directors

(a) Composition and Category of Board of Directors

The Company is managed and controlled by professional Board comprising of blend of Executive and Non-executive Directors with considerable professional expertise and experience which provides leadership and guidance to the management thereby enhancing Stakeholders’ value. As on 31st March, 2020, the Board of Directors of Company comprises of twelve Directors out of which six are Executive Directors and six are Non-Executive Independent Directors including one Woman Director. The composition of Board is in conformity with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) and Regulation 17 of Listing Regulations which are as follows:

Category Name of Directors
Executive Directors Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Shuja Mirza
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya
Non-Executive Independent Directors CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor*
Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal*
CA Saumya Srivastava#
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla#
Mr. Subhash Sapra&
Dr. Yashvir Singh
CA Sanjiv Gupta^

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal ceased to be Directors w.e.f. 19th September, 2019.

#CA Saumya Srivastava and Mr. Sanjay Bhalla were appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

&Mr. Subhash Sapra ceased to be Director w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^CA Sanjiv Gupta appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

As on 31st March 2020, none of the Directors on the Company’s Board was a Director in more than ten Public Companies (including seven Listed Companies), neither a Chairman of more than five Committees nor a member of more than ten Committees in all the public companies in which they are Directors. Further, all the Directors have made necessary disclosures regarding their Directorship and Chairmanship/Committee Membership in other Companies as per the requirement of Listing Regulations, Act and other applicable provisions, if any.

No Director is related to other Director on the Board except Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza, Managing Director of the Company, Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza, Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza and Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza, Whole Time Directors of the Company (Brothers) and Mr. Shuja Mirza, Whole Time Director of the Company (Son of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza).

The Appointment/re-appointment of the Managing Director, Whole Time Directors and Non-Executive Directors including the tenure of their appointment/re-appointment and terms of their remuneration, are approved by the members at their General Meetings or through the process of Postal Ballot.

(b) Number of Board Meetings

Four Board Meetings were held during the Financial Year 2019-2020 and the maximum time gap between any two consecutive meetings did not exceed one hundred and twenty days. The dates, on which the Board meetings were held, are as follows:

30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020.

The Agenda, along with the supporting documents, explanatory notes and information, as enumerated under Listing Regulations, are made available to the Board along with the notice of respective meetings in advance in order to enable them to make value addition and discharge their duties diligently during the meetings. The Board periodically reviews compliance reports of all laws applicable to the Company. The Company undertakes steps to rectify instances of non-compliance, if any.

(c) Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings, Annual General Meeting and number of Directorship(s) and Chairmanship(s) / Membership(s) of Committees of each Director in other Companies:

The names and categories of the Directors on the Board, along with their attendance at the Board Meetings held during the year ended 31st March 2020, and at the last Annual General Meeting, and the number of other Directorships and Chairmanships/Memberships of Committees held by them, are given below:

Name of Directors No. of Board Meetings attended during the year Whether attended the Last AGM Number of Directorships and Committee Memberships /Chairmanships in other Companies as on 31/03/2020
Directorships Committee Memberships Committee Chairmanships
Executive Directors
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza (Managing Director, Promoter) 3 No - - -
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 Yes - - -
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 No - - -
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 Yes 1 - -
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhayaya (Whole Time Director) 3 Yes - - -
Mr. Shuja Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter Group) 3 Yes - - -
Non-Executive Directors
CA. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Independent Director) 4 Yes - - -
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Independent Director) 3 Yes - - -
Dr. Yashvir Singh (Independent Director) 4 No - - -
CA Saumya Srivastava* (Independent Director) 2 Yes - - -
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla* (Independent Director) 2 No - - -
CA Sanjiv Gupta# (Independent Director) 1 No - - -
Mr. Subhash Sapra& (Independent Director) 2 Yes - - -
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor^ (Independent Director) 1 NA - - -
Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal^ (Independent Director) 0 NA - - -

*Appointed w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

#Appointed w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

&Resigned w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^Ceased to be Directors w.e.f 19th September, 2019.


1. Non-Executive Directors do not hold any share in the Company as on 31st March, 2020 and the Company has not issued any convertible instruments.

2. This includes Directorship in public limited companies (including subsidiaries of public limited companies) and excludes Directorship in this Company, associations, private, foreign and Section 8 companies.

3. Represents Chairmanships/Memberships of Audit Committee and Stakeholders Relationship (Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievance) Committee. This includes Chairmanships/Memberships in Public Limited Companies (including subsidiaries of public limited companies) and excludes Chairmanships/ Memberships in this Company, private, foreign and Section 8 companies.

(d) Familiarisation Programme of Independent Directors

Independent Directors of the Company are eminent personalities having wide experience in the fields of Finance, Education, Industry, Commerce and Administration. Their presence on the Board has been advantageous and fruitful in taking business decisions. As per Regulation 25 (7) of Listing Regulations, the Company shall provide suitable training to the Independent Directors to familiarise them with the Company, their roles, rights, responsibilities, nature of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the Company and any other relevant information, if any. The details of such training imparted are also required to be disclosed in the Annual Report.

The details of programmes conducted for familiarization of Independent Directors with the Company, nature of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the Company and related matters are put up on the website of the Company at the link:

(e) Core Skills/Expertise/Competencies of Directors

The existing Board of Directors of the Company comprises of appropriate skills/expertise/competencies in diversified domains for its effective functioning. Further, the Board has identified the skills/expertise/ competencies of each Director in accordance with their rich and varied experience across different sectors, in the following manner:

Area of Expertises Name of Directors
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Mr. Shuja Mirza Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus Dr. Yashvir Singh CA Saumya Srivastava Mr. Sanjay Bhalla CA Sanjiv Gupta
Strategy - - - - - -
Business Administration & Management -
Corporate Governance
Manufacturing - - - - - - -
Sales & Marketing - - - - - - -
Community Services - - -
Business Development - - -
Finance & Legal - - - - -
Global Vision - - - - - - -

Independent Directors are Non-Executive Directors as defined under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the Listing Regulations and Section 149(6) of the Act. The maximum tenure of independent directors is in compliance with the Act. Till the date of this report, all the Independent Directors have confirmed that they meet the criteria of independence as mentioned under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the SEBI Listing Regulations and Section 149(6) of the Act.

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, Mr. Subhash Sapra has resigned from the office of Independent Director of the Company w.e.f. 12th November, 2019 due to his health issues and incapability in attending the Board Meetings. Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Ms. Vinita Kejriwal ceased to be Independent Directors of the Company subsequent upon their retirement due to completion of the tenure as Independent Directors w.e.f. 19th September, 2019.


The Company has constituted the following committees for the smooth functioning of the Board:

  • Audit Committee
  • Nomination and Remuneration Committee
  • Stakeholders Relationship Committee
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

The composition of all Board Committees is in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations.

The Company’s guidelines relating to Board Meeting are applicable to Committee Meetings. Each Committee has the authority to engage outside experts, advisers and counsels to the extent it considers appropriate to assist in its function. The minutes of proceedings of Committee Meetings are circulated to the respective committee members and placed before Board Meetings for discussion/noting.

Detail of the composition, number of meetings held during the year, attendance of members and scope of the committees are as below:

(a) Audit Committee

The Audit Committee of the Company comprises of four Non-Executive Independent Directors. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain, a Chartered Accountant is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 177 of the Act read with Regulation 18 of the Listing Regulations. The representatives of Statutory Auditors, Executives from Accounts Department, Finance Department and Internal Audit Department are invited to the meetings of the Committee, as and when required. The Internal Auditor reports directly to the Committee. The Company Secretary acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Audit Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020. The Chairman of the Audit Committee attended the Annual General Meeting of the Company

The following table summarises attendance details of Audit Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Chairman)Non Executive, Independent Director 4
CA Saumya Srivastava# (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 2
CA Sanjiv Gupta& (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 1
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 3
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 1
Mr. Subhash Sapra* (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 2

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Mr. Subhash Sapra ceased to be the member of the Committee subsequent to their retirement/resignation from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020 and 12th November, 2020 respectively.

#CA Saumya Srivastava was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to her appointment on the Board.

&CA Sanjiv Gupta was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 12th November, 2019 subsequent to his appointment on the Board.

All the members of Audit Committee have the requisite qualification for appointment in the Committee and possess sound knowledge of finance, accounting practices and internal controls.

Scope of the Audit Committee

The Audit Committee, inter alia, supports the Board to ensure an effective internal control environment. The Committee discharges such duties and functions with powers generally indicated in Listing Regulations.

The scope of the Audit Committee is as follows:

Powers of Audit Committee
  1. To investigate any activity within its terms of reference.
  2. To seek information from any employee.
  3. To obtain outside legal or other professional advice.
  4. To secure attendance of outsiders with relevant expertise, if it considers necessary.
Terms of Reference
  • Oversight of the Company’s financial reporting process and disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible;
  • Recommendation for appointment, remuneration and terms of appointment of auditors of the Company;
  • Approval of payment to Statutory Auditors for any other services rendered by the Statutory Auditors;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the Annual Financial Statements and Auditor's Report thereon before submission to the Board for approval, with particular reference to:
    • Matters required to be included in the Director’s Responsibility Statement to be included in the Board’s Report in terms of clause (c) of sub-section (3) of Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013;
    • Changes, if any, in accounting policies and practices and reasons for the same;
    • Major accounting entries involving estimates based on the exercise of judgment by management;
    • Significant adjustments made in the financial statements arising out of audit findings;
    • Compliance with listing and other legal requirements relating to financial statements;
    • Disclosure of any Related Party Transactions; and
    • Qualifications in Draft Audit Report
  • Reviewing, with the management, the quarterly financial statements before submission to the Board for approval;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the statement of uses / application of funds raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferential issue, etc.), the statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document / prospectus / notice and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board to take up steps in this matter;
  • Reviewing and monitoring the auditor’s independence and performance, and effectiveness of audit process;
  • Approval or any subsequent modification of transactions of the Company with Related Parties;
  • Scrutiny of inter-corporate loans and investments;
  • Valuation of undertakings or assets of the listed entity, wherever it is necessary;
  • Evaluation of Internal Financial Controls and Risk Management Systems;
  • Reviewing, with the management, performance of Statutory and Internal Auditors, adequacy of the Internal Control Systems;
  • Reviewing the adequacy of Internal Audit Function, if any, including the structure of the Internal Audit Department, staffing and seniority of the official heading the department, reporting structure coverage and frequency of Internal Audit;
  • Discussion with Statutory Auditors before the audit commences, about the nature and scope of audit as well as post-audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern;
  • Reviewing reports of internal audit and discussing with Internal Auditors on any significant findings of any internal investigations by the Internal Auditors and the executive management’s response on matters and follow-up thereon;
  • Reviewing reports of Cost audit, if any, and discussion with Cost Auditors on any significant findings by them;
  • Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the Internal Auditors into matters where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the matter to the Board;
  • Looking into the reasons for substantial defaults in the payment to the Depositors, Debenture Holders, Shareholders (in case of non-payment of declared dividends) and creditors;
  • Reviewing the functioning of the Whistle Blower Mechanism
  • Approval of appointment of Chief Financial Officer after assessing the Qualifications, experience and background, etc. of the candidate;
  • Recommending to the Board, the appointment and fixation of remuneration of Cost Auditors, if applicable;
  • Evaluating Internal Financial Controls and Risk Management Systems and reviewing the Company’s financial and risk management policies;
  • Reviewing the Management Discussion and Analysis of financial condition and results of operations;
  • Reviewing the statement of significant Related Party Transactions (as defined by the Audit Committee), submitted by management;
  • Reviewing the Management Letters / letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the Statutory Auditors;
  • Reviewing the Internal Audit Reports relating to internal control weaknesses
  • Reviewing compliance with the provisions of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time, and verify that the systems for internal controls are adequate and are operating effectively; and
  • Reviewing the utilisation of loans and/or advances from/investment by the Company in its subsidiary companies exceeding ₹100 crore or 10% of the asset size of the subsidiary, whichever is lower.
  • Recommending to the Board, the appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of Chief Internal Auditor
  • Reviewing the statement of deviations as follows
    • quarterly statement of deviation(s) including report of monitoring agency, if applicable, submitted to stock exchange(s) in terms of Regulation 32(1).
    • annual statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice in terms of Regulation 32(7).
(b) Nomination and Remuneration Committee:

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company comprises of four Non-Executive Independent Directors. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain, a Chartered Accountant is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 178 of the Act read with Regulation 19 of the Listing Regulations. The Company Secretary of the Company acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020.

The following table summarises attendance details of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 3
Dr. Yashvir Singh (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
CA. Saumya Srivastava# (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 2
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Ex-Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 1

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor ceased to be the Chairman of the Committee subsequent to his retirement from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

#CA Saumya Srivastava was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to her appointment on the Board.

Terms of Reference

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is empowered to review and recommend to the Board of Directors, appointment/re-appointment, remuneration and commission of the Directors and Senior Management of the Company with the guidelines laid down under the statute.

The terms of reference of the Committee inter alia, includes the following:

  • Formulating the criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and independence of a Director and recommend to the Board of Directors a Policy relating to the remuneration of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees;
  • Formulating a criteria for evaluation of performance of Independent Directors and the Board of Directors;
  • Devising a Policy on diversity of Board of Directors;
  • Identifying persons who are qualified to become Directors and who may be appointed in Senior Management in accordance with the criteria laid down and recommend to the Board of Directors their appointment and removal;
  • Whether to extend or continue the term of appointment of the Independent Director, on the basis of the report of performance evaluation of Independent Directors; and
  • Recommend to the board, all remuneration, in whatever form, payable to senior management.

The Remuneration Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:

Performance evaluation criteria for Independent Directors

Pursuant to the provisions of the Act and Listing Regulations, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has laid down the Criteria for performance evaluation of the Board of Directors. The Board carries out the annual performance evaluation of its own performance, the Directors individually, Chairman as well as the evaluation of the working of its Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The performance of individual Directors including the chairman is evaluated on the parameters such as level of understanding and contribution, leadership skills, interpersonal skills, independence of judgment, safeguarding the interest of the Company and its shareholders etc. The performance evaluation of the Independent Directors is carried out by the entire Board. The performance evaluation of the Chairman and the Non-Independent Directors is carried out by the Independent Directors and the Directors expressed their satisfaction with the evaluation process.


The remuneration paid to the Executive Directors of the Company is decided by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee subject to the approval of shareholders, wherever required. The existing Remuneration Policy of the Company is directed towards rewarding performance, based on review of achievements on a periodical basis. The Remuneration Policy is in consonance with the existing industry practice:

(a) Non-Executive Directors

Non Executive Directors/ Independent Directors are paid sitting fees for attending the meetings of Board of Directors within the prescribed limits. The table below provides the details of the sitting fees paid to the Non-Executive Directors during the FY 2019-2020:

(Amount in ₹)
S. No Name of the Non executive Director Sitting fees*
1 CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain 40000.00
2 Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus 40000.00
3 Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor# 10000.00
4 Ms. Vinita Kejriwal# NIL**
5 CA Saumya Srivastava^ 20000.00
6 Mr. Sanjay Bhalla^ 20000.00
7 Mr. Subhash Sapra& 20000.00
8 Dr. Yashvir Singh 40000.00
9 CA Sanjiv Gupta$ 20000.00

*Sitting Fees include fees for attending a separate meeting of Independent Directors held on 21st March, 2020.

#ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

&ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^Appointed as Directors w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

$Appointed as Director w.e.f. 12th November, 20219.

**sup> Fee of Rs. 9000/- (Net of TDS) paid to Ms. Vinita Kejriwal for the meeting dated 30th May, 2019 returned unpaid on 1st September, 2019 due to non-clearance.

The Company has not issued any stock option to its Directors/Employees.

(b) Executive Directors

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee makes annual appraisal of the performance of the Executive Directors based on a detailed performance evaluation and recommends the remuneration payable to them, within the parameters approved by the shareholders, to the Board for their approval.

The table below provides the details of the remuneration paid to the Executive Directors during the FY 2019-2020:

(Amount in ₹)
Name of Directors Designation Perquisites (Rs.) Salary (Rs.) Total Remuneration (Rs.)
Mr. Irshad Mirza* Chairman(Executive) 2755483 _ 2755483
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Managing Director 707259 24000000 24707259
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 314562 20400000 20714562
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 855083 22800000 23655083
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 72866 20400000 20472866
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya Whole Time Director 58470 4260000 4318470
Mr. Shuja Mirza Whole Time Director 73786 15000000 15073786
TOTAL 4837509 106860000 111697509

*Mr. Irshad Mirza ceased to be the Director w.e.f. 30th May, 2020

Directors with materially significant, pecuniary or business relationship with the Company

The transactions with related parties are furnished in note no. 30 of Financial Statements, as stipulated under Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 24. Apart from related party transactions furnished in note no. 30, there are no transactions of material nature with Directors or their relatives and others, which may have potential conflict with the Company’s interest. The Register of Contracts required to be maintained under Section 189(1) and Rule 16(1) of the Act, containing the details of the contracts, in which the Directors are concerned or interested, is placed at the meeting of the Board of Directors for their approval and noting, on a periodical basis.

During the year, no pecuniary or business relationship existed between the Non-executive and Independent Directors and the Company

With the applicability of the Act and Listing Regulations, transactions attracting provisions of Section 188 which are in ordinary course of business and are at arm’s length have been entered into after being reviewed, scrutinized and approved by the Audit Committee and with approval of the Board. No transactions which are not in ordinary course of business and are not at arm’s length have been entered into with any related party.

The Company entered into Related Party Transaction with Euro Footwear Private Limited and Mirza (UK) Limited (related parties), which exceeded the limit prescribed under the provisions of Listing Regulations and was considered material in accordance with the policy of the Company on materiality of related party transactions. The aforesaid transaction were approved by Shareholders of the Company in the fortieth Annual General Meeting held on 19th September, 2020, by way of an ordinary resolution.

The Related Party Transactions Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:

(c) Stakeholders Relationship Committee

The Stakeholders Relationship Committee of the Company comprises of four Members, out of which three members are Non-Executive Independent Directors and one is Executive Director. Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 178 of the Act read with Regulation 20 of the Listing Regulations. The Company Secretary of the Company acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020

The following table summarises attendance details of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meeting Attended
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla# (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 2
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza (Member) Executive Director, Promoter 4
CA. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Member)Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Ex-Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 1

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor ceased to be the Chairman of the Committee subsequent to his retirement as Director from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

#Mr. Sanjay Bhalla was appointed as the Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to his appointment on the Board.

Scope of Stakeholders Relationship Committee

The Committee shall consider and resolve the grievances of the security holders of the Company including complaints related to transfer of shares, non-receipt of Annual Report and non-receipt of declared Dividends.

The terms of reference of the Committee inter alia, include the following:

  • Resolving the grievances of the security holders of the listed entity including complaints related to transfer/transmission of shares, non-receipt of annual report, non-receipt of declared dividends, issue of new/duplicate certificates, General Meetings etc;
  • Reviewing the measures taken for effective exercise of voting rights by shareholders;
  • Reviewing the adherence to the service standards adopted by the listed entity in respect of various services being rendered by the Registrar & Share Transfer Agent; and
  • Reviewing various measures and initiatives taken by the listed entity for reducing the quantum of unclaimed dividends and ensuring timely receipt of Dividend Warrants/Annual Reports/Statutory Notices by the shareholders of the company.

During the year under review, Company received 55 complaints all of which were resolved to the satisfaction of the shareholders

(d) Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Company comprises of three members, out of which two are Executive Directors and one being the Non-Executive Independent Director. Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 135 of the Act. The Company Secretary acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Scope of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Committee oversees the activities/functioning in identifying the area of Corporate Social Responsibility activities as specified in the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company in accordance with Schedule VII of the Act and execution of initiative as per pre-defined guidelines. The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:


Independent Directors Meeting

During the year under review, the Independent Directors met on 21st March, 2020, inter alia, to discuss:

  • Evaluation of the performance of Non-Independent Directors;
  • Evaluation of the Board of Directors as a whole;
  • Evaluation of the performance of the Chairman of the Company, taking into account the view of the Executive and Non-executive Directors; and
  • The quality, quantity and timelines of flow of information between the Company’s management and the Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform their duties.


The last three Annual General Meetings were held as under:

Financial Year Date Venue Time
2016-17 28.09.2017 Auditorium of Council for Leather Exports, HBTI Campus, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M
2017-18 26.09.2018 Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M
2018-19 19.09.2019 Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M.
Details of Special Resolutions passed in the last three Annual General Meetings is given hereunder:
Date of Annual General Meeting No. of Special Resolutions passed Particulars
28th September, 2017 8 1. Re-appointment of Mr. Irshad Mirza as Chairman of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

2. Re-appointment of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza as Managing Director of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

3. Re-appointment of Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

4. Re-appointment of Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

5. Re-appointment of Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

6. Re-appointment of Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

7. Re-appointment of Mr. Shuja Mirza as President (Marketing) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

8. Re-appointment of Mr. Faraz Mirza as President (Production) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017
26th September, 2018 0 No Special Resolution was passed in the Annual General Meeting held on 26th September, 2018
19th September, 2019 11 1. Re-appointment of Dr. Yashvir Singh (DIN: 00049360) as an Independent Director

2. Re-appointment of Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (DIN: 00051645) as an Independent Director

3. Re-appointment of CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain (DIN: 00189602) as an Independent Director

4. Re-appointment of Mr. Subhash Sapra (DIN: 00049243) as an Independent Director

5. Appointment of Mr. Shuja Mirza (DIN: 01453110) as Whole-time Director

6. Approval for increase in the Borrowing Power of the Company

7. Approval for creation of mortgages and /or charges in addition to the existing mortgage(s) / charge(s) created by the Company

8. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya (DIN:00049196) as Whole Time Director

9. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (DIN: 00051645) as Non-Executive Director

10. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Subhash Sapra (DIN: 00049243) as Non- Executive Director

11. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor (DIN: 00058126) as Non- Executive Director
Extra Ordinary General Meeting

During the financial year 2019-20, no Extra Ordinary General Meeting was held.

Postal Ballot

During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Company did not pass any resolution through Postal Ballot process. As on the date of this Report, no special resolution is proposed to be passed through postal ballot.


(a) Publications of Quarterly Results

The Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Results are submitted to the Stock Exchange(s) in accordance with the Listing Regulations. Further, the quarterly/half yearly/annual results in the prescribed format, are published within 48 hours in any prominent daily newspaper, such as Business Standard (English and Hindi). All vital information of the Company’s performance, including Financial Results, Annual Reports of the last three years and Shareholding Pattern have been posted on the Company’s website i.e.

(b) Websites

The Company’s website contains a separate dedicated section ‘Investor Relations’ where shareholders’ information is available. The Company’s Annual Report is also available in a user-friendly and downloadable form.

(c) News Releases, Presentations, among others

Official news releases and official media releases etc. are displayed on the Company’s website i.e.

(d) Presentation

The Company makes financial presentations to institutional investors, mutual funds and others who have invested or intends to invest in the Company’s share capital and such presentations are available on the website of the Company.

(e) Annual Report

The Annual Report containing, inter alia, Audited Financial Statements, Directors’ Report, Auditors’ Report, Business Responsibility Report, if applicable, and other important information is circulated to members and others entitled thereto. The Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Report forms part of the Annual Report and is displayed on the Company’s website i.e.

(f) Stock Exchanges

The Company makes timely disclosures of necessary information to BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited in terms of the Listing Regulations and other Rules and Regulations issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

(g) NSE Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS

The NEAPS is web based application designed by NSE for corporates. All periodical compliance filings like shareholding pattern, corporate governance report, results and other requirement of Listing Regulations, media releases, among others are filed electronically on NEAPS, by the Company.

(h) BSE Corporate Compliance & Listing Center (“Listing Centre”)

BSE Listing Centre is web based application designed for corporates. All periodical compliance filings like Shareholding Pattern, Corporate Governance Report, results, media releases, among others are also filed electronically on the Listing Centre by the Company

(i) SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES)

The investor complaints are processed in a centralized web-based complaints redress system. The salient features of this system are: Centralized database of all complaints, online upload of Action taken Reports (ATRs) by concerned Companies and online viewing by investors of actions taken on the complaint and current status.

(j) Reminders to Investors

Reminders to shareholders for claiming returned undelivered share certificates, unclaimed dividend and transfer of shares thereto, email registration, are regularly communicated and dispatched.

(k) Designated Exclusive E-mail Id:

The Company has designated the following email ids exclusively for investor servicing:


Company Registration details

The Company is registered with the Registrar of Companies, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) allotted to the Company by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) is L19129UP1979PLC004821.

Registered Office

14/6, Civil lines, Kanpur-208001

Corporate Office

A-7, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110044

Locations of the Company
1 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Magarwara, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-1 & Tannery Division
2 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Sahjani, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-2)
3 Plot No. C-4, 5, 36 & 37, Sector-59, Noida-201 303 (Unit-3)
4 UPSIDC Industrial Area , Site II, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-5)
5 Plot No. 1A, Ecotech-1, Extn. 1, Greater Noida – 201 303 (Unit-6)
6 Plot No. 18-19, Nand Nagar Industrial Estate Phase-1 Mahuakhera Ganj, Kashipur (Uttrakhand) (Unit-8, 9)
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Ms. Priyanka Pahuja

Annual General Meeting

The forty first Annual General Meeting of the Company is scheduled to be on Friday, 18th December, 2020 at Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 at 11:00 A.M.

Financial Calendar

The Company follows April to March as its Financial Year. The results for every quarter, beginning from April, will be declared within 45 days of the end of quarter, except for the last quarter, which will be submitted, along with the annual audited results within 60 days of the end of the last quarter, as permitted under the Listing Regulations.

Listing on Stock Exchanges

The Stock Exchanges, at which the Company’s equity shares are listed, and the respective stock codes are:

National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE): MIRZAINT
Exchange Plaza,
5th Floor, Plot No. C/1, G Block,
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai – 400 051,
Maharashtra, India

BSE Limited (BSE): 526642
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Mumbai – 400 001,
Maharashtra, India

International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the Company’s equity shares, having face value of ₹ 2 each, is INE771A01026.

Listing fees for the Financial Year 2020-21 have been paid to the Stock Exchanges.

Registrar and Share Transfer Agent

M/s. KFin Technologies Private Limited is the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company. The contact details of the RTA are:
KFin Technologies Private Limited
Selenium Tower B, Plot no. 31-32
Gachibowli Financial District,
Nanakaramguda, Hyderabad-500 032
Tel: + 91-40-67162222
Fax: + 91-040-23001153

Share Transfer System

Transfers of equity shares in electronic form are done through the depositories with no involvement of the Company. Transfer of equity shares in physical form are processed by our Registrar and Share Transfer Agent i.e. KFin Technologies Private Limited, Hyderabad within 10 to 12 working days from the date of receipt, provided the documents are complete in all respects. The Directors and certain officials of the Company are authorised by the Board severally to approve transfers, which are noted at subsequent Board Meetings.

Market Price Data

The details of monthly High Low Price(s) of Shares of the Company on National Stock Exchange and monthly High Low Index of NIFTY are as given below

National Stock Exchange NIFTY INDEX
Month High Low High Low
April' 19 60.60 54.00 11856.15 11549.10
May' 19 63.95 49.55 12041.15 11108.30
June' 19 68.90 54.05 12103.05 11625.10
July' 19 68.80 58.00 11981.75 10999.40
August' 19 64.50 52.95 11181.45 10637.15
September' 19 67.80 52.10 11694.85 10670.25
October' 19 64.90 52.75 11945.00 11090.15
November' 19 63.70 55.05 12158.80 11802.65
December' 19 60.70 53.10 12293.90 11832.30
January' 20 72.00 55.10 12430.50 11929.60
February' 20 65.40 51.60 12246.70 11175.05
March' 20 57.25 27.25 11433.00 7511.10

The details of monthly High Low Price(s) of Shares of the Company on Bombay Stock Exchange and monthly High Low BSE Sensex are as given below:

Bombay Stock Exchange BSE Sensex
Month High Low High Low
April' 19 60.25 54.05 39487.45 38460.25
May' 19 63.60 49.70 40124.96 36956.10
June' 19 68.75 53.60 40312.07 38870.96
July' 19 68.70 57.95 40032.41 37128.26
August' 19 66.00 53.00 37807.55 36102.35
September' 19 67.65 52.10 39441.12 35987.80
October' 19 64.45 51.50 40392.22 37415.83
November' 19 63.60 55.10 41163.79 40014.23
December' 19 61.00 53.30 41809.96 40135.37
January' 20 71.80 55.25 42273.87 40476.55
February' 20 65.30 54.30 41709.30 38219.97
March' 20 57.20 27.35 39083.17 25638.90
Distribution Schedule as on 31st March, 2020
Category No. of Cases % of Cases Amount % Amount
1-5000 40687 96.47 24365110.002 10.13
5001- 10000 793 1.88 5826490.00 2.42
10001 - 20000 340 0.81 4957004.00 2.06
20001 - 30000 125 0.30 3032334.00 1.26
30001 - 40000 79 0.19 2833330.00 1.18
40001 - 50000 25 0.06 1149212.00 0.48
50001 - 100000 69 0.16 4879212.00 2.03
100001 & above 58 0.14 193569308.00 80.45
Total 42176 100.00 240612000.00 100
Category of Shareholders as on 31st March, 2020
Category Cases Shares % of holding
Mutual Funds 3 33100 0.03
Trusts 1 500 0.00
Resident Individuals 40127 26754350 22.24
Promoters 14 84724473 70.42
Non Resident Indians 547 1413194 1.17
Clearing Members 80 170019 0.14
Indian Financial Institutions 1 90180 0.07
Foreign Portfolio Investors 2 77308 0.06
Banks 3 42505 0.04
Non Resident Indian Non Repatriable 212 1484598 1.23
Bodies Corporates 287 4301459 3.58
NBFC 1 7000 0.01
I E P F 1 395859 0.33
H U F 897 811455 0.67
Total 42176 120306000 100.00
Dematerialisation of Shares and Liquidity

The break-up of 12,03,06,000 equity shares held in Physical and Dematerialised form as on 31st March, 2020 is given below:

Particulars No. of shares Percentage
Physical Segment 520095 0.43
Demat Segment
NSDL 107346455 89.23
CDSL 12439450 10.34
Total 120306000 100
Outstanding GDRs /ADRs / Warrants or any Convertible Instruments Conversion Date and likely impact On Equity

The Company does not have any outstanding GDRs/ADRs/Warrants/Convertible instruments as on 31st March, 2020.

Commodity Price Risk or Foreign Exchange Risk and Hedging Activities

Company use Forward Contracts for hedging the risk.

Details of Shareholders Suspense Account
Particulars Demat Physical
Number of Shareholders Number of Equity Shares Number of Shareholders (phase wise transfers) Number of Equity Shares
Aggregate Number of Shareholders and outstanding shares in the Suspense Account lying as on April 1, 2019 0 0 13 26000
Number of Shareholders who approached the Company for transfer of shares 0 0 0 0
Number of shares transferred from Suspense Account during the year 0 0 0 0
Number of shareholders and aggregate no. of shares transferred to the Unclaimed Suspense Account during the year 0 0 0 0
Number of shares transferred to IEPF Authority during the year 50 7453 18 21000
Aggregate No of shareholders and the Outstanding Shares in the Suspense Account lying as March 31, 20 0 0 13 26000

Note: Voting Rights on these Shares shall remain frozen till the rightful owner of such shares claims the shares.

Credit Ratings

The Company has obtained the following credit ratings during the financial year:

S.No. Name of rating Agency Instrument Type Rating Revision, if any
1. CRISIL Limited Fund based-Long Term A-/ Stable Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Negative” to “Stable”
Fund based-Short Term A2+ Rating reaffirmed
2. ICRA Limited Fund based-Long Term A- Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Stable” to “Negative”
Fund based-Working Capital facilities A- Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Stable” to “Negative”
Non-fund based- Working Capital Facilities A2+ Rating reaffirmed



No strictures/penalties were imposed on the Company by Stock Exchanges or SEBI or any statutory authority, or any matter related to capital markets during the last three years.

Proceeds from Public Issues, Right Issues, Preferential Issues

During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Company did not raise capital through public, rights and/or preferential issue.

Subsidiary Companies

During the year under review, the Company has no material subsidiaries.

Vigil Mechanism (Whistle Blower) Policy

The Company has put in place a mechanism for reporting illegal, unethical behaviour, malpractice, impropriety, abuse, insider trading or wrongdoing. The Company has a Vigil Mechanism (Whistle Blower) Policy under which the employees are free to report violations of applicable laws and regulations and the Code of Conduct. The email Id where employees can post their complaints / observations is “”. During the year under review, no employee was denied access to Audit Committee.

Adoption of Mandatory and Non – Mandatory Requirements of Listing Regulations

The Company has complied with all mandatory requirements of Listing Regulations. The Company has adopted following non-mandatory requirements of the Listing Regulations:

Audit Qualification

The Company is in the regime of Unqualified Financial Statements

Reporting of Internal Auditor

The Internal Auditor directly reports to the Audit Committee

Certificate from a Company Secretary in Practice

The certificate from a Company Secretary in Practice, stating that none of the Directors on the Board of the Company have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India / Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such statutory authority, is enclosed to this Report.

Deviations, if any, of mandatory recommendations by the Committees to the Board of Directors

During the year, there was no instance wherein the Board of Directors of the Company did not accept any recommendation of the Committees.

Details of total fees paid to Statutory Auditor

The details of total fees for all services paid by the Company for the Financial Year 2019-20, to the Statutory Auditor and all entities in the network firm / network entity of which the Statutory Auditor is a part, are as follows

(Amount in ₹)
S.No. Nature of Services Amount
1. Statutory Audit Fee 1619700
Total 1619700
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

The disclosures in relation to Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 are mentioned in the Directors’ Report which form part of this Annual Report


The Certificate, as required under Regulation 17 (8) of the Listing Regulations, duly signed by the Chairman and Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, was placed before the Board, and the same is enclosed to this Report and forms part of the Annual Report.


As required under Listing Regulations, M/s. K.N. Shridhar & Associates, Company Secretaries, the Company’s Secretarial Auditors, have verified the compliances of the Corporate Governance by the Company. We have obtained a Certificate affirming the compliance from M/s. K.N. Shridhar & Associates, Company Secretaries, and the same is enclosed to this Report and forms a part of the Annual Report.

Declaration by Chairman and Managing Director under Listing Regulations regarding adherence to the Code of Conduct

In accordance with Listing Regulations, I hereby confirm that all the Directors and the Senior Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with their respective Code of Conduct, as applicable to them, for the year ended 31st March 2020.

Place: Dubai
Date: 10th November,2020
For Mirza International Limited
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Chairman and Managing Director


(Pursuant to Regulation 34(3) and Schedule V Para C clause (10)(i) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015)

The Members of
Mirza International Limited
KANPUR- 208001

We have examined the relevant registers, records, forms, returns and disclosures received from the Directors of Mirza International Limited having CIN: L19129UP1979PLC004821 and having registered office at 14/6, Civil Lines, Kanpur-208001 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company'), produced before us by the Company for the purpose of issuing this Certificate, in accordance with Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V Para-C Sub clause 10(i) of the Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the verifications (including Directors Identification Number (DIN) status at the portal ( as considered necessary and explanations furnished to us by the Company and its officers, we hereby certify that none of the Directors on the Board of the Company as stated below for the Financial Year ending on 31st March, 2020 have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, or any such other Statutory Authority.

S.No. Name of Director DIN Date of appointment
1. Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza 00049009 05/09/1979
2. Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza 00048990 06/09/1979
3. Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza 00049037 06/09/1989
4. Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza 00049066 01/01/1997
5. Mr. Shuja Mirza 01453110 01/06/2019
6. Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya 00049196 01/04/1997
7. Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus 00051645 08/07/1994
8. Dr. Yashvir Singh 00049360 08/07/1994
9. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain 00189602 30/07/2008
10. Mr. Sanjiv Gupta 02240256 12/11/2019
11. Ms. Saumya Srivastava 08206547 09/08/2019
12. Mr. Sanjay Bhalla 00699901 09/08/2019

Ensuring the eligibility for the appointment / continuity of every Director on the Board is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these based on our verification. This certificate is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor of the efficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

Place: Kanpur
Date: 27th October, 2020
For K.N. Shridhar & Associates
Company Secretaries
K.N. Shridhar
FCS- 3882


The Board of Directors
We hereby certify that

  1. We have reviewed financial statements and cash flow statement of Mirza International Limited (‘the Company’) for the quarter and year ended 31st March 2020 and that to the best of our knowledge and belief:
    1. these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading;
    2. These statements together present a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.
  2. There are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the Company during the above said period which are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the Company’s Code of Conduct.
  3. We accept the responsibility of establishing and maintaining internal controls for financial reporting and that we have evaluated the effectiveness of the internal control systems of the Company pertaining to financial reporting and we have disclosed to the Auditors and the Audit Committee deficiencies in the design or operation of such internal controls, if any, of which we are aware and the steps we have taken or propose to take to rectify these deficiencies.
  4. We have indicated to the Auditors and the Audit Committee:
    1. significant changes in internal control over financial reporting during the above said period;
    2. significant changes in accounting policies during the above said period and that the same have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements; and
    3. instances of significant fraud, of which we have become aware and the involvement therein, if any, of the management or an employee having a significant role in the Company’s internal control system over financial reporting.
Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Chairman and Managing Director
Place: Dubai
Date: 10th November, 2020
V.T. Cherian

Chief Financial Officer

Place: New Delhi


The Members of
Mirza International Limited

1. We have examined the compliance of the conditions of corporate governance by Mirza International Limited (“the Company”) for the year ended 31st March, 2020 as stipulated in Regulations 17 to 27, clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation 46(2) and paragraphs C and D of Schedule V of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended (“Listing Regulations”).

Management’s Responsibility

2. The compliance of conditions of corporate governance is the responsibility of the management of the Company. This responsibility includes the designing, implementing and operating effectiveness of internal control to ensure compliance with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the Listing Regulations.

Our Responsibility

3. Our responsibility is limited to examining the procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring compliance with the conditions of the Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.

4. We have examined the relevant records and documents maintained by the Company for the purposes of providing reasonable assurance on the compliance with Corporate Governance requirements by the Company.


5. Based on our examination of the relevant records and according to the information and explanations provided to us and the representations provided by the Management, we certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in Regulations 17 to 27 and clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation 46(2) and para C and D of Schedule V of the Listing Regulations during the year ended 31st March, 2020

6. We state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which the Management has conducted the affairs of the company.

Place: Kanpur
Date: 27th October, 2020
For K.N. Shridhar & Associates
Company Secretaries
K.N. Shridhar
FCS No.- 3882
COP No.- 2612


Pursuant to Regulation 34 read with Schedule V of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”), the Directors present the Report on Corporate Governance of the Company as follows:


Mirza International limited defines Corporate Governance as an ethically driven business process that is committed to values aimed at enhancing an organisation’s brand and reputation. The Company has a strong legacy of fair, transparent and ethical governance practices and it believes that good Corporate Governance is essential for achieving long-term corporate goals and enhancing stakeholders’ value. Good corporate governance is a synonym for sound management, transparency and disclosure, encompassing good corporate practices, procedures, standards and implicit rules which propel a company to take sound decisions, thus maximising long term shareholder value without compromising on integrity, societal obligations, environment and regulatory compliances.

In order to keep up the highest level of standards, the Company reviews its Corporate Governance practices periodically against the backdrop of the latest developments in the corporate arena, thereby endeavouring to confirm to the highest standards of Corporate Governance practices. The Company firmly believes in being transparent in all the areas of its operations and also to all the stakeholders. This is practiced through open working methods, emphasis on continuous communication, timely and complete disclosures and being transparent about its entire gamut of activities.

The Board of Directors is responsible for and committed to sound principles of Corporate Governance in the Company. This belief is reflected in our governance practices, under which we strive to maintain an effective, informed and independent Board. We are continuously nurturing and strengthening this framework through concerted and collective efforts of our people, under the guidance of our leadership team. Through this robust Corporate Governance mechanism that interlinks values, ethics and positive culture, the Company aims to achieve long-term sustainability.

2. Board of Directors

(a) Composition and Category of Board of Directors

The Company is managed and controlled by professional Board comprising of blend of Executive and Non-executive Directors with considerable professional expertise and experience which provides leadership and guidance to the management thereby enhancing Stakeholders’ value. As on 31st March, 2020, the Board of Directors of Company comprises of twelve Directors out of which six are Executive Directors and six are Non-Executive Independent Directors including one Woman Director. The composition of Board is in conformity with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) and Regulation 17 of Listing Regulations which are as follows:

Category Name of Directors
Executive Directors Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Shuja Mirza
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya
Non-Executive Independent Directors CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor*
Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal*
CA Saumya Srivastava#
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla#
Mr. Subhash Sapra&
Dr. Yashvir Singh
CA Sanjiv Gupta^

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal ceased to be Directors w.e.f. 19th September, 2019.

#CA Saumya Srivastava and Mr. Sanjay Bhalla were appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

&Mr. Subhash Sapra ceased to be Director w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^CA Sanjiv Gupta appointed as Non-Executive Independent Directors w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

As on 31st March 2020, none of the Directors on the Company’s Board was a Director in more than ten Public Companies (including seven Listed Companies), neither a Chairman of more than five Committees nor a member of more than ten Committees in all the public companies in which they are Directors. Further, all the Directors have made necessary disclosures regarding their Directorship and Chairmanship/Committee Membership in other Companies as per the requirement of Listing Regulations, Act and other applicable provisions, if any.

No Director is related to other Director on the Board except Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza, Managing Director of the Company, Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza, Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza and Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza, Whole Time Directors of the Company (Brothers) and Mr. Shuja Mirza, Whole Time Director of the Company (Son of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza).

The Appointment/re-appointment of the Managing Director, Whole Time Directors and Non-Executive Directors including the tenure of their appointment/re-appointment and terms of their remuneration, are approved by the members at their General Meetings or through the process of Postal Ballot.

(b) Number of Board Meetings

Four Board Meetings were held during the Financial Year 2019-2020 and the maximum time gap between any two consecutive meetings did not exceed one hundred and twenty days. The dates, on which the Board meetings were held, are as follows:

30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020.

The Agenda, along with the supporting documents, explanatory notes and information, as enumerated under Listing Regulations, are made available to the Board along with the notice of respective meetings in advance in order to enable them to make value addition and discharge their duties diligently during the meetings. The Board periodically reviews compliance reports of all laws applicable to the Company. The Company undertakes steps to rectify instances of non-compliance, if any.

(c) Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings, Annual General Meeting and number of Directorship(s) and Chairmanship(s) / Membership(s) of Committees of each Director in other Companies:

The names and categories of the Directors on the Board, along with their attendance at the Board Meetings held during the year ended 31st March 2020, and at the last Annual General Meeting, and the number of other Directorships and Chairmanships/Memberships of Committees held by them, are given below:

Name of Directors No. of Board Meetings attended during the year Whether attended the Last AGM Number of Directorships and Committee Memberships /Chairmanships in other Companies as on 31/03/2020
Directorships Committee Memberships Committee Chairmanships
Executive Directors
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza (Managing Director, Promoter) 3 No - - -
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 Yes - - -
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 No - - -
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter) 4 Yes 1 - -
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhayaya (Whole Time Director) 3 Yes - - -
Mr. Shuja Mirza (Whole Time Director, Promoter Group) 3 Yes - - -
Non-Executive Directors
CA. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Independent Director) 4 Yes - - -
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Independent Director) 3 Yes - - -
Dr. Yashvir Singh (Independent Director) 4 No - - -
CA Saumya Srivastava* (Independent Director) 2 Yes - - -
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla* (Independent Director) 2 No - - -
CA Sanjiv Gupta# (Independent Director) 1 No - - -
Mr. Subhash Sapra& (Independent Director) 2 Yes - - -
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor^ (Independent Director) 1 NA - - -
Mrs. Vinita Kejriwal^ (Independent Director) 0 NA - - -

*Appointed w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

#Appointed w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

&Resigned w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^Ceased to be Directors w.e.f 19th September, 2019.


1. Non-Executive Directors do not hold any share in the Company as on 31st March, 2020 and the Company has not issued any convertible instruments.

2. This includes Directorship in public limited companies (including subsidiaries of public limited companies) and excludes Directorship in this Company, associations, private, foreign and Section 8 companies.

3. Represents Chairmanships/Memberships of Audit Committee and Stakeholders Relationship (Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievance) Committee. This includes Chairmanships/Memberships in Public Limited Companies (including subsidiaries of public limited companies) and excludes Chairmanships/ Memberships in this Company, private, foreign and Section 8 companies.

(d) Familiarisation Programme of Independent Directors

Independent Directors of the Company are eminent personalities having wide experience in the fields of Finance, Education, Industry, Commerce and Administration. Their presence on the Board has been advantageous and fruitful in taking business decisions. As per Regulation 25 (7) of Listing Regulations, the Company shall provide suitable training to the Independent Directors to familiarise them with the Company, their roles, rights, responsibilities, nature of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the Company and any other relevant information, if any. The details of such training imparted are also required to be disclosed in the Annual Report.

The details of programmes conducted for familiarization of Independent Directors with the Company, nature of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the Company and related matters are put up on the website of the Company at the link:

(e) Core Skills/Expertise/Competencies of Directors

The existing Board of Directors of the Company comprises of appropriate skills/expertise/competencies in diversified domains for its effective functioning. Further, the Board has identified the skills/expertise/ competencies of each Director in accordance with their rich and varied experience across different sectors, in the following manner:

Area of Expertises Name of Directors
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Mr. Shuja Mirza Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus Dr. Yashvir Singh CA Saumya Srivastava Mr. Sanjay Bhalla CA Sanjiv Gupta
Strategy - - - - - -
Business Administration & Management -
Corporate Governance
Manufacturing - - - - - - -
Sales & Marketing - - - - - - -
Community Services - - -
Business Development - - -
Finance & Legal - - - - -
Global Vision - - - - - - -

Independent Directors are Non-Executive Directors as defined under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the Listing Regulations and Section 149(6) of the Act. The maximum tenure of independent directors is in compliance with the Act. Till the date of this report, all the Independent Directors have confirmed that they meet the criteria of independence as mentioned under Regulation 16(1)(b) of the SEBI Listing Regulations and Section 149(6) of the Act.

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, Mr. Subhash Sapra has resigned from the office of Independent Director of the Company w.e.f. 12th November, 2019 due to his health issues and incapability in attending the Board Meetings. Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Ms. Vinita Kejriwal ceased to be Independent Directors of the Company subsequent upon their retirement due to completion of the tenure as Independent Directors w.e.f. 19th September, 2019.


The Company has constituted the following committees for the smooth functioning of the Board:

  • Audit Committee
  • Nomination and Remuneration Committee
  • Stakeholders Relationship Committee
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

The composition of all Board Committees is in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations.

The Company’s guidelines relating to Board Meeting are applicable to Committee Meetings. Each Committee has the authority to engage outside experts, advisers and counsels to the extent it considers appropriate to assist in its function. The minutes of proceedings of Committee Meetings are circulated to the respective committee members and placed before Board Meetings for discussion/noting.

Detail of the composition, number of meetings held during the year, attendance of members and scope of the committees are as below:

(a) Audit Committee

The Audit Committee of the Company comprises of four Non-Executive Independent Directors. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain, a Chartered Accountant is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 177 of the Act read with Regulation 18 of the Listing Regulations. The representatives of Statutory Auditors, Executives from Accounts Department, Finance Department and Internal Audit Department are invited to the meetings of the Committee, as and when required. The Internal Auditor reports directly to the Committee. The Company Secretary acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Audit Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020. The Chairman of the Audit Committee attended the Annual General Meeting of the Company

The following table summarises attendance details of Audit Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Chairman)Non Executive, Independent Director 4
CA Saumya Srivastava# (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 2
CA Sanjiv Gupta& (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 1
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 3
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 1
Mr. Subhash Sapra* (Member) Non-Executive, Independent Director 2

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor and Mr. Subhash Sapra ceased to be the member of the Committee subsequent to their retirement/resignation from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020 and 12th November, 2020 respectively.

#CA Saumya Srivastava was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to her appointment on the Board.

&CA Sanjiv Gupta was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 12th November, 2019 subsequent to his appointment on the Board.

All the members of Audit Committee have the requisite qualification for appointment in the Committee and possess sound knowledge of finance, accounting practices and internal controls.

Scope of the Audit Committee

The Audit Committee, inter alia, supports the Board to ensure an effective internal control environment. The Committee discharges such duties and functions with powers generally indicated in Listing Regulations.

The scope of the Audit Committee is as follows:

Powers of Audit Committee
  1. To investigate any activity within its terms of reference.
  2. To seek information from any employee.
  3. To obtain outside legal or other professional advice.
  4. To secure attendance of outsiders with relevant expertise, if it considers necessary.
Terms of Reference
  • Oversight of the Company’s financial reporting process and disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible;
  • Recommendation for appointment, remuneration and terms of appointment of auditors of the Company;
  • Approval of payment to Statutory Auditors for any other services rendered by the Statutory Auditors;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the Annual Financial Statements and Auditor's Report thereon before submission to the Board for approval, with particular reference to:
    • Matters required to be included in the Director’s Responsibility Statement to be included in the Board’s Report in terms of clause (c) of sub-section (3) of Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013;
    • Changes, if any, in accounting policies and practices and reasons for the same;
    • Major accounting entries involving estimates based on the exercise of judgment by management;
    • Significant adjustments made in the financial statements arising out of audit findings;
    • Compliance with listing and other legal requirements relating to financial statements;
    • Disclosure of any Related Party Transactions; and
    • Qualifications in Draft Audit Report
  • Reviewing, with the management, the quarterly financial statements before submission to the Board for approval;
  • Reviewing, with the management, the statement of uses / application of funds raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferential issue, etc.), the statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document / prospectus / notice and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board to take up steps in this matter;
  • Reviewing and monitoring the auditor’s independence and performance, and effectiveness of audit process;
  • Approval or any subsequent modification of transactions of the Company with Related Parties;
  • Scrutiny of inter-corporate loans and investments;
  • Valuation of undertakings or assets of the listed entity, wherever it is necessary;
  • Evaluation of Internal Financial Controls and Risk Management Systems;
  • Reviewing, with the management, performance of Statutory and Internal Auditors, adequacy of the Internal Control Systems;
  • Reviewing the adequacy of Internal Audit Function, if any, including the structure of the Internal Audit Department, staffing and seniority of the official heading the department, reporting structure coverage and frequency of Internal Audit;
  • Discussion with Statutory Auditors before the audit commences, about the nature and scope of audit as well as post-audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern;
  • Reviewing reports of internal audit and discussing with Internal Auditors on any significant findings of any internal investigations by the Internal Auditors and the executive management’s response on matters and follow-up thereon;
  • Reviewing reports of Cost audit, if any, and discussion with Cost Auditors on any significant findings by them;
  • Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the Internal Auditors into matters where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the matter to the Board;
  • Looking into the reasons for substantial defaults in the payment to the Depositors, Debenture Holders, Shareholders (in case of non-payment of declared dividends) and creditors;
  • Reviewing the functioning of the Whistle Blower Mechanism
  • Approval of appointment of Chief Financial Officer after assessing the Qualifications, experience and background, etc. of the candidate;
  • Recommending to the Board, the appointment and fixation of remuneration of Cost Auditors, if applicable;
  • Evaluating Internal Financial Controls and Risk Management Systems and reviewing the Company’s financial and risk management policies;
  • Reviewing the Management Discussion and Analysis of financial condition and results of operations;
  • Reviewing the statement of significant Related Party Transactions (as defined by the Audit Committee), submitted by management;
  • Reviewing the Management Letters / letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the Statutory Auditors;
  • Reviewing the Internal Audit Reports relating to internal control weaknesses
  • Reviewing compliance with the provisions of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time, and verify that the systems for internal controls are adequate and are operating effectively; and
  • Reviewing the utilisation of loans and/or advances from/investment by the Company in its subsidiary companies exceeding ₹100 crore or 10% of the asset size of the subsidiary, whichever is lower.
  • Recommending to the Board, the appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of Chief Internal Auditor
  • Reviewing the statement of deviations as follows
    • quarterly statement of deviation(s) including report of monitoring agency, if applicable, submitted to stock exchange(s) in terms of Regulation 32(1).
    • annual statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice in terms of Regulation 32(7).
(b) Nomination and Remuneration Committee:

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company comprises of four Non-Executive Independent Directors. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain, a Chartered Accountant is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 178 of the Act read with Regulation 19 of the Listing Regulations. The Company Secretary of the Company acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020.

The following table summarises attendance details of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meetings Attended
CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 3
Dr. Yashvir Singh (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
CA. Saumya Srivastava# (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 2
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Ex-Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 1

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor ceased to be the Chairman of the Committee subsequent to his retirement from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

#CA Saumya Srivastava was appointed as Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to her appointment on the Board.

Terms of Reference

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is empowered to review and recommend to the Board of Directors, appointment/re-appointment, remuneration and commission of the Directors and Senior Management of the Company with the guidelines laid down under the statute.

The terms of reference of the Committee inter alia, includes the following:

  • Formulating the criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and independence of a Director and recommend to the Board of Directors a Policy relating to the remuneration of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees;
  • Formulating a criteria for evaluation of performance of Independent Directors and the Board of Directors;
  • Devising a Policy on diversity of Board of Directors;
  • Identifying persons who are qualified to become Directors and who may be appointed in Senior Management in accordance with the criteria laid down and recommend to the Board of Directors their appointment and removal;
  • Whether to extend or continue the term of appointment of the Independent Director, on the basis of the report of performance evaluation of Independent Directors; and
  • Recommend to the board, all remuneration, in whatever form, payable to senior management.

The Remuneration Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:

Performance evaluation criteria for Independent Directors

Pursuant to the provisions of the Act and Listing Regulations, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has laid down the Criteria for performance evaluation of the Board of Directors. The Board carries out the annual performance evaluation of its own performance, the Directors individually, Chairman as well as the evaluation of the working of its Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The performance of individual Directors including the chairman is evaluated on the parameters such as level of understanding and contribution, leadership skills, interpersonal skills, independence of judgment, safeguarding the interest of the Company and its shareholders etc. The performance evaluation of the Independent Directors is carried out by the entire Board. The performance evaluation of the Chairman and the Non-Independent Directors is carried out by the Independent Directors and the Directors expressed their satisfaction with the evaluation process.


The remuneration paid to the Executive Directors of the Company is decided by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee subject to the approval of shareholders, wherever required. The existing Remuneration Policy of the Company is directed towards rewarding performance, based on review of achievements on a periodical basis. The Remuneration Policy is in consonance with the existing industry practice:

(a) Non-Executive Directors

Non Executive Directors/ Independent Directors are paid sitting fees for attending the meetings of Board of Directors within the prescribed limits. The table below provides the details of the sitting fees paid to the Non-Executive Directors during the FY 2019-2020:

(Amount in ₹)
S. No Name of the Non executive Director Sitting fees*
1 CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain 40000.00
2 Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus 40000.00
3 Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor# 10000.00
4 Ms. Vinita Kejriwal# NIL**
5 CA Saumya Srivastava^ 20000.00
6 Mr. Sanjay Bhalla^ 20000.00
7 Mr. Subhash Sapra& 20000.00
8 Dr. Yashvir Singh 40000.00
9 CA Sanjiv Gupta$ 20000.00

*Sitting Fees include fees for attending a separate meeting of Independent Directors held on 21st March, 2020.

#ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

&ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 12th November, 2019.

^Appointed as Directors w.e.f. 9th August, 2019.

$Appointed as Director w.e.f. 12th November, 20219.

**sup> Fee of Rs. 9000/- (Net of TDS) paid to Ms. Vinita Kejriwal for the meeting dated 30th May, 2019 returned unpaid on 1st September, 2019 due to non-clearance.

The Company has not issued any stock option to its Directors/Employees.

(b) Executive Directors

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee makes annual appraisal of the performance of the Executive Directors based on a detailed performance evaluation and recommends the remuneration payable to them, within the parameters approved by the shareholders, to the Board for their approval.

The table below provides the details of the remuneration paid to the Executive Directors during the FY 2019-2020:

(Amount in ₹)
Name of Directors Designation Perquisites (Rs.) Salary (Rs.) Total Remuneration (Rs.)
Mr. Irshad Mirza* Chairman(Executive) 2755483 _ 2755483
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza Managing Director 707259 24000000 24707259
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 314562 20400000 20714562
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 855083 22800000 23655083
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Whole Time Director 72866 20400000 20472866
Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya Whole Time Director 58470 4260000 4318470
Mr. Shuja Mirza Whole Time Director 73786 15000000 15073786
TOTAL 4837509 106860000 111697509

*Mr. Irshad Mirza ceased to be the Director w.e.f. 30th May, 2020

Directors with materially significant, pecuniary or business relationship with the Company

The transactions with related parties are furnished in note no. 30 of Financial Statements, as stipulated under Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 24. Apart from related party transactions furnished in note no. 30, there are no transactions of material nature with Directors or their relatives and others, which may have potential conflict with the Company’s interest. The Register of Contracts required to be maintained under Section 189(1) and Rule 16(1) of the Act, containing the details of the contracts, in which the Directors are concerned or interested, is placed at the meeting of the Board of Directors for their approval and noting, on a periodical basis.

During the year, no pecuniary or business relationship existed between the Non-executive and Independent Directors and the Company

With the applicability of the Act and Listing Regulations, transactions attracting provisions of Section 188 which are in ordinary course of business and are at arm’s length have been entered into after being reviewed, scrutinized and approved by the Audit Committee and with approval of the Board. No transactions which are not in ordinary course of business and are not at arm’s length have been entered into with any related party.

The Company entered into Related Party Transaction with Euro Footwear Private Limited and Mirza (UK) Limited (related parties), which exceeded the limit prescribed under the provisions of Listing Regulations and was considered material in accordance with the policy of the Company on materiality of related party transactions. The aforesaid transaction were approved by Shareholders of the Company in the fortieth Annual General Meeting held on 19th September, 2020, by way of an ordinary resolution.

The Related Party Transactions Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:

(c) Stakeholders Relationship Committee

The Stakeholders Relationship Committee of the Company comprises of four Members, out of which three members are Non-Executive Independent Directors and one is Executive Director. Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 178 of the Act read with Regulation 20 of the Listing Regulations. The Company Secretary of the Company acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Meeting and Attendance

During the Financial Year 2019-2020, four Meetings of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee were held on 30th May, 2019, 9th August, 2019, 12th November, 2019 and 12th February, 2020

The following table summarises attendance details of Nomination and Remuneration Committee members during the year under review:

Name of Member Category Meeting Attended
Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla# (Member) Non Executive, Independent Director 2
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza (Member) Executive Director, Promoter 4
CA. Sudhindra Kumar Jain (Member)Non Executive, Independent Director 4
Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor* (Ex-Chairman) Non Executive, Independent Director 1

*Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor ceased to be the Chairman of the Committee subsequent to his retirement as Director from the Board w.e.f. 19th September, 2020.

#Mr. Sanjay Bhalla was appointed as the Member of the Committee w.e.f. 9th August, 2019 subsequent to his appointment on the Board.

Scope of Stakeholders Relationship Committee

The Committee shall consider and resolve the grievances of the security holders of the Company including complaints related to transfer of shares, non-receipt of Annual Report and non-receipt of declared Dividends.

The terms of reference of the Committee inter alia, include the following:

  • Resolving the grievances of the security holders of the listed entity including complaints related to transfer/transmission of shares, non-receipt of annual report, non-receipt of declared dividends, issue of new/duplicate certificates, General Meetings etc;
  • Reviewing the measures taken for effective exercise of voting rights by shareholders;
  • Reviewing the adherence to the service standards adopted by the listed entity in respect of various services being rendered by the Registrar & Share Transfer Agent; and
  • Reviewing various measures and initiatives taken by the listed entity for reducing the quantum of unclaimed dividends and ensuring timely receipt of Dividend Warrants/Annual Reports/Statutory Notices by the shareholders of the company.

During the year under review, Company received 55 complaints all of which were resolved to the satisfaction of the shareholders

(d) Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Company comprises of three members, out of which two are Executive Directors and one being the Non-Executive Independent Director. Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza is the Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the Committee meets with the requirements of Section 135 of the Act. The Company Secretary acts as the secretary of the Committee.

Scope of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Committee oversees the activities/functioning in identifying the area of Corporate Social Responsibility activities as specified in the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company in accordance with Schedule VII of the Act and execution of initiative as per pre-defined guidelines. The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company at the link:


Independent Directors Meeting

During the year under review, the Independent Directors met on 21st March, 2020, inter alia, to discuss:

  • Evaluation of the performance of Non-Independent Directors;
  • Evaluation of the Board of Directors as a whole;
  • Evaluation of the performance of the Chairman of the Company, taking into account the view of the Executive and Non-executive Directors; and
  • The quality, quantity and timelines of flow of information between the Company’s management and the Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform their duties.


The last three Annual General Meetings were held as under:

Financial Year Date Venue Time
2016-17 28.09.2017 Auditorium of Council for Leather Exports, HBTI Campus, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M
2017-18 26.09.2018 Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M
2018-19 19.09.2019 Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 01:00 P.M.
Details of Special Resolutions passed in the last three Annual General Meetings is given hereunder:
Date of Annual General Meeting No. of Special Resolutions passed Particulars
28th September, 2017 8 1. Re-appointment of Mr. Irshad Mirza as Chairman of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

2. Re-appointment of Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza as Managing Director of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

3. Re-appointment of Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

4. Re-appointment of Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

5. Re-appointment of Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

6. Re-appointment of Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya as Whole Time Director of the Company for the period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

7. Re-appointment of Mr. Shuja Mirza as President (Marketing) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017

8. Re-appointment of Mr. Faraz Mirza as President (Production) of the Company for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 1st October, 2017
26th September, 2018 0 No Special Resolution was passed in the Annual General Meeting held on 26th September, 2018
19th September, 2019 11 1. Re-appointment of Dr. Yashvir Singh (DIN: 00049360) as an Independent Director

2. Re-appointment of Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (DIN: 00051645) as an Independent Director

3. Re-appointment of CA Sudhindra Kumar Jain (DIN: 00189602) as an Independent Director

4. Re-appointment of Mr. Subhash Sapra (DIN: 00049243) as an Independent Director

5. Appointment of Mr. Shuja Mirza (DIN: 01453110) as Whole-time Director

6. Approval for increase in the Borrowing Power of the Company

7. Approval for creation of mortgages and /or charges in addition to the existing mortgage(s) / charge(s) created by the Company

8. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya (DIN:00049196) as Whole Time Director

9. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus (DIN: 00051645) as Non-Executive Director

10. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Subhash Sapra (DIN: 00049243) as Non- Executive Director

11. Consent for continuation of directorship of Mr. Pashupati Nath Kapoor (DIN: 00058126) as Non- Executive Director
Extra Ordinary General Meeting

During the financial year 2019-20, no Extra Ordinary General Meeting was held.

Postal Ballot

During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Company did not pass any resolution through Postal Ballot process. As on the date of this Report, no special resolution is proposed to be passed through postal ballot.


(a) Publications of Quarterly Results

The Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annual Results are submitted to the Stock Exchange(s) in accordance with the Listing Regulations. Further, the quarterly/half yearly/annual results in the prescribed format, are published within 48 hours in any prominent daily newspaper, such as Business Standard (English and Hindi). All vital information of the Company’s performance, including Financial Results, Annual Reports of the last three years and Shareholding Pattern have been posted on the Company’s website i.e.

(b) Websites

The Company’s website contains a separate dedicated section ‘Investor Relations’ where shareholders’ information is available. The Company’s Annual Report is also available in a user-friendly and downloadable form.

(c) News Releases, Presentations, among others

Official news releases and official media releases etc. are displayed on the Company’s website i.e.

(d) Presentation

The Company makes financial presentations to institutional investors, mutual funds and others who have invested or intends to invest in the Company’s share capital and such presentations are available on the website of the Company.

(e) Annual Report

The Annual Report containing, inter alia, Audited Financial Statements, Directors’ Report, Auditors’ Report, Business Responsibility Report, if applicable, and other important information is circulated to members and others entitled thereto. The Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Report forms part of the Annual Report and is displayed on the Company’s website i.e.

(f) Stock Exchanges

The Company makes timely disclosures of necessary information to BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited in terms of the Listing Regulations and other Rules and Regulations issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

(g) NSE Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS

The NEAPS is web based application designed by NSE for corporates. All periodical compliance filings like shareholding pattern, corporate governance report, results and other requirement of Listing Regulations, media releases, among others are filed electronically on NEAPS, by the Company.

(h) BSE Corporate Compliance & Listing Center (“Listing Centre”)

BSE Listing Centre is web based application designed for corporates. All periodical compliance filings like Shareholding Pattern, Corporate Governance Report, results, media releases, among others are also filed electronically on the Listing Centre by the Company

(i) SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES)

The investor complaints are processed in a centralized web-based complaints redress system. The salient features of this system are: Centralized database of all complaints, online upload of Action taken Reports (ATRs) by concerned Companies and online viewing by investors of actions taken on the complaint and current status.

(j) Reminders to Investors

Reminders to shareholders for claiming returned undelivered share certificates, unclaimed dividend and transfer of shares thereto, email registration, are regularly communicated and dispatched.

(k) Designated Exclusive E-mail Id:

The Company has designated the following email ids exclusively for investor servicing:


Company Registration details

The Company is registered with the Registrar of Companies, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) allotted to the Company by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) is L19129UP1979PLC004821.

Registered Office

14/6, Civil lines, Kanpur-208001

Corporate Office

A-7, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110044

Locations of the Company
1 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Magarwara, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-1 & Tannery Division
2 Kanpur- Unnao Link Road, Sahjani, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-2)
3 Plot No. C-4, 5, 36 & 37, Sector-59, Noida-201 303 (Unit-3)
4 UPSIDC Industrial Area , Site II, Unnao- 209 801 (Unit-5)
5 Plot No. 1A, Ecotech-1, Extn. 1, Greater Noida – 201 303 (Unit-6)
6 Plot No. 18-19, Nand Nagar Industrial Estate Phase-1 Mahuakhera Ganj, Kashipur (Uttrakhand) (Unit-8, 9)
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Ms. Priyanka Pahuja

Annual General Meeting

The forty first Annual General Meeting of the Company is scheduled to be on Friday, 18th December, 2020 at Auditorium of Directorate of Extension, Chandra Shekhar Azad (CSA) University of Agriculture and Technology, Nawabganj, Kanpur-208002 at 11:00 A.M.

Financial Calendar

The Company follows April to March as its Financial Year. The results for every quarter, beginning from April, will be declared within 45 days of the end of quarter, except for the last quarter, which will be submitted, along with the annual audited results within 60 days of the end of the last quarter, as permitted under the Listing Regulations.

Listing on Stock Exchanges

The Stock Exchanges, at which the Company’s equity shares are listed, and the respective stock codes are:

National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE): MIRZAINT
Exchange Plaza,
5th Floor, Plot No. C/1, G Block,
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai – 400 051,
Maharashtra, India

BSE Limited (BSE): 526642
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Mumbai – 400 001,
Maharashtra, India

International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the Company’s equity shares, having face value of ₹ 2 each, is INE771A01026.

Listing fees for the Financial Year 2020-21 have been paid to the Stock Exchanges.

Registrar and Share Transfer Agent

M/s. KFin Technologies Private Limited is the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company. The contact details of the RTA are:
KFin Technologies Private Limited
Selenium Tower B, Plot no. 31-32
Gachibowli Financial District,
Nanakaramguda, Hyderabad-500 032
Tel: + 91-40-67162222
Fax: + 91-040-23001153

Share Transfer System

Transfers of equity shares in electronic form are done through the depositories with no involvement of the Company. Transfer of equity shares in physical form are processed by our Registrar and Share Transfer Agent i.e. KFin Technologies Private Limited, Hyderabad within 10 to 12 working days from the date of receipt, provided the documents are complete in all respects. The Directors and certain officials of the Company are authorised by the Board severally to approve transfers, which are noted at subsequent Board Meetings.

Market Price Data

The details of monthly High Low Price(s) of Shares of the Company on National Stock Exchange and monthly High Low Index of NIFTY are as given below

National Stock Exchange NIFTY INDEX
Month High Low High Low
April' 19 60.60 54.00 11856.15 11549.10
May' 19 63.95 49.55 12041.15 11108.30
June' 19 68.90 54.05 12103.05 11625.10
July' 19 68.80 58.00 11981.75 10999.40
August' 19 64.50 52.95 11181.45 10637.15
September' 19 67.80 52.10 11694.85 10670.25
October' 19 64.90 52.75 11945.00 11090.15
November' 19 63.70 55.05 12158.80 11802.65
December' 19 60.70 53.10 12293.90 11832.30
January' 20 72.00 55.10 12430.50 11929.60
February' 20 65.40 51.60 12246.70 11175.05
March' 20 57.25 27.25 11433.00 7511.10

The details of monthly High Low Price(s) of Shares of the Company on Bombay Stock Exchange and monthly High Low BSE Sensex are as given below:

Bombay Stock Exchange BSE Sensex
Month High Low High Low
April' 19 60.25 54.05 39487.45 38460.25
May' 19 63.60 49.70 40124.96 36956.10
June' 19 68.75 53.60 40312.07 38870.96
July' 19 68.70 57.95 40032.41 37128.26
August' 19 66.00 53.00 37807.55 36102.35
September' 19 67.65 52.10 39441.12 35987.80
October' 19 64.45 51.50 40392.22 37415.83
November' 19 63.60 55.10 41163.79 40014.23
December' 19 61.00 53.30 41809.96 40135.37
January' 20 71.80 55.25 42273.87 40476.55
February' 20 65.30 54.30 41709.30 38219.97
March' 20 57.20 27.35 39083.17 25638.90
Distribution Schedule as on 31st March, 2020
Category No. of Cases % of Cases Amount % Amount
1-5000 40687 96.47 24365110.002 10.13
5001- 10000 793 1.88 5826490.00 2.42
10001 - 20000 340 0.81 4957004.00 2.06
20001 - 30000 125 0.30 3032334.00 1.26
30001 - 40000 79 0.19 2833330.00 1.18
40001 - 50000 25 0.06 1149212.00 0.48
50001 - 100000 69 0.16 4879212.00 2.03
100001 & above 58 0.14 193569308.00 80.45
Total 42176 100.00 240612000.00 100
Category of Shareholders as on 31st March, 2020
Category Cases Shares % of holding
Mutual Funds 3 33100 0.03
Trusts 1 500 0.00
Resident Individuals 40127 26754350 22.24
Promoters 14 84724473 70.42
Non Resident Indians 547 1413194 1.17
Clearing Members 80 170019 0.14
Indian Financial Institutions 1 90180 0.07
Foreign Portfolio Investors 2 77308 0.06
Banks 3 42505 0.04
Non Resident Indian Non Repatriable 212 1484598 1.23
Bodies Corporates 287 4301459 3.58
NBFC 1 7000 0.01
I E P F 1 395859 0.33
H U F 897 811455 0.67
Total 42176 120306000 100.00
Dematerialisation of Shares and Liquidity

The break-up of 12,03,06,000 equity shares held in Physical and Dematerialised form as on 31st March, 2020 is given below:

Particulars No. of shares Percentage
Physical Segment 520095 0.43
Demat Segment
NSDL 107346455 89.23
CDSL 12439450 10.34
Total 120306000 100
Outstanding GDRs /ADRs / Warrants or any Convertible Instruments Conversion Date and likely impact On Equity

The Company does not have any outstanding GDRs/ADRs/Warrants/Convertible instruments as on 31st March, 2020.

Commodity Price Risk or Foreign Exchange Risk and Hedging Activities

Company use Forward Contracts for hedging the risk.

Details of Shareholders Suspense Account
Particulars Demat Physical
Number of Shareholders Number of Equity Shares Number of Shareholders (phase wise transfers) Number of Equity Shares
Aggregate Number of Shareholders and outstanding shares in the Suspense Account lying as on April 1, 2019 0 0 13 26000
Number of Shareholders who approached the Company for transfer of shares 0 0 0 0
Number of shares transferred from Suspense Account during the year 0 0 0 0
Number of shareholders and aggregate no. of shares transferred to the Unclaimed Suspense Account during the year 0 0 0 0
Number of shares transferred to IEPF Authority during the year 50 7453 18 21000
Aggregate No of shareholders and the Outstanding Shares in the Suspense Account lying as March 31, 20 0 0 13 26000

Note: Voting Rights on these Shares shall remain frozen till the rightful owner of such shares claims the shares.

Credit Ratings

The Company has obtained the following credit ratings during the financial year:

S.No. Name of rating Agency Instrument Type Rating Revision, if any
1. CRISIL Limited Fund based-Long Term A-/ Stable Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Negative” to “Stable”
Fund based-Short Term A2+ Rating reaffirmed
2. ICRA Limited Fund based-Long Term A- Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Stable” to “Negative”
Fund based-Working Capital facilities A- Rating reaffirmed and Outlook revised from “Stable” to “Negative”
Non-fund based- Working Capital Facilities A2+ Rating reaffirmed



No strictures/penalties were imposed on the Company by Stock Exchanges or SEBI or any statutory authority, or any matter related to capital markets during the last three years.

Proceeds from Public Issues, Right Issues, Preferential Issues

During the Financial Year 2019-20, the Company did not raise capital through public, rights and/or preferential issue.

Subsidiary Companies

During the year under review, the Company has no material subsidiaries.

Vigil Mechanism (Whistle Blower) Policy

The Company has put in place a mechanism for reporting illegal, unethical behaviour, malpractice, impropriety, abuse, insider trading or wrongdoing. The Company has a Vigil Mechanism (Whistle Blower) Policy under which the employees are free to report violations of applicable laws and regulations and the Code of Conduct. The email Id where employees can post their complaints / observations is “”. During the year under review, no employee was denied access to Audit Committee.

Adoption of Mandatory and Non – Mandatory Requirements of Listing Regulations

The Company has complied with all mandatory requirements of Listing Regulations. The Company has adopted following non-mandatory requirements of the Listing Regulations:

Audit Qualification

The Company is in the regime of Unqualified Financial Statements

Reporting of Internal Auditor

The Internal Auditor directly reports to the Audit Committee

Certificate from a Company Secretary in Practice

The certificate from a Company Secretary in Practice, stating that none of the Directors on the Board of the Company have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India / Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such statutory authority, is enclosed to this Report.

Deviations, if any, of mandatory recommendations by the Committees to the Board of Directors

During the year, there was no instance wherein the Board of Directors of the Company did not accept any recommendation of the Committees.

Details of total fees paid to Statutory Auditor

The details of total fees for all services paid by the Company for the Financial Year 2019-20, to the Statutory Auditor and all entities in the network firm / network entity of which the Statutory Auditor is a part, are as follows

(Amount in ₹)
S.No. Nature of Services Amount
1. Statutory Audit Fee 1619700
Total 1619700
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

The disclosures in relation to Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 are mentioned in the Directors’ Report which form part of this Annual Report


The Certificate, as required under Regulation 17 (8) of the Listing Regulations, duly signed by the Chairman and Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, was placed before the Board, and the same is enclosed to this Report and forms part of the Annual Report.


As required under Listing Regulations, M/s. K.N. Shridhar & Associates, Company Secretaries, the Company’s Secretarial Auditors, have verified the compliances of the Corporate Governance by the Company. We have obtained a Certificate affirming the compliance from M/s. K.N. Shridhar & Associates, Company Secretaries, and the same is enclosed to this Report and forms a part of the Annual Report.

Declaration by Chairman and Managing Director under Listing Regulations regarding adherence to the Code of Conduct

In accordance with Listing Regulations, I hereby confirm that all the Directors and the Senior Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with their respective Code of Conduct, as applicable to them, for the year ended 31st March 2020.

Place: Dubai
Date: 10th November,2020
For Mirza International Limited
Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Chairman and Managing Director


(Pursuant to Regulation 34(3) and Schedule V Para C clause (10)(i) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015)

The Members of
Mirza International Limited
KANPUR- 208001

We have examined the relevant registers, records, forms, returns and disclosures received from the Directors of Mirza International Limited having CIN: L19129UP1979PLC004821 and having registered office at 14/6, Civil Lines, Kanpur-208001 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company'), produced before us by the Company for the purpose of issuing this Certificate, in accordance with Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V Para-C Sub clause 10(i) of the Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the verifications (including Directors Identification Number (DIN) status at the portal ( as considered necessary and explanations furnished to us by the Company and its officers, we hereby certify that none of the Directors on the Board of the Company as stated below for the Financial Year ending on 31st March, 2020 have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of companies by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, or any such other Statutory Authority.

S.No. Name of Director DIN Date of appointment
1. Mr. Rashid Ahmed Mirza 00049009 05/09/1979
2. Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza 00048990 06/09/1979
3. Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza 00049037 06/09/1989
4. Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza 00049066 01/01/1997
5. Mr. Shuja Mirza 01453110 01/06/2019
6. Mr. Narendra Prasad Upadhyaya 00049196 01/04/1997
7. Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus 00051645 08/07/1994
8. Dr. Yashvir Singh 00049360 08/07/1994
9. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain 00189602 30/07/2008
10. Mr. Sanjiv Gupta 02240256 12/11/2019
11. Ms. Saumya Srivastava 08206547 09/08/2019
12. Mr. Sanjay Bhalla 00699901 09/08/2019

Ensuring the eligibility for the appointment / continuity of every Director on the Board is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these based on our verification. This certificate is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor of the efficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

Place: Kanpur
Date: 27th October, 2020
For K.N. Shridhar & Associates
Company Secretaries
K.N. Shridhar
FCS- 3882


The Board of Directors
We hereby certify that

  1. We have reviewed financial statements and cash flow statement of Mirza International Limited (‘the Company’) for the quarter and year ended 31st March 2020 and that to the best of our knowledge and belief:
    1. these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading;
    2. These statements together present a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.
  2. There are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the Company during the above said period which are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the Company’s Code of Conduct.
  3. We accept the responsibility of establishing and maintaining internal controls for financial reporting and that we have evaluated the effectiveness of the internal control systems of the Company pertaining to financial reporting and we have disclosed to the Auditors and the Audit Committee deficiencies in the design or operation of such internal controls, if any, of which we are aware and the steps we have taken or propose to take to rectify these deficiencies.
  4. We have indicated to the Auditors and the Audit Committee:
    1. significant changes in internal control over financial reporting during the above said period;
    2. significant changes in accounting policies during the above said period and that the same have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements; and
    3. instances of significant fraud, of which we have become aware and the involvement therein, if any, of the management or an employee having a significant role in the Company’s internal control system over financial reporting.
Rashid Ahmed Mirza
Chairman and Managing Director
Place: Dubai
Date: 10th November, 2020
V.T. Cherian

Chief Financial Officer

Place: New Delhi


The Members of
Mirza International Limited

1. We have examined the compliance of the conditions of corporate governance by Mirza International Limited (“the Company”) for the year ended 31st March, 2020 as stipulated in Regulations 17 to 27, clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation 46(2) and paragraphs C and D of Schedule V of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended (“Listing Regulations”).

Management’s Responsibility

2. The compliance of conditions of corporate governance is the responsibility of the management of the Company. This responsibility includes the designing, implementing and operating effectiveness of internal control to ensure compliance with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the Listing Regulations.

Our Responsibility

3. Our responsibility is limited to examining the procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring compliance with the conditions of the Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.

4. We have examined the relevant records and documents maintained by the Company for the purposes of providing reasonable assurance on the compliance with Corporate Governance requirements by the Company.


5. Based on our examination of the relevant records and according to the information and explanations provided to us and the representations provided by the Management, we certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in Regulations 17 to 27 and clauses (b) to (i) of Regulation 46(2) and para C and D of Schedule V of the Listing Regulations during the year ended 31st March, 2020

6. We state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which the Management has conducted the affairs of the company.

Place: Kanpur
Date: 27th October, 2020
For K.N. Shridhar & Associates
Company Secretaries
K.N. Shridhar
FCS No.- 3882
COP No.- 2612


The Company is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics and complying with applicable laws, rules and regulations.

The Company believes that a good Corporate Governance structure would not only encourage value creation but also provide accountability and control systems commensurate with the risks involved.

The Company thus believes that:-

“The Company’s Board of Directors and Senior Management are responsible for and are committed to setting the standards of conduct contained in this Code and for updating these standards, as appropriate, to ensure their continuing relevance, effectiveness and responsiveness to the needs of local and international investors and all other stakeholders as also to reflect corporate, legal and regulatory developments. This Code should be adhered to in letter and in spirit.”


The Company is committed to comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and guidelines in every jurisdiction where it operates.

It is therefore desirable that Directors / Senior Management possess / acquire appropriate knowledge of the legal requirements relating to their roles and duties to enable them to be in compliance thereof and to recognize potential risks.

Directors / Senior Management shall ensure due compliance for every activity undertaken under their supervision and authority.

Directors / Senior Management shall extend full co-operation to regulatory authorities, and disclose information as may be required.


(a) The term "conflict of interest" pertains to situations in which personal, financial or other consideration(s) may compromise, or have the appearance of compromising the professional judgment of Directors / Senior Management. A conflict of interest exists where the interests or benefits of Directors or Senior Management or of people or entities related to them conflicts with the interests or benefits of the Company.

(b) Directors / Senior Management are prohibited from engaging in any activity that interferes with the performance or discharge of responsibilities towards the Company or is otherwise in conflict with the interest or prejudicial to the Company.

(c) In addition to mandatory disclosures all Non-Executive and Independent Directors shall disclose their association with any other company which, in their judgment, may lead to conflict of interest with the Company.

(d) Directors / Senior Management are free to make personal investments and enjoy social relations and normal business courtesies. They should however ensure that such interests do not directly or indirectly influence the performance of their responsibilities.

(e) Directors / Senior Management are advised to avoid conducting the Company’s business with a relative, or with a business concern in which a relative is associated in any significant role.

(f) If there are any transactions with such related parties within the knowledge of Directors / Senior Management, they must report the same to the Chairman. If determined to be material to the company, the transactions shall be placed before the Audit Committee for review. Any dealings with a related party must be conducted on an arm’s length basis and on commercial terms and no preferential treatment shall be given.

(g) If a proposed transaction or situation raises any question or doubts, the Compliance Officer should be consulted.

(h) If any Whole time Director / Senior Management decides to consider a political post, the same shall be disclosed to the Board, which shall consider whether the acceptance of such a post is in any manner prejudicial to the interests of the Company and if Board finds it prejudicial to the interest of company, such Whole time Director/Senior Management will not hold such post.


The Company expects all its business to be conducted in a legal and ethical manner. The quality of products and the efficiency of services at competitive prices will be the biggest tool for marketing activities. Profits by no means justify use of unfair / unethical business practices.

Directors / Senior Management shall not make any promises or commitments that the Company does not intend or would not be able to honor. Also, they should not be engaged, directly or indirectly, in any act, dealing or conduct likely to bring discredit to the Company.

Directors / Senior Management must uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in every kind of third party dealings. They shall not give, offer, or authorize the offer, directly or indirectly, of anything of value (tangible or intangible) to any third party to obtain any improper advantage.

A contribution or entertainment shall not be offered to anyone in the course of business that might create the appearance of an impropriety. However some modest and acceptable corporate gifts etc. appropriate to give in the normal course of business practice may be acceptable.


The Directors of the company are required to act in accordance with the articles of the company. To uphold the fiduciary capacity of acting in the best interest of the company, the Director should abide by the following duties:-

  • Act in good faith in order to promote the objects of the company for the benefit of all its stakeholders
  • Avoid situations causing direct or indirect conflict of interest, with the interest of the company
  • Avoid achieving or attempting to achieve any undue gain or advantage either to himself or to his relatives, partners, or associates
  • Exercise due and reasonable care, skill, diligence and independent judgment while performing the duties

Further, the Directors should ensure not to assign his office at any point of time.


Directors / Senior Management shall as far as practicable, protect the Company’s assets from loss, damage, misuse or theft and ensure that the assets are only used for business purposes.

Directors / Senior Management shall not apply the Company’s assets / resources and/or proprietary information for personal benefit and/or for the benefit of any other related party.


The Directors of the Company should avoid acquisition of any assets from the Company (or Holding, Subsidiary or Associate Company) for consideration other than cash and visa versa. In any case, if such transaction is considered desirable, it has to comply with the requisite provisions of law.


Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) broadly covers patented or potentially patentable inventions, trademarks, service marks, trade names, copyrightable subject matter, and trade secrets.

Directors / Senior Management shall make their best efforts to protect all such Intellectual Properties related to the Company, as it is critical to the Company’s overall success.

It is advisable to highlight and consult the Chairman for determining the appropriate course of action whenever there is lack of clarity and issue of any kind related to IPR.


“Confidential information” includes all information of the Company not authorized by the management for public dissemination. This includes information on trade, trade secrets, confidential and privileged information regarding customers, employees, information relating to mergers and acquisitions, non-public information about discussions and deliberations relating to business issues and decisions, between and among employees, Officers and Directors in formal meetings or otherwise, and will include all such information which is not available in the public domain at that point of time.

The Company believes that protection of all confidential information is essential and is committed to protecting business and personal information of confidential nature obtained from clients, associates and Employees. Directors / Senior Management shall ensure that no confidential information is disclosed inadvertently or otherwise.

Confidential information shall be disclosed to persons, both internal and external, only on “need to know‟ basis and public disclosure shall be made with appropriate approval or as legally mandated.

Directors / Senior Management shall ensure that all confidential information available to them by virtue of the office they hold is never directly or indirectly released to any person or entity, or made public, otherwise than as stated above.


The Director and Key Managerial Personnel should ensure not to misuse any Privileged Price Sensitive Information, which they may have access to, during the course of their assignment. If such information is price sensitive and is generally not available, the same is likely to have an effect on a person's decision to invest or sell shares in that Company. Misuse of such information is a criminal offence, and might tantamount to the breach of insider trading code of conduct. If in doubt, reference should be made to the Insider Trading Code of Conduct of the Company.


Except as may be approved by the Board of Directors or a Committee thereof, Directors / Senior Management are prohibited from:

  • taking for themselves personally, opportunities that belong to either the Company or are discovered through the use of Company’s property, information or position;
  • using the Company’s property, information, or position for personal gain;
  • competing with the Company


To facilitate the achievement of the Company's vision and business plans, it is necessary to communicate the policies, plans and accomplishments in the most effective manner through the media to our investors, customers, existing and potential, other stakeholders and to the community at large.

All statements made to the media on behalf of the Company should be true and fair. Only persons duly authorised by management are allowed to interact with media on specified subjects.

Disclosures of any information other than statutory disclosures or those specifically authorised by the Management is prohibited. Disclosure of information on proceedings of board meetings / committee meetings / internal meetings, and disclosure of forward-looking statements is prohibited. In case any such disclosure has to be made it has to be approved by the Management and shall be combined with cautionary statements, wherever required.

Directors / Senior Management shall not disclose non public information selectively to a particular group as it may lead to unfair advantage / discrimination.

For any outside publication of books, articles or manuscripts which relate specifically to the Company’s business, policies and processes, Directors / Senior Management should take the approval of the Management prior to its release. All such documents should be supplemented by a statement: “All views & observations made/expressed in this article/presentation are solely that of the authors and the Company is in no way responsible for the substance, veracity or truthfulness of such views and statements.“


The Company’s securities are listed on NSE and BSE. The Company is committed to comply with securities laws in all jurisdictions in which its securities are listed. The Company prohibits its Directors / Senior Management from any fraudulent and unfair trade practices in the securities market, with regard to the securities of the Company or of any other company with whom the Company has business dealings to the best of their knowledge.


Director / member of the Senior Management shall not take a discriminatory stance towards or give unfair advantage to the Company's employees, customers, suppliers, or competitors through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair-dealing practice.

No discrimination shall be done on the basis of caste, religion, sex, nationality or disability of any kind towards any employees, customers, suppliers, or any business partner.


Bribery is an act of giving money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient, where the gift is of a dishonest nature. While corruption involves dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery. The Company strongly prohibits any bribery to Public Officials or agents, whether public or private, or whosoever and is strongly against the person engaged in such practices.


No Director of the Company or other Key Managerial Personnel shall engage in the forward dealing in the securities of the Company (or in Holding, Subsidiary or Associate Company).


"Money laundering" refers to the conversion or transfer of property derived from a criminal offence for the purpose of concealing, or disguising, the illicit origin of that property. Our Company is based on strong fundamental ethics and principles and cannot be used as a vehicle for such money laundering activities.

Any employees who comes to know of such activity happening or even has the suspicion of such activity happening should report to the Company Secretary/Chief Financial Officer in respect of the same.


The Company believes in sustainable development and is committed to be a responsible corporate citizen.

To uphold the Company’s interest and preserve the quality of life of all concerned, the business and operations of the Company shall be conducted in an environmentally friendly manner and provide a safe and healthy working environment to its employees.

Directors / Senior Management shall ensure compliance with all applicable environmental, safety and health laws and regulations and internal policies.


The Company is committed to work in free and fair competition environment.

As a general rule, contacts with competitors should be limited to formal forums and should always avoid casual / careless mention on subjects such as business plans, prices or other terms and conditions of sale, customers, and suppliers.


The Company shall promote ethical behavior in all its business activities.

Employees are free to report existing/probable violations of laws, rules, regulations or unethical conduct to their immediate supervisor or such other person as may be notified by the management to the workgroups. Such reports received from any employee will be reviewed by the Directors/Senior Management and if found true, would appropriately be dealt with.

Directors and Senior Management shall not attempt to suppress/conceal any such view or reporting.

The confidentiality of those reporting violations shall be protected and they shall not be subjected to any discriminatory practices.


The limit of number of directorships as provided under applicable provisions of Companies Law read with SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 to be taken care of by the Directors of the Company at all times.


This is a comprehensive code and applies to all Directors and Senior Management. However, the provisions shall apply to Executive and Non-Executive Directors including Independent Directors only to such extent as may be applicable depending on their respective roles and responsibilities.

Directors / Senior Management shall communicate any suspected violations of the Code promptly to the Chairman of the Board. Suspected violations will be investigated by or at the direction of the Board and appropriate action will be taken in the event that violation is confirmed.

The Code does not specifically address every potential form of unacceptable conduct, and it is expected that Directors / Senior Management will exercise good judgment in compliance with the principles set out in this Code. Every Director and Member of Senior Management has a duty to avoid any circumstances that would violate the letter or spirit of this Code.

The Compliance Officer, as designated by the Chairman, will be the principal officer for this Code. He is empowered to report to the Chairman of the Board on any matter relating to the implementation of the Code. The Chairman/Compliance Officer/Chief Financial Officer should be consulted if there is any doubt or lack of clarity about any aspect in the Code.

In case of any doubt, as to the course of action to be taken, the following test may be applied:

Is it legal?

Is it ethical?

Could it cause a negative perception of the Company?


This Code may be amended, modified, or waived by the Board, subject to appropriate applicable provisions of law, rules, regulations and guidelines.

As a general policy, the Board will not grant waivers to the Code. However, in extraordinary situations and for reasons to be recorded in writing, the Board may grant exemption from any one or more of the provisions of this Code.


This Policy has to be referred to in conjunction, amongst others, with the following Polices of the Company such as:-

Whistle Blower Policy

Code for prevention of Insider Trading


Every Director and Member of Senior Management of the Company will be required to certify compliance with the Code within 30 days of the close of the financial year of the Company. Such certification shall be in the form provided in the Annexure to this Code.

Download Annexure

Download Annexure

Composition of the Board

The Board of Directors of Mirza International Limited consists of ten Directors out of which five are Independent Directors, four are Whole-Time Directors and Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza is the Managing Director of the Board.

Executive Directors
Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Shahid Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza
Mr. Faraz Mirza
Mr. Nirmal Sahijwani

Non-Executive Independent Directors
Mr. Sanjiv Gupta
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla
Mr. Sabir Amin Ul Rahman
Mr. Subhash Chander Sapra
Ms. Saumya Srivastava

29 October, 2024
5 August, 2024
28 May, 2024
03 February, 2024
04 November, 2023
12 August, 2023
27 July, 2023
27 May, 2023
21 March, 2023
13 th February, 2023
11 th November, 2022
08 August, 2022
30th May, 2022
11th February, 2022
10th December, 2021
12th November, 2021
13th August, 2021
27th July, 2021
29th June, 2021
12th February, 2021
10th November, 2020
September 14, 2020
July 28, 2020
February 12, 2020
November 12, 2019
August 09, 2019
May 30, 2019
February 09, 2019
November 13, 2018
August 07, 2018
May 29, 2018
February 02, 2018
November 07, 2017
August 05, 2017
May 30, 2017
Jan 31, 2017
Nov 12, 2016
July 30, 2016
May 30, 2016
April 1, 2016
Feb 18, 2016
Jan 27, 2016
Nov 6, 2015
July 30, 2015
June 12, 2015
May 29, 2015
March 11, 2015
March 3, 2015
Feb 20, 2015
Feb 3, 2015
Jan 23, 2015
Nov 8, 2014
July 24, 2014
May 24, 2014

Notice of Board meeting 22-01-2025

Notice of Board meeting 22-10-2024

Notice of Board meeting 28-07-2024

Notice of Board meeting 20-05-2024

Notice of Board meeting 03-02-2024

Notice of Board Meeting_27.10.2023

Notice of Board Meeting_18.07.2023

Notice of Board Meeting_18.05.2023

Notice of Board Meeting_18.03.2023

Notice of Board Meeting 03.02.2023

Notice of Board Meeting 03.11.2022

Notice of Board Meeting 01.08.2022

Notice of Board Meeting 30.05.2022

Notice of Board Meeting 11.02.2022

Notice of Board Meeting 10.12.2021

Notice of Board Meeting 12.11.2021

Notice of Board Meeting 13.08.2021

Notice of Board Meeting 27.07.2021

Notice of Board Meeting 29.06.2021

Notice of Board Meeting 12.02.2021

Notice of Board Meeting 10.11.2020


The powers, role and terms of reference of the Audit Committee covers the areas as contemplated under Sec 177 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Regulation 18 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, besides other terms as may be referred by the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee constituted by the Board of Directors consists of four Directors namely, Mr. Sanjiv Gupta as Chairman, Mr. Sanjay Bhalla, Mr. Sabir Amin Ul Rahman and Ms. Saumya Srivastava as members.

Ms. Harshita Nagar, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of the Company acts as Secretary to the Committees of the Board.

Mr. Sanjiv Gupta Chairperson-Non-Executive-Independent Director
Mr. Sanjay Bhalla Member and Non-Executive-Independent Director
Mr. Sabir Amin Ul Rahman Member and Non-Executive Independent Director
Ms. Saumya Srivastava Member and Non-Executive-Independent Director


The Stakeholders Relationship Committee acts in accordance with the prescribed provisions of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Regulation 20 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. Stakeholders Relationship Committee looks into the redressing of shareholders’ and investors’ complaints like transfer of shares, non-receipt of balance sheet, dividend etc and the action taken by the Company. The committee specifically works to assure timely redressal without any pendency. The Committee consists of Mr. Sanjay Bhalla as Chairman, Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza and Mr. Sanjiv Gupta as members.

Ms. Harshita Nagar, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of the company acts as Secretary to the Committees of the Board.

Mr. Sanjay Bhalla Chairperson-Non-Executive-Independent Director
Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Member and Executive Director
Mr. Sanjiv Gupta Member and Non-Executive Independent Director


The Nomination and Remuneration Committee acts in accordance with the prescribed provisions of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Regulation 19 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. The Remuneration Committee of the Company recommends to the Board the compensation terms of Executive Directors and its responsibilities include: a) Framing and implementing on behalf of the Board and on behalf of the shareholders, credible and transparent policy on remuneration of Executive Directors; b) Considering, approving and recommending to the Board the changes in designation and increase in salary of the Executive Directors; c) Ensuring that Remuneration Policy is good enough to attract, retain and motivate the Directors; d) Bringing about objectivity in determining the remuneration package while striking a balance between the interest of the Company and the shareholders. The Committee constituted by the Board of Directors consists of four Independent Non-executive Directors namely.

Ms. Harshita Nagar, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of the Company acts as Secretary to the Committees of the Board.

Mr. Sanjay Bhalla Chairperson, Non-Executive-Independent Director
Mr. Sabir Amin Ul Rahman Member and Non-Executive-Independent Director
Ms. Saumya Srivastava Member and Non-Executive-Independent Director


CSR Committee of the Board, consisting of three Directors having one Independent Director has been formed which has formulated and recommended to the Board a CSR Policy indicatiing the activities undertaken by the Company as specified in the Schedule VII of the Companies Act

1 Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Chairman and Executive Director
2 Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Member and Executive Director
3 Mr. Nirmal Sahijwani Member and Executive Director
4 Mr. Sanjiv Gupta Member and Non- Executive Independent Director


[under Regulation 8(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of
Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015]


The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), in its endeavor to protect the interests of investors in general, had formulated the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (“PIT Regulations”) under the powers conferred on it under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. The PIT Regulations came into force with effect from 15th May, 2015 (and amended from time to time) and the same have been made applicable to all companies whose shares were listed on Indian stock exchanges. Pursuant to Regulation 8(1) of the PIT Regulations, the Company is required to formulate a Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclosures (the “Code”).

Objective of the Code

The Code is required for the Company to ensure timely and adequate disclosure of UPSI which would impact the price of the securities of the Company and to maintain the uniformity, transparency and fairness in dealing with all stakeholders and in ensuring adherence to applicable laws and regulations. Further, the Company endeavors to preserve the confidentiality of UPSI and to prevent misuse of such UPSI.

Terms and Definitions

Words and expressions used but not defined in this Code shall have the same meaning assigned to them in the Company’s Code of Conduct to regulate, monitor and report trading by Designated Persons and their Immediate Relatives (“Insider Trading Code”), PIT Regulations, Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, the Depositories Act, 1996 or the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules and regulations made thereunder, including any amendment thereto.

Norms for disclosure of UPSI

a. Prompt public disclosure of UPSI

UPSI shall be promptly disclosed by the Company to the Stock Exchange(s) and shall also be uploaded to the Company’s official website (“Website”) in order to be accessed by the investors and members of the Company, i.e. to make such information a generally available information.

b. Uniform and Universal dissemination of UPSI

The disclosure of UPSI shall be on a continuous, immediate and uniform basis and shall be universally disseminated. The Company may consider other ways of supplementing information released to Stock Exchanges by improving investor access to their public announcements.

c. Chief Investor Relations Officer (“CIRO”)

The [Chief Financial Officer / Compliance Officer] or any person designated by the Board shall be the CIRO of the Company to deal with dissemination of information and disclosure of UPSI

d. Overseeing and Co-ordinating disclosure including prompt dissemination of UPSI that gets disclosed selectively, inadvertently or otherwise

The CIRO, shall oversee corporate disclosures and deal with dissemination of information and disclosure of UPSI.

The CIRO shall be responsible for ensuring that the Company complies with continuous disclosure requirements; and overseeing and coordinating disclosure of UPSI to Stock Exchange(s), Website and other media.

If UPSI is disclosed selectively, inadvertently or otherwise, the person responsible for disclosure of such UPSI shall inform the CIRO immediately. The CIRO, on receipt of aforesaid information pertaining to inadvertent or selective disclosure of UPSI, shall take prompt action to ensure that such UPSI is made generally available. In this regard, it is hereby clarified that rumours and media speculation shall not be deemed as selective disclosure of information.

e. Responding to news reports and market rumours including verification of market rumours by regulatory authorities

The CIRO shall promptly and fairly respond to any queries on news reports or requests for verification of market rumours by the regulatory authorities. The CIRO may also decide whether a public announcement is necessary for verifying or denying rumours and then making the disclosure.

f. Manner of dealing with analysts and research personnel

(i) Only Public information to be provided – The Company shall provide only public information to the analysts/ research persons/ large investors like institutions. Alternatively, the information given to the analysts should be simultaneously made public at the earliest.

(ii) Recording of discussion - In order to avoid misquoting or misrepresentation, it is desirable that at least two senior representatives of the Company be present at meetings with analysts, brokers or institutional investors.

(iii) Handling of unanticipated questions - Representatives of the Company should be careful when dealing with analysts’ questions that raise issues outside the intended scope of discussion. Unanticipated questions may be taken on notice and a considered response given later. If the response includes UPSI, requirement of making a public announcement shall be considered by the CIRO before providing such response.

(iv) Simultaneous release of Information - When the Company organizes / participates in meetings with analysts and other investor relations conferences, it shall post relevant information pertaining to such meetings (i.e. records of the proceedings of such meeting, transcripts etc.) on the Website after every such meet to ensure official confirmation and documentation of disclosures made.

Process of disseminating information in order to make the UPSI a generally available information

(i) Disclosure / dissemination of information may be done through various media (including the Website) so as to achieve maximum reach and quick dissemination.

(ii) Company shall ensure the prompt and quick disclosure of the following to the Stock Exchange(s):

a. Declaration of financial results (quarterly, half-yearly and annual);

b. Declaration of dividends (interim and final);

c. Issue of securities by way of public/ rights/bonus, etc;

d. Any major expansion plans or winning of bid or execution of new projects;

e. Amalgamation, mergers, takeovers and buy-back;

f. Disposal of whole or substantially whole of the undertaking;

g. Any changes in policies, plans or operations of the Company;

h. disruption of operations due to natural calamities;

i. Litigation/dispute with a material impact;

j. Change in Key Managerial Personnel; and

k. Any information which, if disclosed, in the opinion of the person disclosing the same is likely to materially affect the prices of the securities of the Company.

(iii) The Website may provide a means of giving investors a direct access to analyst briefing material, significant background information and questions and answers.

Disclosure of UPSI on ‘Need-to-Know’ basis

UPSI shall be handled on a ‘need to know’ basis and shall not be disclosed to any person except where such disclosure is for ‘legitimate purposes’.

Legitimate Purposes/p>

For the purpose of this Code, the expression ‘legitimate purpose’ shall include (but not limited to) the sharing of UPSI:

(i) in ordinary course of business by an Insider with partners, collaborators, lenders, customers, suppliers, dealers, agents, merchant bankers, legal advisors, auditors, insolvency professionals or other advisors or consultants (“Relevant Persons”), provided that such sharing of UPSI has not been carried out to evade or circumvent the provisions of the PIT Regulations. In this regard, it is hereby clarified that sharing of UPSI with the Relevant Persons for obtaining any professional services from such persons shall not be deemed as evading or circumventing the prohibitions of PIT Regulations.

(ii) during the course of performance of duty(ies).

(iii) pursuant to a legal obligation(s) owed to a third party; and

(iv) in compliance with the provisions of PIT Regulations or any other law for the time being in force applicable on sharing of information to any third person

It is hereby clarified that the abovementioned instances for sharing of UPSI for legitimate purpose are not exhaustive. The Board or the Compliance Officer shall, on case to case basis, allow the sharing of UPSI upon:

(i) considering the reasons or purpose for sharing of such information including expediency, need interest of the Company in sharing such information;

(ii) determining that person sharing the information does not have any ‘illegitimate’ purpose behind sharing of such information; and

(iii) such terms and conditions on the Board or the Compliance Officer deems fit

Except as expressively allowed under the PIT Regulations, any person in receipt of UPSI pursuant to a ‘legitimate purposes’ shall be considered as an Insider for the purpose of this Code and the PIT Regulations and shall be required to execute a non-disclosure agreement with the Company to maintain confidentiality of the information shared by such person. In case it is not practical to sign the aforesaid non-disclosure agreement, then a notice may be given by the Compliance officer to the person receiving UPSI to maintain confidentiality of the information shared with such person.

A structured digital database shall be maintained containing names of such persons or entities as the case may be with whom UPSI is shared for legitimate purposes along with Permanent Account Number or any other identified authorized by law where Permanent Account is not available. The Company shall have adequate internal controls to ensure non-tampering of the database.

Disclosure of Code on Public Domain

This Code and any amendment thereof shall be published on the Website.

Amendment of the Code

This Code and any subsequent amendment(s) thereto, shall be promptly intimated to the Stock Exchange(s).

For and on behalf of the Board



10th NOVEMBER, 2020


27th MAY, 2023

Mirza International Limited (‘MIL’ or ‘Company’) is committed to adopt leading industry practices for promoting sustainable business operations and create value for all stakeholders. Our Business Responsibility and Sustainability Policy sets forth the principles and guidelines to promote responsible business conduct across entire operations and is applicable to Mirza International Limited, its subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures.

MIL also expects our value chain partners including suppliers, vendors and other service providers to abide by the guidelines contained in this Policy.

1. PRINCIPLE – 1: To conduct business and govern themselves with ethics, transparency and accountability.

Mirza International Limited believes in adhering to the highest standards of ethical corporate citizenship and establishment of good governance culture. At MIL, the good governance is a voyage to constantly create sustainable value for the protection of interest of all stakeholders in tandem with compliance with all applicable laws and regulations with healthy growth of the Company.

  1. The group has developed Code of Conduct which is to be abided by Directors, management and employees at all level to ensure good governance, ethical practices, transparency and accountability in conducting affairs of the group and dealing with stakeholders across the value chain.
  2. The Directors, management and employees of the group report their compliance to the Code of Conduct.
  3. The Company shall conduct periodic training programs on awareness of Code of Conduct amongst its employees and stakeholders.
  4. The annual report of the Company sent to the shareholders contains confirmation to compliance to the Company’s Code of Conduct by all the Board members, senior management personnel, duly certified by the Managing Director of the Company.
  5. The Company promptly post on its web-sites information relating to all material events, quarterly, half yearly, annual financial results/ statements (standalone as well consolidated) of the Company at regular intervals. Notices of the general meetings, intimation of record dates, book closures, annual reports, shareholding pattern and such other information are filed as per the SEBI Listing Regulations with stock exchanges and provisions of the Companies Act in such manner that the same is easily assessable to the investors of the Company. The website of the Company will be updated regularly from time to time.
  6. Complete compliances with all applicable laws and regulations.
  7. None of the group companies engage in practices that are abusive, corrupt and anti- competitive.
  8. MIL is committed to conduct its business with the highest standards of integrity. The Company, its Directors and Employees are expected to be aware of and follow all applicable anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws wherever we do business.
  9. The group will avoid complicity with the actions of any third party that will violates any of the principles contained in these principles.
  10. The website of the Company contained a special window called ‘Investor Support’ which can be assessed by the investors for any query, along-with the availability of email – ‘investor-relations’ for any grievances.
  11. MIL has established a Whistle-Blower mechanism that allows its employees, directors, vendors and customers to report any unethical and/or improper practice(s) taking place in the Company, including any suspected violation in the Code of Conduct, for appropriate corrective actions.

2. PRINCIPLE – 2: Businesses should provide goods and services that are safe and contribute to sustainability throughout their lifecycle.

Sustainable products & Services

Mirza International Limited has fundamental mission of creating a meaningful society by building environmentally sound communities where people can live, work and relax with contentment. We strive to reduce the use of natural resources, energy needs and carbon foot prints while sustainably strengthening the communities we work with.

To support this goal, our policy is to:
  1. Contribute to creating a recycling-oriented society.
  2. Make use of sustainable inputs for business operations.
  3. Create and continually foster a business environment that will support sustainable efforts and best management practices in energy efficiency.
  4. Achieve targeted improvements at our properties.
We strive to achieve this by:
  1. Sourcing significant raw material, products and services in a manner so as to continuously improve the balance between social, economic and environmental impacts.
  2. Using state of the art sewage treatment plants to treat and re-cycle waste water, which in turn can be used for horticulture and toilets.
  3. In designing the products, the Company shall ensure that the processes and technologies required to produce it are resource efficient and sustainable.
  4. The Company shall work towards safe and optimal resource use over the lifecycle of its products and services, including recycling of resources wherever possible.
  5. regulations related to labour practices, human rights, bribery & corruption, occupational health, safety and environment.
  6. Using energy efficient machinery and equipment for operations of the Company.
  7. Giving priority to local vendors and service providers and ensuring low carbon foot print as well as support to the local economy.
  8. Providing education, training programs and awareness programs designed to educate partners, investors, employees, associates and other stakeholders about opportunities to save money and protect the environment through improved energy efficiency.
  9. Creating awareness among the customers, all stakeholders to raise environmental concern.

3. PRINCIPLE – 3: To promote wellbeing of employees.

A key imperative at MIL is to keep its workplaces safe, transparent and friendly for people to work in an inclusive environment that can leverage the unique talent of employees from diverse backgrounds. The biggest asset employees have is their health and well-being. It is therefore increasingly imperative that the Company partners with employees to promote and ensure their well-being.
MIL is committed to create and maintain a workplace that is safe, hygienic, accessible to differently-abled employees and upholds the dignity of all employees. We are committed to continually improve the health and safety of employees by complying with and endeavouring to exceed all applicable legislative, statutory and regulatory requirements.
The definition of wellness has expanded dramatically to include a range of programmes aimed at not only protecting employee health, but actively boosting performance as well as social, emotional & economic well being.

The Company will focus on the following key areas for well being –
  1. The Company shall work with supply chain members that comply with applicable laws and Physical Health & Wellness
  2. Mental wellbeing
  3. Medical Facilities
  4. Online Counselling
  5. AI Assistant for health record management
  6. Work Life Balance
  7. Financial Well-being
  8. Safety at work place

The Company will connect well being with employee expectations and expand wellbeing programmes to encompass what employees need.

4. PRINCIPLE – 4: Businesses should respect the interests of, and be responsive towards all stakeholders, especially those who are disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized

Stakeholder Engagement Policy

At MIL, we believe great places are for people to experience and are made with the understanding of great people. The places and experiences we create have the potential to deliver a positive impact for the communities they’re part of, the customers they serve, the people we invest in, and those who invest in us. We define our stakeholders as our customers who occupy and use our buildings, the communities around us, our employees and our partners who provide goods and services to us. To maximize value creation for us and these stakeholder groups it is crucial that we understand their different needs and expectations.

As a responsible business we are committed to:
  1. Ensuring proper mapping of all our stakeholders
  2. Laying down principles of Community Engagement
  3. Engaging our stakeholder groups to develop and maintain positive, productive relationships
  4. Ensuring key stakeholders are well informed and have access to information business
  5. Implementing initiatives and programmes that contribute to sustainable development and generate shared value
  6. Benchmarking our stakeholder engagement performance and continuously identifying areas for improvement
Objectives for engaging our stakeholders

As a responsible business we are committed to:

  1. Collaborating with stakeholders to identify emerging trends and develop solutions to future challenges
  2. Ensuring that our activities meet our stakeholders’ needs
  3. Identifying material issues in a collaborative way to create value for our business and our stakeholders
  4. Assessing and creating community support
Our Values

Our approach to stakeholder engagement is based on six values. Everything we do is bound by these values and we measure our employees against them through our performance processes. Our values are:

  1. Customer Service
    External and internal customers’ expectations should drive the priorities.
  2. Innovation
    Innovations as constant endeavors.
  3. Excellence
    Aim to be consistently excellent; not occasionally brilliant.
  4. Integrity
    Be someone people can trust.
  5. Respect
    Respecting different background and perspectives.
  6. Accountability
    Taking responsibility for all actions.
Implementation and evaluation

To be effective in our stakeholder engagement we are risk aware but not risk averse. We always consider potential stakeholder engagement risks prior to selecting the level or method of engagement. Potential risks will include conflicts of views and interest, and engagement challenges.

5. PRINCIPLE – 5: To respect and promote Human Rights.

MIL is committed to upholding of fundamental human rights in line with the legitimate role of business. Our approach includes adherence to corporate business policies and compliance with applicable laws for human rights.

  1. Conduct business in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all people, complying with all legal requirements.
  2. Treat everyone who works for MIL group fairly and without discrimination. Employees, other staff, vendors, customers and suppliers are entitled to work in an environment and under conditions that respect their rights and dignity.
  3. The Company shall integrate respect for human rights in management systems, in particular through assessing and managing human rights impact of operations and ensuring all individuals impacted by the business have access to grievance mechanisms.
  4. The Company shall recognize and respect human rights of all relevant stakeholders and groups, including that of communities, consumers and vulnerable and marginalized groups.
  5. The Company shall, within its sphere of influence, promote the awareness and realization of human rights across their value chain.
  6. The Company shall encourage its business partners and third parties with whom it conducts business to abide by this policy.
  7. The Company shall ensure that no person below the age of 18 years is employed in any work place of the Company, project sites, vendors and suppliers workplaces.

The scope and content of human rights evolve in response to the political, economic, social and cultural issues faced and focus would be on respecting and promoting:

  1. Health and safety
  2. No child labour
  3. Fair Wages
  4. Financial transparency
  5. Freedom of expression
  6. Right to privacy and protection of personal data
  7. Non-discrimination of any kind
  8. Protection of women against sexual violence at work & providing a safe workplace for women

6. PRINCIPLE – 6: Businesses should respect, protect, and make efforts to restore the Environment.

Protecting our shared environment:

Protecting our shared environment is of fundamental importance to all of us at MIL. We recognize the positive impact we can make in protecting and adding to the environmental richness including the natural resources (water, air, energy and raw materials) and bio- diversity of the ecosystem we operate in. We believe this not only makes sound commercial sense for business sustainability, it is also a matter of delivering towards future generations for sustainability.

To support this goal, our policy is to:

  1. Comply with or exceed the requirements and spirit of applicable environmental legislation and regulations
  2. Optimize the use of natural resources in order to reduce pollution, minimize wastage and maximize reutilization/ recycling
  3. Enrich the bio-diversity of the nature surrounding our areas of business.

We will strive to achieve this by:

  1. Aligning organizational processes, establishing quantifiable targets, as appropriate, reviewing programs and processes for continuous compliance and improvements.
  2. Continually improving the environment sustainability performance of our end-products (such as using energy efficient lighting and HVAC systems, using feasible renewable energy sources, treatment and recycling of wastewater)
  3. As far as possible, purchasing products and services that minimize the damage on environment on a lifecycle basis, encouraging the use of energy efficient raw materials containing recycled materials, minimizing the generation of solid wastes, recycling the reusable wastes and disposing the excess waste through environmentally safe manner
  4. Engaging our employees, suppliers and vendors to reduce risks from environmental, health or safety hazards for themselves and others in the vicinity of our operations.
  5. Training employees, associates and other stakeholders to promote environmental awareness and encouraging them to work in an environmentally responsible manner
  6. Communicating the environmental commitment and performance of the organization to our clients, customers and public to raise awareness and encourage.

7. PRINCIPLE – 7: Businesses, when engaged in influencing public and regulatory policy, should do so in a responsible manner.

MIL believes that a lot can be achieved by the Company together with the Government, legislators, trade bodies and regulators to create positive social and environmental outcomes. MIL has always strived to create a positive impact in the business eco-system and communities by practicing pro-active advocacy not for securing certain benefits for industry, but for advocating certain best practices for the benefit of society at large. The Company is a member of major trade bodies, chambers and associations and undertakes policy advocacy through these platforms, while ensuring compliance to all applicable regulations and ensuring fair competition in the marketplace.

8. PRINCIPLE – 8: Businesses should support inclusive growth and equitable development.

  1. MIL believes that social and economic development can be achieved by building inclusive and sustainable communities. In order to achieve inclusive growth and equitable development, MIL is of a strong view that economic growth, social inclusion and environment protection need to be harmonized.
  2. MIL is committed to ensure protection of interest of all stakeholders. In order to achieve inclusive growth and equitable development and create greater impact, the Company has decided to carry out all its CSR work through Mirza Foundation which will implement social, educational and environmental Projects in compliance with Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013.
Our Commitment:
  1. MIL endeavors to take appropriate actions for understanding the impact of its business operations on social and economic development and shall respond through suitable actions to minimize the negative impact, if any.
  2. MIL shall innovate and invest in products, technologies and processes that promote sustained development for the well-being of society.
  3. MIL shall make efforts to complement and support the development priorities at local and national levels.
  4. MIL shall undertake its CSR activities as per the recommendation of the CSR Committee and in accordance with CSR Policy approved by the Board. Further, the Company shall ensure that CSR Policy be kept updated in line with the requirement of Section 135 read with Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013.

9. PRINCIPLE – 9: Businesses should engage with and provide value to their customers and consumers in a responsible manner.

We at MIL believe creating value for our customers is of utmost significance. Our customer satisfaction policy reflects the commitment towards continuous enhancement of customer experience across our product portfolio.

We strive to achieve this by:
  1. Engaging with our customers and providing guidance and awareness for promoting safe and responsible use of our products.
  2. Designing our products to align with customer needs and expectations, while respecting their freedom of choice and ensuring free competition.
  3. Treating all customers with utmost respect, ensuring equitable access to our services, without any discrimination.
  4. Engaging with customers fairly, providing correct and accurate information about our products and services.
  5. Ensuring highest degree of ethics, honesty and transparency while promoting or advertising our products.
  6. Respecting customer’s right to privacy and ensuring that customer’s data and information is kept confidential and not disclosed to any third parties without explicit consent of our stakeholders, unless required by law to do so.


“MIRZA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED” aims at carrying out its business activities in an efficient and orderly manner. It ensures adherence and compliances with respect to various provisions framed by Regulatory Authorities from time to time. In View of this and also pursuant to provisions of Section 134 (5) (e) of the Companies Act, 2013, our Company has laid down Internal Financial Control Policy which helps in ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to Company’s policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the Accounting records and timely preparation of reliable financial information.


"Audit Committee" means Committee of Board of Directors of the Company constituted under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.

"Board of Directors" or "Board" in relation to a Company, means the collective body of Directors the Company. [Section 2(10) of the Companies Act, 2013]

"Books or Books of account" as per sub-section (12A) of Section 2 of Income Tax Act, 1961 means "Books or Books of account includes ledgers, day-books, cash books, account-books and other books, whether kept in written form or as print-outs of data stored in floppy, disc, tape or any other form of electro-magnetic data storage device.”

"Financial Statement" as per Section 2(40) of Companies Act, 2013 in relation to a Company means a Statement which includes --

(i) a balance sheet as at the end of the financial year;

(ii) a profit and loss account, or in the case of a company carrying on any activity not for profit, an income and expenditure account for the financial year;

(iii) cash flow statement for the financial year;

(iv) a statement of changes in equity, if applicable; and

(v) any explanatory note annexed to, or forming part of, any document referred to in sub-clause (i) to sub-clause (iv):

“Internal Financial Control” as per Section 134(5)(e) of Companies Act, 2013 means” the policies and procedures adopted by the Company for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to company’s policies, the safeguard of its assets, the prevention and detection of its frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial information.”

"Policy" means “Internal Financial Control Policy.


Internal Controls include reviews of the following areas:

Senior management, to be responsible for establishment of overall policies and active oversight of parameters and controls.

Internal audit, to ensure that independent assessments are made encompassing functioning of various compliances under various statues and Rules & Regulations framed there under, adequate systems and procedures are at place for physical verification of stocks of raw materials, finished goods, stores and spare parts, work- in-progress, fixed assets and other assets, proper books of accounts, vouchers along with supports and other documents are maintained, confirmation of balances from debtors, creditors and other parties are obtained periodically/ at year end and proper systems and procedures are at place for internal control at various departments.

Internal chek to ensure organization of the system of account under which the work of one person is automatically checked by another, with a view to prevent and detect the errors and frauds. Under such a system, it is not possible to commit errors & frauds without the collusion between to or more people.


The objectives of this Policy are mentioned as below:

  • To mitigate risks and provide reasonable assurance that operations are efficient and effective, assets are safeguarded.
  • Financial reporting is accurate and reliable
  • To ensure Company’s resources are used prudently and in an efficient, effective and economical manner
  • Resources of the Company are adequately managed through effective internal controls
  • A framework for an effective internal control system which conveys to managers that they are responsible for ensuring that internal controls are established, documented, maintained and adhered.
  • To ensure the propriety of transactions, information integrity, compliance with regulations and achievement of Company’s objectives through operational efficiency.


The procedure of Internal finacial control begins with Identifying the Objectives, Performing risk assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication and then Monitoring Activities.

Key aspects with respect to Internal controls journey are described below:

  • Plan and Scope
  • Perform risk assessment
  • Identify significant controls
  • Resources of the Company are adequately managed through effective internal controls
  • Document Controls

Evaluate control design

Evaluate operating effectiveness

Identify and remediate deficiencies

Build sustainability of control environment


The essential elements of an effective internal financial control framework are:

  • Delegations of Authority and Decentralisation of Power
  • Policies and procedures;
  • Trained and properly qualified staff;
  • Information Technology controls;
  • Review process e.g. Internal Audit and Internal Check
  • Liaison with auditors and legal advisors;
  • Senior Management compliance assurance;
  • Risk management and its Control


It helps in ensuring reliable financial reporting to its various stakeholders and also helps improves the overall confidence of its Stakeholders.

It helps in achieving the objective of Compliances with various Rules and Regulations.

It helps in exhibiting better Corporate Governance norms.

It not only helps in detecting the error but also removes the chances of their occurance.

Helps in bringing efficiency in operations.

Review of the policy by Audit Committee

The above policy has been reviewed by the Audit Committee in terms Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013 the Audit Commiittee may call for the comments of the Auditors about internal control systems, the scope of audit, including the observations of the auditors and review of financial statement before their submissions to the Board and may also discuss any related issues with the internal and statutory auditors and the management of the company.


This Policy shall be formulated in compliance of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 read along with the applicable rules thereto and Part D of Schedule II of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 . The Key Objectives of the Policy would be:

  • The level and composition of remuneration is reasonable and sufficient to attract, retain and motivate Directors of the quality required to run the Company successfully.
  • Relationship of remuneration to performance is clear and means appropriate performance benchmark.
  • Remuneration to Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and senior management involves a balance between fixed and incentive pay reflecting short and long-term performance objectives appropriate to the working of the Company and its goals.


  • Act means the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules framed there under, as amended from time to time.
  • Board means Board of Directors of the Company.
  • Directors mean Directors of the Company.
  • Key Managerial Personnel means
  • Chief Executive Officer or the Managing Director or the Manager;
  • Whole-time director;
  • Chief Financial Officer;
  • Company Secretary; and such other officer as may be prescribed.
  • Senior Management means Senior Management means personnel of the Company who are members of its core management team excluding the Board of Directors including Functional Heads.


The committee constituted by the Board of Directors consists of three independent non-executive Directors namely:

Mr. Sanjay Bhalla Chairman
Ms. Saumya Srivastava Member
Dr. Yashvir Singh Member


The Role and Powers of the Committee shall be as under:

a) To formulate a criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and independence of a Director.

b) To formulate criteria for evaluation of Independent Directors and the Board.

c) To identify persons who qualify to become Directors and who may be appointed in Senior Management in accordance with the criteria laid down in this Policy.

d) To carry out evaluation of every Director’s performance.

e) To recommend to the Board the appointment and removal of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management.

f) To recommend to the Board policy relating to remuneration for Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management.

g) To ensure that level and composition of remuneration is reasonable and sufficient, Relationship of remuneration to performance is clear and meet appropriate performance benchmarks.

h) To carry out any other function as is mandated by the Board from time to time and /or enforced by the statutory notification, amendment or modification, as may be applicable.

i) To devise a policy on Board Diversity.

j) To formulate the Nomination and Remuneration Policy of the Company and propose any amendments.

k) To assist the Board in ensuring that plans are in place for orderly succession for appointments to the Board, Key Managerial Personnel and to Senior Management.

The Chairperson of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee or, in his absence, any other member of the Committee authorised by him, shall be present at the General meetings of the Company, to answer the shareholders queries, if any.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall set up a mechanism to carry out its functions and is further authorized to delegate any / all of its powers to any of the Directors and /or Officers of the Company, as deemed necessary for proper and expeditious execution.


Appointment criteria and qualifications are mentioned below:

a) The Committee shall identify and ascertain the integrity, qualification, expertise and experience of the person for appointment as Director, KMP or at Senior Management level and recommend to the Board his / her appointment.

b) A person should possess adequate qualification, expertise and experience for the position he / she is considered for appointment. The Committee has discretion to decide whether qualification, expertise and experience possessed by a person is sufficient / satisfactory for the concerned position.

Term / Tenure

a) Managing Director/Whole-time Director: The Company shall appoint or re-appoint any person as its Executive Chairman, Managing Director or Executive Director for a term not exceeding five years at a time. No re-appointment shall be made earlier than one year before the expiry of term.

b) Independent Director: - An Independent Director shall hold office for a term up to five consecutive years on the Board of the Company and will be eligible for re-appointment on passing of a special resolution by the Company and disclosure of such appointment in the Board's report. - No Independent Director shall hold office for more than two consecutive terms, but such Independent Director shall be eligible for appointment after expiry of three years of ceasing to become an Independent Director. Provided that an Independent Director shall not, during the said period of three years, be appointed in or be associated with the Company in any other capacity, either directly or indirectly. However, if a person who has already served as an Independent Director for 5 years or more in the Company as on October 1, 2014 or such other date as may be determined by the Committee as per regulatory requirement; he/ she shall be eligible for appointment for one more term of 5 years only. - At the time of appointment of Independent Director it should be ensured that number of Boards on which such Independent Director serves is restricted to seven listed companies as an Independent Director and three listed companies as an Independent Director in case such person is serving as a Whole-time Director of a listed company or such other number as may be prescribed under the Act.

Evaluation The Committee shall carry out evaluation of performance of every Director, KMP and Senior Management Personnel at regular interval (yearly).


Due to reasons for any disqualification mentioned in the Act or under any other applicable Act, rules and regulations there under, the Committee may recommend, to the Board with reasons recorded in writing, removal of a Director, KMP or Senior Management Personnel subject to the provisions and compliance of the said Act, rules and regulations.


The Director, KMP and Senior Management Personnel shall retire as per the applicable provisions of the Act and the prevailing policy of the Company. The Board will have the discretion to retain the Director, KMP, Senior Management Personnel in the same position/ remuneration or otherwise even after attaining the retirement age, for the benefit of the Company.


a) The Remuneration / Compensation / Profit linked Incentive etc. to Managerial Personnel, KMP and Senior Management will be determined by the Committee and recommended to the Board for approval. The Remuneration / Compensation / Profit Linked Incentive etc. to be paid for Managerial Personnel shall be subject to the prior/post approval of the shareholders of the Company and Central Government, wherever required.

b) The remuneration and commission to be paid to Managerial Personnel shall be as per the statutory provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and the rules made there under for the time being in force.

c) Managerial Personnel, KMP and Senior Management shall be eligible for a monthly remuneration as may be approved by the Board on the recommendation of the Committee in accordance with the statutory provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and the rules made there under for the time being in force. The break-up of the pay scale and quantum of perquisites including, employer’s contribution to P.F, pension scheme, medical expenses, club fees etc. shall be decided and approved by the Board on the recommendation of the Committee and approved by the shareholders and Central Government, wherever required.

d) If, in any financial year, the Company has no profits or its profits are inadequate, the Company shall pay remuneration to its Managerial Personnel in accordance with the provisions of Schedule V of the Companies Act, 2013 and if it is not able to comply with such provisions, with the prior approval of the Central Government.

e) If any Managerial Personnel draws or receives, directly or indirectly by way of remuneration any such sums in excess of the limits prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013 or without the prior sanction of the Central Government, where required, he / she shall refund such sums to the Company and until such sum is refunded, hold it in trust for the Company.

f) Increments if declared to the existing remuneration / compensation structure shall be recommended by the Committee to the Board which should be within the limits approved by the Shareholders in the case of Managerial Personnel.


a) Remuneration / Profit Linked Commission: The remuneration / profit linked commission shall be in accordance with the statutory provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and the rules made there under for the time being in force.

b) Sitting Fees: The Non- Executive / Independent Director may receive remuneration by way of fees for attending meetings of Board or Committee thereof. Provided that the amount of such fees shall not exceed the maximum amount as provided in the Companies Act, 2013, per meeting of the Board or Committee or such amount as may be prescribed by the Central Government from time to time.

c) Limit of Remuneration /Profit Linked Commission: Remuneration /profit linked Commission may be paid within the monetary limit approved by shareholders, subject to the limit not exceeding 1%/3% of the net profits of the Company respectively.


a) Evaluation: The Committee shall carry out evaluation of performance of every Managerial Personnel, Director, KMP and Senior Management on yearly basis.

b) Removal: The Committee may recommend, to the Board with reasons recorded in writing, removal of a Managerial Personnel, Director, KMP or Senior Management subject to the provisions of Companies Act, 2013, and all other applicable Acts, Rules and Regulations, if any.

c) Minutes of Committee Meeting: Proceedings of all meetings must be minuted and signed by the Chairperson of the said meeting or the Chairperson of the next succeeding meeting. Minutes of the Committee meeting will be circulated at the subsequent Board meeting for noting.


The Board of Directors on its own and / or as per the recommendations of Nomination and Remuneration Committee can amend this Policy, as and when deemed fit. In case of any amendment(s), clarification(s), circular(s) etc. issued by the relevant authorities, not being consistent with the provisions laid down under this Policy, then such amendment(s), clarification(s), circular(s) etc. shall prevail upon the provisions hereunder and this Policy shall stand amended accordingly from the effective date as laid down under such amendment(s), Clarification, circular(s) etc.


We believe that an effective Risk Management process is the key to sustained operations there by protecting the shareholder value, improving governance process, achieving strategic objective and being well prepared for adverse situation or unplanned circumstances, if they were to occur in life style of business activities.


The main objective of this Policy is to ensure sustainable business growth with stability and to promote a pro-active approach in reporting, evaluating and resolving risks associated with the business. In order to achieve the key objective, the Policy establishes a structured and disciplined approach to Risk Management, in order to guide decisions on risk related issues.

Strategic objectives of the Risk Management Policy are:

1. Providing a framework that enables future activities to take place in consistent and controlled manner.

2. Improve decision making, planning and prioritization by comprehensive and structured understanding of business activities, volatility and opportunities /threats.

3. Contributing towards more efficient use/allocation of resources within the organization

4. Protecting and enhancing assets and company image.

5. Reducing volatility in various areas of the business.

6. Developing and supporting people and knowledge base of organization.

7. Optimizing operational efficiency.


The Company is prone to inherent business risks. This document is intended to formalize a Risk Management Policy, the objective of which shall be identification, evaluation, monitoring and minimization of identifiable risks.

This Policy is in compliance with the requirements under Section 134(3) (n) of the Companies Act, 2013, which requires the Company to lay down procedure for risk assessment and procedure for risk minimization. The extract of the provision are mentioned below

"Section 134(3) (n) - A statement indicating development and implementation of a Risk Management Policy for the Company including identification therein of elements of risk, if any, which in the opinion of the Board may threaten the existence of the Company."

The Board of Directors of the Company shall periodically review and evaluate the Risk Management system of the Company so that the management controls the risks through properly defined network.

Head of Departments shall be responsible for implementation of the risk management system as may be applicable to their respective areas of functioning and report to the Board.


Board of Directors shall include a statement indicating development and implementation of a Risk Management Policy for the Company including identification therein of elements of risk, if any, which in the opinion of the Board may threaten the existence of the Company.


Audit Committee, shall be evaluated the Risk Management System.
The Board shall define the roles and responsibilities of the Audit Committee. It may also delegate monitoring and reviewing of the risk management plan to the Committee and such other functions as it may deem fit.


The key Risk Management practices include those relating to risk assessment, measurement, mitigation, monitoring, reporting and integration with strategy and business planning.

Risk identification and assessment : Periodic assessment to identify significant risks for the Company and prioritizing the risks for action. Mechanisms for identification and prioritization of risks include risk survey, business risk environment scanning and focused discussions in Risk Management Committee. Risk survey of executives across units, functions is conducted before the annual strategy exercise. Risk register and internal audit findings also provide pointers for risk identification.

Risk measurement, mitigation and monitoring : For top risks, dashboards are created that track external and internal indicators relevant for risks, so as to indicate the risk level. The trend line assessment of top risks, analysis of exposure and potential impact are carried out. Mitigation plans are finalized, owners are identified and progress of mitigation actions are monitored and reviewed.

Risk Reporting : Top risks report outlining the risk level, trend line, exposure, potential impact and status of mitigation actions is discussed in Risk Management Committee on a periodic basis. In addition, risk update is provided to the Board. Entity level risks such as project risks, account level risks are reported to and discussed at appropriate levels of the organization.

Integration with strategy and business planning : Identified risks are used as one of the key inputs for the development of strategy and business plan.


The Board will undertake the following actions to ensure risk is managed appropriately:

1. The Board shall be responsible for framing, implementing and monitoring the risk management plan for the Company.

2. The Board shall define the roles and responsibilities of the Audit Committee and may delegate monitoring and reviewing of the risk management plan to the Committee and such other functions as it may deem fit.

3. Ensure that the appropriate systems for Risk Management are in place.

4. The Independent Directors shall help in bringing an independent judgment to bear on the Board’s deliberations on issues of risk management and satisfy themselves that the systems of risk management are robust and defensible.

5. Participate in major decisions affecting the organization’s risk profile.

6. Have an awareness of and continually monitor the management of strategic risks.

7. Be satisfied that processes and controls are in place for managing less significant risks.

8. Be satisfied that an appropriate accountability framework is working whereby any delegation of risk is documented and performance can be monitored accordingly.

9. Ensure Risk Management is integrated into Board reporting and Annual reporting mechanisms.

10. Convene any Board-committees that are deemed necessary to ensure risk is adequately managed and resolved where possible.


This Policy shall evolve through review of the Audit Committee and the Board from time to time as may be necessary.

This Policy will be communicated to all vertical/functional heads and other concerned persons of the Company.



Section 177 (9) & (10) of the Companies Act 2013 requires every Listed Company and such class of Companies, as may be prescribed to establish a Vigil Mechanism for the Directors and Employee to report genuine concern in such manner as may be prescribed.

Regulation 22 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 provides a requirement for all Listed Companies to establish a mechanism called Vigil (Whistle Blower) Mechanism for Director(s) and Employee(s) to report genuine concern about the unethical behavior, actual or suspected fraud or violation of the Companies Code of Conduct. This mechanism should also provide for adequate safeguard against victimization of Director(s) / Employee(s) who avail of the mechanism and also provide for direct access to the Chairman of the Audit Committee in exceptional cases.

In compliance of above requirement MIRZA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (MIL) being a Listed Company formulated a Vigil (Whistle Blower) Mechanism and also formulated a Policy for securing a Vigil Mechanism.


The Vigil (Whistle Blower) Mechanism aims to provide a channel to the Directors and Employees to report a genuine concern about unethical behaviour, actual or suspected fraud or violation of Code of Conduct or Policy.

The Company is committed to adhere to highest standards of ethical, moral and legal conduct of business operations and in order to maintain these standards, the Company encourages its Employees who have genuine concerns about the suspected misconduct to come forward and express these concerns without fear of punishment or unfair treatment.

The mechanism provides for adequate safeguards against victimization of Directors and Employees to avail of the mechanism and also provide for direct access to the Chairman of the Audit Committee in exceptional cases.

This neither releases Employees from their duty of confidentiality in the course of their work nor can it be used as a route for raising malicious or unfounded allegations about a personal situation.


“Protected Disclosure” means a written communication of a concern made in good faith, which discloses or demonstrates information that may evidence an unethical or improper activity under the title “SCOPE OF THE POLICY” with respect to the Company. It should be factual and not speculative and should contain as much specific information as possible to allow for proper assessment of the nature and extent of the concern.

“Subject” means a person or group of persons against or in relation to whom a Protected Disclosure is made or evidence gathered during the course of an investigation.

“Vigilance Officer/Vigilance Committee or Committee” is a person or Committee of persons, nominated/appointed to receive protected disclosures from whistle blowers, maintaining records thereof, placing the same before the Audit Committee for its disposal and informing the Whistle Blower the result thereof.

“Whistle Blower” is a Director or employee who makes a Protected Disclosure under this Policy and also referred in this policy as complainant.


Various Stakeholders of the Company are eligible to make Protected Disclosures under the Policy. These Stakeholders may fall into any of the following broad categories:

1) Employees of the Company

2) Employees of other agencies deployed for the Company’s activities, whether working from any of the Company’s offices or any other location

3) Contractors, vendors, suppliers or agencies (or any of their employees) providing any material or service to the Company

4) Customers of the Company

5) Any other person having an association with the Company

A person belonging to any of the above mentioned categories can avail of the channel provided by this Policy for raising an issue covered under this Policy.

The Policy covers malpractices and events which have taken place / suspected to take place involving:

1. Abuse of authority

2. Breach of contract

3. Negligence causing substantial and specific danger to public health and safety

4. Manipulation of company data/records

5. Financial irregularities, including fraud or suspected fraud or Deficiencies in Internal Control and check or deliberate error in preparations of Financial Statements or Misrepresentation of financial reports

6. Any unlawful act whether Criminal/ Civil

7. Pilferation of confidential/propriety information

8. Deliberate violation of law/regulation

9. Wastage/misappropriation of company funds/assets

10. Breach of Company Policy or failure to implement or comply with any approved Company Policy

Policy should not be used in place of the Company grievance procedures or be a route for raising malicious or unfounded allegations against colleagues.


All Protected Disclosures should be reported in writing by the complainant as soon as possible, not later than 30 days after the Whistle Blower becomes aware of the same and should either be typed or written in a legible handwriting in English.

The Protected Disclosure should be submitted under a covering letter signed by the complainant in a closed and secured envelope and should be super scribed as “Protected disclosure under the Whistle Blower policy” or sent through E-mail with the subject “Protected disclosure under the Whistle Blower policy”. If the complaint is not super scribed and closed as mentioned above, the protected disclosure will be dealt with as if a normal disclosure.

All Protected Disclosures should be addressed to the Vigilance Officer of the Company or to the Chairman of the Audit Committee in exceptional cases.

The contact details of the Vigilance Officer are as under:-

Name – Mr. V.T. Cherian


In order to protect the identity of the complainant, the Vigilance Officer will not issue any acknowledgement to the complainants and they are not advised neither to write their name / address on the envelope nor enter into any further correspondence with the Vigilance Officer.

Anonymous / Pseudonymous disclosure shall not be entertained by the Vigilance Officer.

On receipt of the protected disclosure the Vigilance Officer shall detach the covering letter bearing the identity of the Whistle Blower and process only the Protected Disclosure.


All Protected Disclosures under this Policy will be recorded and thoroughly investigated. The Vigilance Officer will carry out an investigation either himself/herself or by involving any other Officer of the Company/ Committee constituted for the same /an outside agency before referring the matter to the Audit Committee of the Company.

The Audit Committee, if deems fit, may call for further information or particulars from the complainant and at its discretion, consider involving any other/additional Officer of the Company and/or Committee and/ or an outside agency for the purpose of investigation.

The investigation by itself would not tantamount to an accusation and is to be treated as a neutral fact finding process.

The investigation shall be completed normally within 90 days of the receipt of the protected disclosure and is extendable by such period as the Audit Committee deems fit.

Any member of the Audit Committee or other officer having any conflict of interest with the matter shall disclose his/her concern /interest forthwith and shall not deal with the matter.


If an investigation leads to a conclusion that an improper or unethical act has been committed, the Chairman of the Audit Committee shall recommend to the Board of Directors of the Company to take such disciplinary or corrective action as it may deem fit.

Any disciplinary or corrective action initiated against the Subject as a result of the findings of an investigation pursuant to this Policy shall adhere to the applicable personnel or staff conduct and disciplinary procedures.

A quarterly report with number of complaints received under the Policy and their outcome shall be placed before the Audit Committee and the Board.

A complainant who makes false allegations of unethical & improper practices or about alleged wrongful conduct of the Subject to the Vigilance Officer or the Audit Committee shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with the rules, procedures and policies of the Company.


The complainant, Vigilance Officer, Members of Audit Committee, the Subject and everybody involved in the process shall, maintain confidentiality of all matters under this Policy, discuss only to the extent or with those persons as required under this policy for completing the process of investigations and keep the papers in safe custody.


No unfair treatment will be meted out to a Whistle Blower by virtue of his/ her having reported a Protected Disclosure under this Policy. Adequate safeguards against victimisation of complainants shall be provided. The Company will take steps to minimize difficulties, which the Whistle Blower may experience as a result of making the Protected Disclosure. The identity of the Whistle Blower shall be kept confidential to the extent possible and permitted under law. Any other employee assisting in the said investigation shall also be protected to the same extent as the Whistle Blower.


An Employee who knowingly makes false allegations of unethical & improper practices or alleged wrongful conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, in accordance with Company Rules, Policies and Procedures. Further this Policy may not be used as a defense by an Employee against whom an adverse personnel action has been taken independent of any disclosure made by him and for legitimate reasons or cause under Company rules and policies.


All reports and records associated with Disclosures are considered confidential information and access will be restricted to the Whistleblower, the Whistle Committee and Whistle Officer. Disclosures and any resulting investigations, reports or resulting actions will generally not be disclosed to the public except as required by any legal requirements or regulations or by any corporate policy in place at that time.


All Protected Disclosures in writing or documented along with the results of investigation relating thereto shall be retained by the Company for a minimum period of 07 years.


The Company is entitled to amend, suspend or rescind this policy at any time. Whilst, the Company has made best efforts to define detailed procedures for implementation of this policy, there may be occasions when certain matters are not addressed or there may be ambiguity in the procedures. Such difficulties or ambiguities will be resolved in line with the broad intent of the policy. The Company may also establish further rules and procedures, from time to time, to give effect to the intent of this policy and further the objective of good corporate governance.



The Board of Director of the Company are responsible for monitoring the affairs of the Company and making compliances with the various provisions of Companies Act, 2013; THIS WORD with SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 and notifications and rules issued by the Stock Exchange from time to time.

The Company's Board of Directors is dedicated to act in good faith; exercise their judgment on an informed basis and in the best interest of the Company and its stakeholders. The performance of every Director including the performance of the Board as a whole shall be assessed by the Board of Directors of the Company. Such an evaluation procedure will provide a fine system of checks and balances on the performance of the directors and will ensure that they exercise their powers in a rational manner.

The criteria used and the process followed for the Performance Evaluation has been disclosed in the Policy.


The Policy applies to Company's top management, every individual Director (whether be Executive or Non- Executive), Board of Director as a whole, and each and every Committee of the Board including Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Stakeholders Relationship Committee.


A. "the Act" The Act shall mean The Companies Act, 2013;

B. "the Company" The Company shall mean Mirza International Limited.

C. "the Director or "the Board"; The Director or the Board, in relation to the Company, shall mean and deemed to include the collective body of the Board of Directors of the Company including the Chairman of the Company

D. "the Independent Director": The Independent Director shall mean an Independent Director as defined nder section 2 (47) to be read with section 149(5) of the Act

E. "the Policy" or this Policy : The Policy or this Policy shall mean the Policy for Evaluation of performance of Board of Directors of the Company.

F. "the Committee" or this Committee ; The Committee or this Committee shall mean the Nomination and Remuneration Committee under section 178 of Companies Act, 2013.


The Board evaluates its performance in order to:


The Board evaluates its performance in order to:

  • discharge Director accountability to shareholders; and also keeps a check as to whether the Board of the Company is acting in the interest of all its stakeholders.
  • improve Director relationships with shareholders; fair evaluation of performance of the Board shall lead to a better relationship with its shareholders and also the investors complaints and requests would be addressed soon.
  • ensure Board harmony and dynamics; performance evaluation will lead to better interpersonal relationship and spirit of harmony and friendliness.
  • ensure Board processes are effective and efficient; the Policy shall also ensure that the process and procedures adopted to carry out the operations of the Company are effective.
  • add value to the Company; better performance of the Board would add value to the Company and will also build up better reputation in the business world.
  • anticipate issues that may affect the Company in the future; the Board shall take steps to minimise the negative risks associated with any activity.
  • assist with Board succession planning and skills assessment; and
  • Review Board Committee membership.

The objective of this Policy is also to establish and diclose the criteria of the Board's Performance Evaluation and describe the procedure of Board Evaluation


The Nomination Committee shall lay down the evaluation criteria for performance evaluation of Independent Directors. The Company shall disclose the criteria for performance evaluation, as laid down by the Nomination Committee, in its Annual Report. The performance evaluation of Independent Directors shall be done by the entire Board of Directors (excluding the directors being evaluated).

The factors to be considered while evaluating the performance of Independent Directors are set out below:

S. No. Assessment Criteria for evaluating the performance of Independent Director Description


Attendance & participation

How well prepared and informed are they for Board Meetings and their meeting attendance satisfactory?


Code of Conduct

Whether the Directors are adherencing to ethical standards & code of conduct of Company?


Interpersonal Skills

Whether the Directors are maintaining good Interpersonal relations with other Directors and management?


Updation & Awareness

How actively and successfully do they refresh their knowledge and they are up to date with internal and external business conditions.?


Understanding & Contribution

Whether they have understanding of the Company and the external environment in which it operates and contribution to strategic direction.



Safeguarding interest of whistle-blowers under vigil
mechanism and safeguard of confidential information


Opinions & Suggestions

Whether they are rendering valuable opinions and suggestions rendered by the Independent Directors of the Company during the Board Meeting.

Based on the above criteria performance of the Independent Directors of the Company shall be assessed and on the basis of the report of performance evaluation, ratings shall be assigned to each and every Independent Director and it shall also be determined whether to extend or continue the terms of appointment of Independent Directors.

Some of the specific issues and questions that should be considered in a performance evaluation of Non-Independent Director /WTD/ CMD are set out below:

S. No. Assessment Criteria for evaluating the performance of Non Independent Director/ WTD/ CMD Description


Leadership Skills

Leadership initiative, like new ideas and planning towards growth of the Company and steps initiated towards Company and steps initiated towards Branding of the Company


Code of Conduct

Adherence to ethical standards & code of conduct of Company


Team Work

Team work attributes and supervising & training of staff members



Compliance with policies, Reporting of frauds, violation etc. and disclosure of interest



Safeguarding of interest of whistle blowers under vigil mechanism and Safeguard of confidential information

Some of the specific issues and questions that should be considered in a performance evaluation of the entire Board by the Independent Directors are set out below :

S. No. Assessment Criteria For Evaluation of Board as a whole (including its various Committees) Description



Is the composition of the board appropriate with the right mix of knowledge and skills required to drive organizational performance in the light of future strategy?


Code of Conduct

The Board of Directors is effective in establishing a corporate environment that promotes timely and effective disclosure, fiscal accountability, high ethical standards and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors is effective in developing a corporate governance structure that allows and encourages the Board to fulfill its responsibilities.


Risk Management

The Company’s systems of control are effective for identifying material risks and reporting material violations of policies and law and The Board is provided with sufficient information about material risks and problems that affects the Company’s business and prospects.


Review of Affairs

The Board receives regular financial updates and takes all necessary steps to ensure the operations of the organization are sound and reviews the organization’s performance in carrying out the stated mission on a regular basis.


No. of Board Meetings

Are sufficient numbers of Board Meetings, of appropriate length, being held to enable proper consideration of issues?


Management Information System

The information provided to Directors prior to Board meetings meets expectations in terms of length and level of detail and Board members come prepared to meetings and ask appropriate questions of management and address issues that might present a conflict of interest.


Manner of Conducting Board Meeting

Board meetings are conducted in a manner that encourages open communication, meaningful participation, and timely resolution

Assessment of performance shall be made on the basis of factors mentioned above and on the basis of the performance Ratings shall be assigned to every Director on individual basis and on tha basis of performance of the Board Committee as a whole.

On the basis of this assessment the Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall identify persons who are qualified to become Directors and who may be appointed in Senior Management in accordance with the criteria laid down, recommend to the Board their appointment and removal and shall also carry out the evaluation of Directors performance.


The performance evaluation process and related tools will be reviewed by the “Nomination and Remuneration Committee” on need basis, and the Committee may periodically seek independent external advice in relation to the process. The, committee may amend the Policy, if required, to ascertain its appropriateness as per the needs of the Company. The performance of Committees of Board shall also be reviewed from time to time.


The Company will disclose details of its Board Performance Evaluation processes in the Board's Report.

































































Our Company is committed to provide a work environment that ensures every woman employee is treated with dignity and respect and afforded equitable treatment.

The Company is also committed to promote a work environment that is conducive to the professional growth of its women employees and encourages equality of opportunity

The Company will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment and is committed to take all necessary steps and actions as per Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013 to prevent sexual harassment at work places of our company


This policy is applicable at all the work places of the company and work place includes any place visited by the employee arising out of or during the course of employment including transportation provided by the employer for undertaking such journey.


Following are important definitions:

Aggrieved Woman:

“Aggrieved Woman” means in relation to a workplace, a woman, of any age whether employed or not, who alleges to have been subjected to any act of sexual harassment by the respondent”


Means a Person “employed at a workplace for any work on regular, temporary, ad hoc or daily wage basis, either directly or through an agent, including a contractor, with or, without the knowledge of the principal employer, whether for remuneration or not, or working on a voluntary basis or otherwise, whether the terms of employment are express or implied and includes a co-worker, a contract worker, probationer, trainee, and apprentice or called by any other such name.”


Employer means in any workplace, any person responsible for the management, supervision and control of the Workplace


Means a person against whom the aggrieved woman has made a complaint.

Sexual Harassment:

Sexual harassment includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behavior (whether directly or by implication) namely:-

  • Physical contact and advances; or
  • A demand or request for sexual favours; or
  • iMaking sexually coloured remarks; or
  • Showing pornography; or
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or nonverbal conduct of sexual nature;

The following circumstances, among other circumstances, if it occurs or is present in relation to or connected with any act or behavior of sexual harassment may amount to sexual harassment:-

(a) Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment; or

(b) Implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment; or

(c) Implied or explicit threat about her present or future employment status; or

(d) Interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment for her; or

(e) Humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety

Sexual Harassment includes but not limited to verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct such as obnoxious comments or utterances, remarks or jokes, letters, phone calls, SMS or emails, gestures, stalking, sounds or display of a nature with sexual overtures.


The pronoun “he” and its derivatives are used of any person, whether male or female.


All employees of the Company have a personal responsibility to ensure that their Behavior and Acts are not contrary to this policy and above said Act. All employees are encouraged to reinforce the maintenance of a work environment free from sexual harassment.


The Company has instituted an Internal Complaints Committee for redressal of Sexual Harassment complaints at all its work places and for ensuring time bound treatment of such complaints.

The Committee will comprise of the following:

1. Presiding Officer - 1. Presiding Officer -Ms. Sunanda Singh
2. Member - Ms. Neha Gupta
3. Member - Ms. Shaloo Arora
5. Member- Ms. Priyanka Pahuja


Any aggrieved woman may make, in writing, a complaint of sexual harassment at workplace to the internal complaints committee, within a period of three months from the date of incident and in case of series of incidents, within a period from the date of last incident.

Provided further that the internal committee may, for the reason to be recorded in writing, extend the time limit not exceeding three months, if it is satisfied that the circumstances were such which prevented the woman from filing the complaint within the said period.

Where the aggrieved woman is unable to make a complaint on the account of her physical or mental incapacity or death or otherwise, her legal heir or such other person as may be prescribed may make complaint.


(1) The Internal Committee may, before initiating inquiry and at the request of the aggrieved woman take steps to settle the matter between her and the respondent through conciliation.

Provided that no monetary settlement shall be made as a basis of conciliation

(2) Where a settlement has been arrived, the Internal Committee shall record the settlement so arrived and forward the same to the employer to take action as specified in the recommendation.

(3) The Internal Committee shall provide the copies of the settlement as recorded to the aggrieved woman and the respondent.

(4) Where a settlement is arrived no further inquiry shall be conducted by the Internal Committee.


(1) Subject to the provisions of Conciliation, the Internal Committee shall, where the respondent is an employee, proceed to make inquiry into the complaint in accordance with the provisions of the service rules applicable to the respondent and where no such rules exist in such manner as prescribed below in from subsection (4) to subsection (10).

Provided that where the aggrieved woman informs the Internal Committee that any term or condition of the settlement arrived at under conciliation has not been complied with by the respondent, the Internal Committee shall proceed to make an inquiry into the complaint or as the case may be forward the complaint to the police:

Provided further that where both the parties are employees, the parties shall, during the course of inquiry, be given an opportunity of being heard and a copy of the findings shall be made available to both the parties enabling them to make representation against the findings before the committee.

(2) For the purpose of making inquiry under sub-section (1), the Internal Committee shall have the same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 when trying a suit in respect of the following matters, namely:—

(a) Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath;

(b) Requiring the discovery and production of documents; and

(c) Any other matter which may be prescribed.

(3) The inquiry under sub-section (1) shall be completed within a period of ninety days

(4) Subject to above said provisions of this section of policy, at the time of filing the complaint, the complainant shall submit to the Internal Complaints Committee, six copies of the complaint along with supporting documents and the names and addresses of the witnesses.

(5) On receipt of the complaint, Internal Complaints Committee shall send one copy of complaint to the respondent within a period of seven working days.

(6) The respondent shall file his reply to the complaint along with his list of documents, and names and addresses of witnesses, within a period not exceeding 10 working days from the date of receipt of documents specified in above said sub section (4)

(7) The Internal Complaints Committee shall make inquiry into the complaint in accordance with the principles of Natural Justice

(8) The Internal Complaints Committee shall have the right to terminate the inquiry proceedings or to give an ex parte decision on the complaint, if the complainant or respondent fails, without sufficient cause to present herself or himself for three consecutive hearings convened by Presiding Officer

Provided that such termination or ex parte order may not be passed without giving a notice in writing, fifteen days in advance, to the party concerned.

(9) The parties shall not be allowed to bring in any legal practitioner to represent them in their case at any stage of the proceedings before the Internal Complaints Committee.

(10) In conducting the inquiry, a minimum of 3 Members of Internal Complaints Committee including Presiding Officer shall be present.


(1) During the pendency of inquiry, on a written request made by the aggrieved woman, the Internal Committee, may recommend to the employer to—

(a) Transfer the aggrieved woman or the respondent to any other workplace; or

(b) Grant leave to the aggrieved woman upto a period of three months; or

(c) Restrain the respondent from reporting on the work performance of the aggrieved woman or writing her confidential report, and assign the same to another officer.

(2) The leave granted to the aggrieved woman under this section shall be in addition to the leave she would be otherwise entitled

(3) On the recommendation of the Internal Committee under sub-section (1), the employer shall implement the recommendations made under sub-section (1) and send the report of such implementation to the Internal Committee.


(1) On the completion of an inquiry the Internal Committee shall provide a report of its findings to the employer, within a period of 10 days from the date of completion of the inquiry and such report be made available to the concerned parties.

(2) Where the Internal Committee arrives at the conclusion that the allegation against the respondent has not been proved, it shall recommend to the employer that no action is required to be taken in the matter

(3) Where the Internal Committee arrives at the conclusion that the allegation against the respondent has been proved, it shall recommend to the employer—

(i) To take action for sexual harassment as a misconduct in accordance with the provisions of the service rules applicable to the respondent or where no such service rules have been made, in such manner as prescribed in below subsection (4).

(ii) To deduct, notwithstanding anything in the service rules applicable to the respondent, from the salary or wages of the respondent such sum of compensation to be paid to the aggrieved woman or to legal heirs, as it may determine, in accordance with the provisions of this Policy.

Provided that in case the employer is unable to make such deduction from the salary of the respondent due to his being absent from duty or cessation of employment it may direct to the respondent to pay such compensation to the aggrieved woman

Provided further that in case the respondent fails to pay the sum referred to in clause (ii), the Internal Committee may forward the order for recovery of the sum as an arrear of land revenue to the concerned District Officer.

(4) Except in cases where service rules exist, where the Internal Complaints Committee arrives at the conclusion that the allegation against the respondent has been proved, it shall recommend to employer to take any action including a written apology, reprimand or censure, withholding of promotion, withholding of pay rise or increments, terminating the respondent from service or undergoing a counseling session or carrying out community service.

(5) The employer shall act upon the recommendation within sixty days of its receipt by him.


(1) Where the Internal Committee arrives at a conclusion that the allegation against the respondent is malicious or the aggrieved woman or any other person making the complaint has made the complaint knowing it to be false or aggrieved woman or any other person making the complaint has produced any forged or misleading document, it may recommend to the employer, to take action against the woman or the person who has made the complaint in accordance with the provisions of the service rules applicable to her or him or where no such service rules exist, in such manner as prescribed in below subsection (3) .

Provided that a mere inability to substantiate a complaint or provide adequate proof need not attract action against the complainant under this section:

Provided further that the malicious intent or falsehood on part of the complainant shall be established after an inquiry in accordance with the procedure prescribed, before any action is recommended.

(2) Where the Internal Committee arrives at a conclusion that during the inquiry any witness has given false evidence or produced any forged or misleading document, it may recommend to the employer of the witness, to take action in accordance with the provisions of the service rules applicable to the said witness or where no such service rules exist, in such manner as prescribed below in subsection (3).

(3) Except in cases where service rules exist, where the internal complaints committee arrives at the conclusion that the allegation against the respondent is malicious or the aggrieved woman or any other person making the complaint has made the complaint knowing it to be false or the aggrieved woman or any other person making complaint has produced any forged or misleading document, it may recommend to the employer as the case may be to take action in accordance with the provision laid down for respondent in preceding clause of this Policy such as any action including a written apology, reprimand or censure, withholding of promotion, withholding of pay rise or increments, terminating such person/complainant from service or undergoing a counseling session or carrying out community service.


For the purpose of determining the compensation to be paid to the aggrieved woman, the Internal Committee shall have regard to—

(a)The mental trauma, pain, suffering and emotional distress caused to the aggrieved woman;

(b) The loss in the career opportunity due to the incident of sexual harassment;

(c) Medical expenses incurred by the victim for physical or psychiatric treatment;

(d) The income and financial status of the respondent;

(e) Feasibility of such payment in lump sum or in installments


The contents of the complaint, the identity and addresses of the aggrieved woman, respondent and witnesses, any information relating to conciliation and inquiry proceedings, recommendations of the Internal Committee, and the action taken by the employer under the provisions of this Policy shall not be published, communicated or made known to the public, press and media in any manner:

Provided that information may be disseminated regarding the justice secured to any victim of sexual harassment under this Policy without disclosing the name, address, identity or any other particulars calculated to lead to the identification of the aggrieved woman and witnesses.


Where any person entrusted with the duty to handle or deal with the complaint, inquiry or any recommendations or action to be taken under the provisions of this Policy, contravenes the provisions of this Policy, he shall be liable for penalty in accordance with the provisions of the service rules applicable to the said person or where no such service rules exist, then subject to provisions of this Policy, if any person contravenes the provisions of this Policy, the Company shall recover a sum of Rs.5000/-(five thousand only) as penalty from such person.


The Internal Committee shall in each calendar year prepare, in such form and at such time as may be prescribed, an annual report and submit the same to the employer and District Officer. The Annual report shall contain following details:-

(a) Number of complaints of sexual Harassment received in the year

(b) Number of complaints disposed off during the year

(c) Number of cases pending more than 90 days.

(d) Number of workshops or awareness program against sexual harassment carried out

(e) Nature of action taken by employer


The employer shall include in its report the number of cases filed, if any, and their disposal under this Act in the annual report of his organization or where no such report is required to be prepared, intimate such number of cases, if any, to the District Officer.


The Company is committed to ensuring that no employee who brings forward a harassment concern is subject to any form of reprisal. Any reprisal will be subject to disciplinary action.

The Company will ensure that victim or witnesses are not victimized or discriminated against while dealing with complaints of sexual harassment.

However, anyone who abuses the procedure (for example, by maliciously putting an allegation knowing it to be untrue) will be subject to disciplinary action. The Company will provide assistance to the woman if she chooses to file complaint in relation to offence under IPC or any other law for the time being in force and will cause to initiate action under IPC or any other law for the time being in force, against the perpetrator, or if the aggrieved woman so desires, where the perpetrator is not an employee, in the workplace at which the incident of sexual harassment took place.


The right for modification/ cancellation of this policy resides with the approving authority only.


No deviations/ exceptions will be allowed under this policy.



The Board of Directors of Mirza International Limited (the “Company”) in their Meeting held on 06th November 2015 has adopted the following Policy and procedures with regard to disclosure of material events which are necessary to be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges based on criteria as may be deemed necessary and has been adopted as part of this Policy. The Board may review and amend this Policy from time to time.

This Policy will be applicable to the Company with effect from 1 December, 2015 is in terms of Clause 30 (8) of Chapter IV of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“LODR”).


The purpose of this documents is to present a high level Policy statement for Mirza International Limited regarding preservation of its documents which are hosted in the Company’s Website in accordance with the provisions of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“LODR”)

The Policy is framed for the purpose of archiving of documents which are hosted on the website of the Company


a. All Documents generated, disclosed or received by the Company, on its website, for the purpose of shareholder communication, are the properties of the Company and constitute archival material.

b. Archival material of the Company shall not be destroyed or purged without the approval of Board of Directors.

Provided that nothing contained herein shall be deemed to lead to an exception in case of an accidental deletion, or deletion due to any system flaw, virus, or any other deletion, inaccessibility or loss due to any reason other than deliberate and determinate deletion.

c. Material so selected for preservation shall be sent to the Company archives in the category of archived documents.

d. Board will be responsible for deciding how long archival material is to be retained in and under the direct control of the officer concerned, if the law does not specify any time period. The period shall not be less than 3 years.

e. With reference to the pretext, the Documents submitted to the Stock Exchanges, to be hosted on the website for the purpose of compliance with disclosure norms shall also be archived.

  • Archiving of the Documents to be submitted to the Stock Exchanges, in terms of the Regulations, shall be done after the lapse of the preservation period of 5 years [as specified in Regulation 30(8)], as per the Archival Policy.
  • For the Documents to be submitted to the Stock Exchanges to comply with disclosure norms as required by any other Applicable Law, the Documents are to be archived after the lapse of the specified/required time period



The Board Diversity Policy (the “Policy”) is intended to set out a framework to promote diversity of Board of Directors of Mirza International Limited


The Company recognizes the importance and benefits of having the diverse Board to enhance the quality of its programme.


The Company recognizes that a diverse Board will enhance the quality of decisions made by utilizing the different skills, qualification, professional experience, gender, knowledge etc. of the members of the Board, necessary for achieving sustainable and balance development. MIL believes that a diverse Board will contribute to the achievement of its strategic & commercial objective including to

  • Drive business results
  • Make corporate governance more effective
  • Enhance quality and responsible decision making capability
  • Enhance the reputation of MIL

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is responsible for reviewing and accessing the composition and performance of the Board

Accordingly, the Committee shall

  • Access the appropriate mix of diversity, skills, experience and expertise required on the Board and access the extent to which the required skills are represented on the Board.
  • Make recommendations to the Board in relation to appointments, and maintain an appropriate mix of diversity, skills, experience on the Board, and
  • Periodically review and Report to the Board requirements, if any, in relation to diversity on the Board

The total number of Directors constituting the Board shall be in accordance with the Law. The Board of Directors of the Company shall have an optimum combination of Executive and Non Executive Directors with at least one women Director and the composition of the Board shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Act, SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and as may be amended from time to time and the statutory, regulatory and contractual obligations of the Company.


The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will monitor the implementation of this Policy and Report to the Board on the achievement of measureable


The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will review this Policy from time to time as necessary and make recommendations on any required changes to the Board for consideration and approval.

This Policy has been approved by Board of Directors as on 6th November 2015.



The Board of Directors of Mirza International Limited (the “Company”) has adopted the following Policy and procedures with regard to disclosure of material events which are necessary to be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges based on criteria as may be deemed necessary and has been adopted as part of this Policy. The Board may review and amend this Policy from time to time.

This Policy will be applicable to the Company with effect from 1 December, 2015 is in terms of Clause 30 (4) of Chapter IV of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“LODR”).


The purpose of this Policy is to determine materiality of events and information based on criteria specified under clause (i) of sub-regulation (4) of Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations and to ensure that the Company shall make disclosure of events/information specified in Para A and B of Part A of Schedule III of the Listing Regulations to the Stock Exchanges.


The Company shall consider the criteria as specified in clause (i) of sub-regulation 4 of Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations for determination of materiality of events / information.


Act means the Companies Act, 2013

Board of Directors means Board of Directors of Mirza International Limited

The Company means Mirza International Limited

LODR Regulations means SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

Compliance Officer means The Officer appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company for the purpose of these Regulation from time to time.

SEBI means Securities Exchange Board of India.

Rules means Rules made under Companies Act, 2013

Material Events are those that are specified in Para A of Part A of Schedule III of the LODR

Other Events are those as may be decided from time to time and in accordance with Para B of Part A of Schedule III, as specified in sub-regulation (4)

Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) of the Company includes Managing / Whole-time Directors, Chief Financial Officer / Company Secretary, who may be authorised individually or collectively to disclose events to Stock Exchanges.


Based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee or suo moto the Board of Directors of the Company shall determine the events which are classified under different categories to be material and / or other events having a bearing on the performance of the Company and on the share prices of the Company, which needs to be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges as per the time span specified against each category.


Events considered Material which needs to be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges within 24 hours of the decision taken at the Board Meeting are:

  • Acquisition, (including agreement to acquire), Scheme of Arrangement which includes amalgamation / merger / demerger / restructuring), or sale or disposal of unit(s), division(s) or subsidiary of the listed entity or any other restructuring
  • Issuance or forfeiture of securities, split or consolidation of shares, buyback of securities any restriction on transferability of securities or alteration in terms or structure of existing securities including forfeiture, reissue of forfeited securities, alteration of calls, redemption of securities etc.
  • Shareholder agreement, Joint Venture, Family settlement agreement, agreement / treaty / contract with media companies
  • Fraud / default by promoters or key managerial personnel and arrest of KMP or Promoter
  • Reference to BIFR and winding-up petition filed by any party / creditors
  • Revision in rating
  • Change in Directorships, key managerial personnel, Auditor and Compliance Officer
  • Appointment and discontinuance of share transfer agent
  • Corporate debt restructuring
  • One time settlement with bank
  • Issuance of Notices, call letters, resolutions and circulars sent to shareholders, debenture holders or creditors or any class of them or advertised in the media by the listed entity
  • Proceedings of the Annual or Extra General Meeting
  • Amendments to Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Schedule of Analyst or institutional investor meet and presentation

Note: If the Management is not in a position to inform the Stock Exchanges within 24 hours of the decision taken at the Board Meeting, then it shall inform the Stock Exchanges as soon as it is possible with an explanation as to reason for delay in disclosing the said information.


Events / Decisions considered Material which needs to be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges within 30 minutes of the closure of the Board Meeting are:

  • Declaration of Dividend and / or cash bonuses recommended or declared and other information pertaining to them
  • Cancellation of dividend with reasons thereof
  • Buyback of securities
  • Fund raising proposed to be undertaken
  • Increase in capital by issue of bonus shares
  • Reissue of forfeited shares or securities, or the issue of shares or securities held in reserve for future issue
  • Alteration of capital
  • Financial results
  • Voluntary delisting from Stock Exchanges


Miscellaneous Events / Decisions not considered Material which however, needs to be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges as soon as it is possible when the necessary information is ready to be publicized which are:

  • Commencement or postponement of the date of commercial production or operation of any unit / division
  • Change in the general character or nature of business brought about by Arrangements for strategic, technical manufacturing or marketing tie-up, new Line of business or closure of operations of any unit / division
  • Capacity addition or new product launch
  • Awarding, bagging / receiving, amendment or termination of awarded/ orders/ Contracts not in the normal course of business.
  • Agreements for loan not in the normal course of business
  • Disruption of operation of any one or more units due to natural calamity
  • Effects arising out of change in regulatory framework applicable to the listed Entity
  • Litigation / dispute / regulatory action(s) with impact
  • Fraud/ defaults etc by Directors(other than Key Managerial Personnel)or employee of listed entity
  • Options to purchase securities including ESOP/ESPS scheme
  • Giving of guarantees or indemnity or becoming a surety for any third party
  • Granting, withdrawal, surrender, cancellation or suspension of key licenses or regulatory approvals
  • Any other information that may be deemed necessary jointly and severally by the KMPs of the Company who would consider that it is necessary for the holders of the securities of the listed entity to appraise its position and to avoid the establishment of a false market
  • The Board may in its discretion also authorise the KMPs to disclose such events, information or material that in its wisdom may be necessary for the Members of the exchange to know the information

The Management shall periodically bring to the attention of the Board of Directors of the Company, all information, events or materials which in its opinion has to be brought to the attention of the Members of the Stock Exchanges.


i. The omission of an event or information would likely to result in discontinuity or alteration of event or information already available publicly

ii. The omission of an event or information is likely to result in significant market reaction if the said omission came to light at a later date

iii. In case where the criteria of an event / information does not fall in the first two categories but still in the opinion of the Board of Directors are considered material


The Company Secretary is hereby authorised by Board of Directors for the purpose of determining the materiality of an event for the purpose of making disclosure to the Stock Exchanges :-
Ms. Harshita Nagar– Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Above details shall be also disclosed to the Stock Exchanges and as well as on Company’s website.


The Company shall update all disclosures made under the Regulations to the Stock Exchanges in its website and shall be continued to be hosted in the website for a minimum period of five years and thereafter archived as per the document retention Policy of the Company.

The Compliance Officer, of the Company, shall give updates to the Board of Directors and to the Stock Exchanges on any material event that may have been first informed to the stock exchanges including further developments, if any, on such events. Such updates shall also be hosted on the website of the Company.


The Compliance Officer for the Purpose of complying with the provisions of LODR, 2015 shall be the Company Secretary of the Company.


This Policy shall be subject to review as may be deemed necessary and to comply with any regulatory amendments or statutory modifications and subject to the necessary approvals of the Board of Directors.


The Policy has been adopted and approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 06th November, 2015 which shall be come into effect from 1st December 2015.



The Board of Directors of Mirza International Limited (“the Company”) has adopted in their Meeting held on 06th November 2015 the following Policy and procedure with regard to preservation of documents as defined below. The Board will review and may amend this Policy from time to time.


This Policy is framed as per requirement of Regulation 9 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015


A Policy on preservation of documents involves the systematic identification, categorization, maintenance, review, retention and destruction of documents received or created in the course of business. The Policy contains the guidelines how to identify documents that need to be maintained, how long certain documents should be retained, how and when those documents should be disposed off if no longer needed, and how should be accessed or retrieved when they are needed as per the rules made there under the law.


  • Act : means the Companies Act, 2013
  • Board of Directors : means Board of Directors of Mirza International Limited
  • The Company : means Mirza International Limited
  • SS-1 : means Secretarial Standard -1 for the Board Meetings as notified by the ICSI
  • SS-2 : means Secretarial Standard -2 for the General Meetings as notified by the ICSI
  • SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015: means SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
  • Compliance Officer : The Company Secretary and / or a Key Managerial Person appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company as the Compliance Officer for the purpose of these Regulations from time to time.
  • SEBI : means The Securities Exchange Board of India.
  • Rules : means Rules made under the Companies Act, 2013
  • Regulation : means Regulation made under SEBI Act.


The Board of Directors shall decide necessity of preservation of documents permanently from time to time as required under the Act and Regulation.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein with the Act, SS-1 and SS-2, the following documents/ records maintained under the Act, Rules and Regulation shall be preserved permanently and hosted on the website of the Company:-

  • Financial Statements, duly signed Annual Reports
  • Minutes of all General Meetings.
  • Disclosure made under the SEBI and Takeover Regulations and the SEBI (LODR) Regulations , 2015 to the Stock Exchanges
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company as may be amended from time to time
  • Shareholder and Joint venture Agreement.
  • Letter of Offer related to Public Issue, Right Issue, Further Issue, Buy Back Offer etc.
  • any others, if Board of Directors may deem fit.


  • Notice of the Board Meeting to the Stock Exchanges for considering matters relating to pre-intimations required to be submitted to the Stock Exchanges.
  • Date for the closures and Record dates for various purposes as may be decided by the Company from time to time.
  • Quarterly and half yearly and annual financial results of the Company
  • Quarterly Shareholding Pattern including details for pledge of shares any changes therein.
  • Results of the E-voting, General Meetings, Postal Ballot etc.
  • Change in the constitution of the Board of Directors, KMP, Compliance Officer Auditors, Secretarial Auditors, Share Transfer Agent.
  • Agreements with the Share Transfer Agent, Depositories
  • Any Price Sensitive Information’s given or provided to the Stock Exchange Regulation 30 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
  • Recommendation and payment of Dividend to the Shareholders.
  • Details of the Complaints received and resolved by the Company.
  • Corporate Governance Report submitted to the Stock Exchanges on Quarterly and annual basis
  • Copy of the orders issued by the SEBI or Stock Exchanges relating to Securities listed with Stock Exchanges

The above said documents shall be hosted by the Company on its website for a period at least 8 years. The Board of Directors may decide the preservation period for any particular documents.


All the Employees in the permanent rolls of the Company are responsible for taking into account the potential impacts on preservation of documents in their work area and their decision to retain /preserve or destroy documents pertaining to their area.


The Company Secretary is here by authorised by the Board of Directors shall be responsible for monitoring the Policy. The Authorised Person shall inform Board of Directors about the monitoring the Policy.

The Authorised Person shall take necessary steps to discharge his duty.


It is only through preservation that continued availability and access to items in the collection can be maintained. The following principles shall be kept in mind.

  • Where possible, documents are preserved in their original format, respecting the physical integrity and authenticity of the original documents.
  • Active conservation is employed when appropriate to prevent further deterioration or damage to an item, or to enable access to be given.
  • Appropriate conservation measures will take into account the needs, value, significance, and usage of the item in question.
  • Surrogates shall be created where appropriate to protect the original, and to allow wider access to the content, surrogates shall not replace the original, which will still need preservation.
  • All staff are made aware of the permanent importance of preservation, and are trained on safe handling documents


The Board shall ensure that all the documents shall keep in safe place in the Company premises. The Board may authorise person for security of documents, who shall be responsible for safe custody of documents.


Disposal of documents after said period of 8 years (whose preservation shall not be permanent in nature shall be done in the presence of Authorised Person in the method prescribed by the Board of Directors, before disposing a soft copy shall be taken on record.


The Board of Directors of the Company shall review the Policy on annual basis. The Authorised person shall provide regular assurance to Board of Directors on the effectiveness of Policy.



As leaders in the Indian leather and footwear industry, we believe we must also lead the way in protecting our planet. Our constant endeavour is to embed best sustainable practices at every step of our operations to lighten our footprint and leave a greener world for future generations. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 and Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Amendment Rules, 2021, every company having net worth of Rs. 500 crore or more or turnover of Rs. 1000 crore or more or net profit of Rs. 5 crore or more shall constitute a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (‘CSR Committee’) and the CSR Committee shall formulate and recommend the Policy to the Board.

Pursuant to the provisions of Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Amendment Rules, 2021, the CSR Committee amended the Policy on Corporate Social Responsibility (‘CSR Policy’) and recommended the same to the Board of Directors of the Company (‘Board’) for its approval. The Board vide its resolution dated 12th February, 2021 approved and adopted the CSR Policy.

1.1 Objectives of the Policy

As we grow our business, we are also acutely aware of the need to give back more to our communities. Every year, we plough back a portion of our earnings to support economically weaker and vulnerable communities. We strive to make a difference in the areas where we live and work by supporting local communities. Our main areas of intervention are healthcare, education and women empowerment. Through our relief and welfare contributions for the weaker sections of the society, we aim to bring about a positive change, one step at a time. This Policy shall be read in line with Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 and Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Amendment Rules, 2021 and such other rules, regulations, circulars and notifications (collectively referred hereinafter as ‘Regulations’) as may be applicable and as amended from time to time and will, inter-alia, provide the following

1. Establishing a guideline for compliance with the provisions of Regulations to dedicate a percentage of Company’s profits for social projects.

2. Ensuring the implementation of CSR initiatives in letter and spirit and through appropriate procedures and reporting.

3. Creating opportunities for employees to participate in socially responsible initiatives.

1.2 Definitions

In this Policy, unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) “Act” means the Companies Act, 2013;

(b) “Administrative Overheads” means the expenses incurred by the company for ‘general management and administration’ of Corporate Social Responsibility functions in the company but shall not include the expenses directly incurred for designing, implementations, monitoring, and evaluation of a particular Corporate Social Responsibility project or programme;

(c) “Corporate Social Responsibility” means Corporate Social Responsibility (‘CSR’) as defined under the provisions of Section 135 of the Act and rules made thereunder;

(d) “International Organisation” means an organisation notified by Central Government as an international organisation under section 3 of the United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act, 1947 (46 of 1947), to which the provisions of the Schedule to the said Act apply;

(e) “Net Profit” means the net profit of a company as per its financial statement prepared in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Act, but shall not include the following, namely: -

  • (i) any profit arising from any overseas branch or branches of the company, whether operated as a separate company or otherwise; and
  • (ii) any dividend received from other companies in India, which are covered under and complying with the provisions of section 135 of the Act:

(f) “Ongoing Project” means a multi-year project undertaken by the Company in fulfilment of its CSR obligation having timelines not exceeding three years excluding the financial year in which it was commenced;

(g) Words and expressions used in this CSR Policy and not defined herein but defined in the Act and Rules shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act and Rules

1.3 CSR Activities

The Policy recognizes one or more of the following focus areas as notified under Section 135 of the Act, Rules and Schedule VII of the Act:

(i) Eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, and sanitation promoting health care including preventive health care and sanitation and making available safe drinking water.

(ii) promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects.

(iii) promoting gender equality, empowering women, setting up homes and hostels for women and orphans; setting up old age homes, day care centres and such other facilities for senior citizens and measures for reducing inequalities faced by socially and economically backward groups.

(iv) ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water.

(v) protection of national heritage, art and culture including restoration of buildings and sites of historical importance and works of art; setting up public libraries; promotion and development of traditional art and handicrafts;

(vi) measures for the benefit of armed forces veterans, war widows and their dependents;

(vii)training to promote rural sports, nationally recognised sports, paralympic sports and olympic sports;

(viii) contribution to the prime minister's national relief fund or any other fund set up by the central government for socio economic development and relief and welfare of the schedule caste, tribes, other backward classes, minorities and women;

(ix) (a) Contribution to incubators or research and development projects in the field of science, technology, engineering and medicine, funded by the Central Government or State Government or Public Sector Undertaking or any agency of the Central Government or State Government; and (b) Contributions to public funded Universities; Indian Institute of Technology (IITs); National Laboratories and autonomous bodies established under Department of Atomic Energy (DAE); Department of Biotechnology (DBT); Department of Science and Technology (DST); Department of Pharmaceuticals; Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH); Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and other bodies, namely Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO); Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR); Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), engaged in conducting research in science, technology, engineering and medicine aimed at promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

(x) rural development projects;

(xi) slum area development;

(xii) disaster management, including relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities.

CSR activities shall be undertaken as projects, programs of activities (either new or ongoing) excluding activities undertaken in pursuance of the normal course of business of the Company

1.4 The Geographic reach

The Act provides that the Company shall give preference to the local area and areas around it where it operates, for spending the amount earmarked for Corporate Social Responsibility. However, the Committee may identify such areas other than stated above, as it may deem fit, and recommend it to the Board for undertaking CSR activities

1.5 Annual spends/Allocation of Funds

1.5.1 The Company would spend not less than 2% of the average Net Profits of the Company made during the three immediately preceding financial years. The surplus arising out of the CSR activity will not be part of business profits of the Company and shall be:

  • ploughed back into the same project, or
  • transferred to the Unspent CSR Account and spent in pursuance of CSR policy and annual action plan of the Company, or
  • transferred to a Fund specified in Schedule VII of the Act, within a period of six months of the expiry of the financial year, or
  • treated in any other manner as may be notified by the Central Government

1.5.2 The Company may engage international organisations for designing, monitoring and evaluation of the CSR projects or programmes as per its CSR policy as well as for capacity building of their own personnel for CSR

2. CSR Committee

2.1. Guiding Principles for Constitution of CSR Committee

The CSR Committee shall consist of three or more directors, out of which at least one director shall be independent director.

The Committee will meet at least twice in a year to discuss and review CSR activities and Policy. A quorum of two members is required to be present for the proceedings to take place. Such other meetings of the Committee can be convened as and when deemed appropriate. The Committee members may attend the meeting physically or via such audio-visual means as permitted under the Act. The Committee shall have the authority to call such employee(s), senior official(s) and or externals, as it deems fit. The Company Secretary shall act as Secretary to the Committee.

2.2 Committee Members

S.No. Name Chairman/ Member
1. Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Mirza Chairman
2. Mr. Tasneef Ahmad Mirza Member
3. Mr. Nirmal Sahijwani Member
4. Mr. Sanjiv Gupta Member

2.3 Annual Action Plan

The CSR Committee shall formulate and recommend to the Board, an Annual action plan in pursuance of the CSR Policy, which shall include following, namely:-

a) the list of CSR projects or programmes that are approved to be undertaken in areas or subjects specified in Schedule VII of the Act;

b) the manner of execution of such projects or programmes as per rule 4 of the Rules;

c) the modalities of utilization of funds and implementation schedules for the projects or programmes;

d) monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects or programmes; and

e) details of need and impact assessment, if any, for the projects undertaken by the Company.

The CSR Committee shall have the authority to obtain professional advice from external sources and have full access to information contained in the records of the Company as well as the powers to call any employee / external consultant or such other person(s) and for such purpose as may be deemed expedient for the purpose of accomplishments of overall CSR objectives laid down under the Regulations.

3. Procedures

3.1 Funding

1. As per the Act, the Company will set aside, for annual CSR activities, an amount equal to 2% of the average Net Profits of the Company made during the three immediately preceding financial years.

2. Any amount remaining unspent pursuant to any ongoing project, fulfilling such conditions as may be prescribed, undertaken by a company in pursuance of its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, shall be transferred by the Company within a period of thirty days from the end of the financial year to a special account to be opened by the company in that behalf for that financial year in any scheduled bank to be called the Unspent Corporate Social Responsibility Account, and such amount shall be spent by the company in pursuance of its obligation towards the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy within a period of three financial years from the date of such transfer, failing which, the Company shall transfer the same to a Fund specified in point no. 3 below, within a period of thirty days from the date of completion of the third financial year

3. Until a fund is specified in Schedule VII of the Act for the purposes of unspent amount as per sub-sections (5) and (6) of section 135 of the Act, such unspent CSR amount, if any, shall be transferred by the Company to any fund specified in schedule VII of the Act within six months of the end of the financial year.

4. In case of excess amount spent by the Company, such excess amount may be set off against the requirement to spend the amount in pursuance of CSR policy up to immediate three financial years subject to the conditions that:

  • the excess amount available for set off shall not include the surplus arising out of the CSR activities, if any; and
  • the Board resolution shall be passed to that effect.

Provided that all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that the annual CSR allocation is fully utilized in the respective year. However, if the Company fails to spend such amount, the Board of Directors shall additionally, in its report under clause (o) of sub-section (3) of section 134 of the Act, shall specify the reasons for not spending the amount

5. The CSR amount may be spent by the Company for creation or acquisition of a capital asset, which shall be held by:

  • a. a company established under section 8 of the Act, or a Registered Public Trust or Registered Society, having charitable objects and CSR Registration Number; or
  • b. beneficiaries of the said CSR project, in the form of self-help groups, collectives, entities; or
  • c. a public authority.

6. The approved projects shall contain the details of the proposed expenditure for respective Financial Year, towards CSR activities. The same shall be amended annually according to the Financial Year after the review by the Committee or at such time, as the Committee may deem fit.

7. Tax treatment of CSR spend will be in accordance with the Income Tax Act, 1961 as may be notified by Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT).

Planning and Implementation

1. The planning and implementation of the CSR projects/programmes shall be in accordance with the annual action plan as specified in this CSR Policy.

2. Identification of projects and the executing agency/NGO will be made, inter-alia, by assessing the following:

a) Project Objectives

b) Baseline survey – As-is and To-be state basis, accordingly the outcome of the project will be measured.

c) Implementation schedules – Timelines for milestones of the project will need to be prescribed and agreed upon

d) Responsibilities and authorities

e) Major results expected and measurable outcome including the expenses/charges ratio as against the actual CSR spend.

3. If the Company decides to set up a Trust or Section 8 Company, or Society or Foundation or any other form of entity operating within India to facilitate implementation of its CSR activities in accordance with its stated CSR Policy, the following shall apply:

  • a) The Company would need to specify the projects/programmes to be undertaken by such an organization, for utilizing funds provided by it;
  • b)The Company shall establish a monitoring mechanism to ensure that the allocation is spent for the intended purpose only.

4. The Company may also conduct/implement its CSR programmes through Trusts, Societies, Entities or Section 8 companies operating in India, which are not set up by the Company itself, herein collectively referred to as ‘CSR Partner’ or ‘CSR Partner(s)’.

5. Every such entity shall register itself with the Central Government by filing the form CSR-1 electronically with the Registrar w.e.f. 1st April, 2021.

6. The Company may also collaborate with other companies for undertaking projects or programmes or CSR activities in such manner that the CSR committees of respective companies are in a position to report separately on such projects or programmes in accordance with these rules.

7. The Board shall satisfy itself that the funds so disbursed have been utilised for the purposes and in the manner as approved by it and the Chief Financial Officer shall certify to the effect.

3.3 Review and Reporting

The CSR Committee will review the philanthropic activities of the Company and will provide progress update to the Board of Directors at such other intervals as deemed fit

The Company will report, in the prescribed format as set out in the Rules, the details of CSR initiatives and activities of the Company in the Directors’ Report and on the website of the Company, as required under the Act read with Rules.

An impact assessment shall be undertaken by the Company, in case its average CSR obligation is Rs. 10 Crore or more in the three immediately preceding financial years, through an independent agency, of its CSR projects having outlays of Rs. 1 Crore or more, and which have been completed not less than one year before undertaking the impact study. The impact assessment report shall be placed before the Board and shall be annexed to the annual report on CSR.

Further, the amount to be spent on the aforesaid assessment shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the total CSR expenditure for that financial year or Rs. 50 Lakhs, whichever is less.

4. Monitoring

1. Appropriate documentation and amendments of the CSR Policy, annual CSR activities, reports on execution by CSR Partner(s) and expenditures will be undertaken on a regular basis and same will be available to the Board of Directors of the Company.

2. Initiatives undertaken on the CSR front will be reported in the Annual Report of the Company

3. The CSR Committee and persons / entities authorised by it, will conduct due diligence checks on the current projects/partners on a quarterly basis and report anomalies, if any, immediately.

4. Plan and publish an annual calendar of major events so as strive for maximum participation of stakeholders.

5. In case of ongoing project, the Board shall monitor the implementation of the project with reference to the approved timelines and year-wise allocation of amount and shall make modifications, if any within the overall permissible time period.

Display of CSR Activities on the Website

The Composition of the CSR Committee, and CSR Policy and Projects approved by the Board shall be disclosed on the website of the Company for public access.

5. Amendments to the Policy

The Board of Directors on its own and/or as per the recommendations of CSR Committee can amend this Policy, as per the requirements as deemed fit. Any or all provisions of the CSR Policy would be subject to revision/amendment in accordance with the Regulations on the subject as may be issued from relevant statutory authorities, from time to time.

As approved by the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held on July 27, 2023.


1. Preamble:

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Mirza International Limited (the "Company" or "MIL"), has adopted the following policy and procedures with regard to Related Party Transactions as defined below. The Audit Committee will review and may amend this policy from time to time.

This policy will be applicable to the Company. This policy is to regulate transactions between the Company and its Related Parties based on the applicable laws and regulations applicable on the Company.

2. Purpose:

This Policy is framed as per requirement of Regulation 23 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 and intended to ensure the proper approval and reporting of transactions between the Company and its Related Parties. Such transactions are appropriate only if they are in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders. The Company is required to disclose each year in the Financial Statements certain transactions between the Company and Related Parties as well as policies concerning transactions with Related Parties.

3. Definitions:

"Audit Committee or Committee" means Committee of Board of Directors of the Company constituted under provisions of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 and Companies Act, 2013.

"Board" means Board of Directors of the Company

"Control" shall have the same meaning as defined in SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011

"Key Managerial Personnel" means key managerial personnel as defined under the Companies Act, 2013 and includes

  • Managing Director, or Chief Executive Officer or manager and in their absence, a whole- time director;
  • Company Secretary; and
  • Chief Financial Officer

"Material Related Party Transaction" means a transaction with a related party if the transaction / transactions to be entered into individually or taken together with previous transactions during a financial year, exceeds ten percent of the annual consolidated turnover of the company as per the last audited financial statements of the Company.

"Policy" means Related Party Transaction Policy.

"Related Party" means related party as defined in SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 which is as follows:

An entity shall be considered as related to the Company if:

  • Such entity is a related party under Section 2(76) of the Companies Act, 2013; or
  • Such entity is a related party under the applicable accounting standards."

"Related Party Transaction" means any transaction directly or indirectly involving any Related Party which is a transfer of resources, services or obligations between a company and a related party, regardless of whether a price is charged.

Explanation: A "transaction" with a Related Party shall be construed to include single transaction or a group of transactions in a contract.

4. Policy:

All Related Party Transactions must be reported to the Audit Committee and referred for approval by the Committee in accordance with this Policy.

Identification of Potential Related Party Transactions

Each director and Key Managerial Personnel is responsible for providing notice to the Board or Audit Committee of any potential Related Party Transaction involving him or her or his or her Relative, including any additional information about the transaction that the Board/Audit Committee may reasonably request. Board/Audit Committee will determine whether the transaction does, in fact, constitute a Related Party Transaction requiring compliance with this policy.

The Company strongly prefers to receive such notice of any potential Related Party Transaction well in advance so that the Audit Committee/Board has adequate time to obtain and review information about the proposed transaction.

Prohibitions related to Related Party Transactions

All Related Party Transactions shall require prior approval of the Audit Committee. However, the Audit Committee may grant omnibus approval for Related Party Transactions proposed to be entered into by the company subject to the following conditions:

a) The Audit Committee shall lay down the criteria for granting the omnibus approval in line with the policy on Related Party Transactions of the Company and such approval shall be applicable in respect of transactions which are repetitive in nature.

b) The Audit Committee shall satisfy itself the need for such omnibus approval and that such approval is in the interest of the Company;

c) Such omnibus approval shall specify (i) the name/s of the related party, nature of transaction, period of transaction, maximum amount of transaction that can be entered into, (ii) the indicative base price / current contracted price and the formula for variation in the price if any and (iii) such other conditions as the Audit Committee may deem fit;

Provided that where the need for Related Party Transaction cannot be foreseen and aforesaid details are not available, Audit Committee may grant omnibus approval for such transactions subject to their value not exceeding Rs.1 crore per transaction. Such omnibus approvals shall be valid for a period not exceeding one year and shall require fresh approvals after the expiry of one year.

Further, all Material Related Party Transactions shall require approval of the shareholders through special resolution and all entities falling under the definition of Related Parties shall abstain from voting irrespective of whether the entity is a party to the particular transaction or not.

Review and Approval of Related Party Transactions

Related Party Transactions will be referred to the next regularly scheduled meeting of Audit Committee for review and approval. Any member of the Committee who has a potential interest in any Related Party Transaction will recuse himself or herself and abstain from discussion and voting on the approval of the Related Party Transaction.

  • Whether the terms of the Related Party Transaction are fair and on arms length basis to the Company and would apply on the same basis if the transaction did not involve a Related Party.
  • Whether there are any compelling business reasons for the Company to enter into the Related Party Transaction and the nature of alternative transactions, if any.
  • Whether the Related Party Transaction would affect the independence of an independent director.
  • Whether the proposed transaction includes any potential reputational risk issues that may arise as a result of or in connection with the proposed transaction.
  • Whether the Company was notified about the Related Party Transaction before its commencement and if not, why pre-approval was not sought and whether subsequent ratification is allowed and would be detrimental to the Company; and
  • Whether the Related Party Transaction would present an improper conflict of interest for any director or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company, taking into account the size of the transaction, the overall financial position of the director, Executive Officer or other Related Party, the direct or indirect nature of the director’s, Key Managerial Personnel’s or other Related Party’s interest in the transaction and the ongoing nature of any proposed relationship and any other factors the Board/Committee deems relevant.

To review a Related Party Transaction, the Committee will be provided with all relevant material information of the Related Party Transaction, including the terms of the transaction, the business purpose of the transaction, the benefits to the Company and to the Related Party, and any other relevant matters. In determining whether to approve a Related Party Transaction, the Committee will consider the following factors, among others, to the extent relevant to the Related Party Transaction.

If the Committee determines that a Related Party Transaction should be brought before the Board, or if the Board in any case elects to review any such matter or it is mandatory under any law for Board to approve the Related Party Transaction, then the considerations set forth above shall apply to the Board’s review and approval of the matter, with such modification as may be necessary or appropriate under the circumstances.

Audit Committee shall review, at least on a quarterly basis, the details of Related Party Transactions entered into by the company pursuant to each of the omnibus approval given.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following Related Party Transactions shall not require prior approval of Audit Committee or Shareholders.

  • Transactions entered into between the Company and its wholly owned subsidiary whose accounts are consolidated with the Company and placed before the shareholders at the general meeting for approval.
  • Any transaction that involves the providing of compensation to a director or Key Managerial Personnel in connection with his or her duties to the Company or any of its subsidiaries or associates, including the reimbursement of reasonable business and travel expenses incurred in the ordinary course of business.
  • Any transaction in which the Related Party’s interest arises solely from ownership of securities issued by the Company and all holders of such securities receive the same benefits pro rata as the Related Party.

5. Related Party Transactions not approved under this Policy

In the event the Company becomes aware of a Related Party Transaction with a Related Party that has not been approved under this Policy prior to its consummation, the matter shall be reviewed by the Committee. The Committee shall consider all of the relevant facts and circumstances regarding the Related Party Transaction, and shall evaluate all options available to the Company, including ratification, revision or termination of the Related Party Transaction. The Committee shall also examine the facts and circumstances pertaining to the failure of reporting such Related Party Transaction to the Committee under this Policy, and shall take any such action it deems appropriate.

In any case, where the Committee determines not to ratify a Related Party Transaction that has been commenced without approval, the Committee, as appropriate, may direct additional actions including, but not limited to, immediate discontinuation or rescission of the transaction. In connection with any review of a Related Party Transaction, the Committee has authority to modify or waive any procedural requirements of this Policy.

This Policy will be communicated to all operational employees and other concerned persons of the Company.


The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) on July 8, 2016 has notified the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2016 (Regulations).

Vide these Regulations, SEBI has inserted Regulation 43A after Regulation 43 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, which requires top five hundred listed companies (based on market capitalization of every financial year) to formulate a Dividend Distribution Policy, which shall be disclosed in its Annual Report and on its website.

However, listed entities other than top five hundred listed entities based on market capitalization may disclose their dividend distribution policies on a voluntary basis in their annual reports and on their websites.

Mirza International Limited (the “Company”) though not fall under the list of the top five hundred listed companies as per the criteria mentioned above, but as a measure of good Corporate Governance initiative, the Company has approved and adopted this Dividend Distribution Policy (the “Policy”) at its meeting held on May 30, 2017, being the effective date of the Policy.

The intent of the Policy is to broadly specify the external and internal factors including financial parameters that shall be considered while declaring dividend and the circumstances under which the shareholders of the Company may or may not expect dividend and how the retained earnings shall be utilized, etc.

The Policy shall not apply to:

  • Determination and declaration of dividend on preference shares, as and when issued by the Company, as the same will be as per the terms of issue approved by the shareholders.
  • Issue of Bonus Shares by the Company.
  • Buyback of Securities.

The Policy is not an alternative to the decision of the Board for recommending dividend, which is made every year after taking into consideration all the relevant circumstances enumerated hereunder or other factors as may be decided as relevant by the Board.

2. Dividend distribution philosophy

The Company is deeply committed to driving superior value creation for all its stakeholders. The focus will continue to be on sustainable returns, through an appropriate capital strategy for both medium term and longer term value creation. Accordingly, the Board would continue to adopt a progressive and dynamic dividend policy, ensuring the immediate as well as long term needs of the business.

3. Dividend

Dividend represents the profit of the Company, which is distributed to shareholders in proportion to the amount paid-up on shares they hold. Dividend includes Interim Dividend.

4. Circumstances under which shareholders can expect Dividend

The Board will assess the Company’s financial requirements, including present and future organic and inorganic growth opportunities and other relevant factors (as mentioned elsewhere in this policy) and declare Dividend in any financial year.

The Dividend for any financial year shall normally be paid out of the Company profits for that year. This will be arrived at after providing for depreciation in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. If circumstances require, the Board may also declare dividend out of accumulated profits of any previous financial year(s) in accordance with provisions of the Act and Regulations, as applicable.

5. Interim and Final Dividend

The Board may declare one or more Interim Dividends during the year. Additionally, the Board may recommend Final Dividend for the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. The date of the Board meeting in which the Dividend proposal will be considered, will be provided to the stock exchanges, as required by Listing Regulations.

6. Financial parameters and other internal and external factors that would be considered for declaration of Dividend:

  • Distributable surplus available as per the Act and Regulations
  • The Company’s liquidity position and future cash flow needs
  • Track record of Dividends distributed by the Company
  • Payout ratios of comparable companies
  • Prevailing Taxation Policy or any amendments expected thereof, with respect to Dividend distribution
  • Capital expenditure requirements considering the expansion and acquisition opportunities
  • Cost and availability of alternative sources of financing
  • Stipulations/ Covenants of loan agreements
  • Macroeconomic and business conditions in general
  • Any other relevant factors that the Board may deem fit to consider before declaring Dividend

Within these parameters, the Company would endeavor to maintain a total dividend pay-out ratio in the range of 15 to 20% of the profit after tax of the company excluding Dividend Distribution Tax.

7. Utilisation of retained earnings

Subject to applicable regulations, the Company’s retained earnings shall be applied for:

  • Funding inorganic and organic growth needs including working capital, capital expenditure, repayment of debt, etc.
  • Buyback of shares subject to applicable limits
  • Payment of Dividend in future years
  • Issue of Bonus shares
  • Any other permissible purpose

8. Modification of the Policy

The Board is authorized to change/amend this policy from time to time at its sole discretion and/or in pursuance of any amendments made in the Companies Act, 2013, the Regulations, etc.

9. Disclaimer

This document does not solicit investments in the Company’s securities. Nor is it an assurance of guaranteed returns (in any form), for investments in the Company’s equity shares.

1. Introduction

This Policy is framed in accordance with the requirement of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 intended to ensure governance of material subsidiary companies.

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Mirza International Limited (the “Company” or “MIL”) has adopted the following policy and procedure with regard to determination of Material Subsidiaries as defined below. The Board may review and amend the policy.

2. Policy Objective

To determine the Material Subsidiaries of MIL and to provide governance framework for such subsidiaries.

3. Definitions:

For the purpose of this policy, the following Definitions shall apply:

"Audit Committee or Committee" means “Audit Committee” constituted by the Board of Directors of the Company, from time to time, under the provisions of Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirement) Regulations, 2015 and the Companies Act, 2013 as amended from time to time.

“Board of Directors” or “Board” means the Board of Directors of MIL, as constituted from time to time.

“Independent Director” means a Non‐Executive Director of the Company who satisfies the criteria for independence under Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Regulation 16(b) of Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirement) Regulations, 2015 and appointed as Independent Director of the Company.

“Policy” means Policy on Material Subsidiary(ies) of the Company.

“Material Non‐Listed Indian Subsidiary” shall mean an unlisted subsidiary Company incorporated in India, whose income or net worth (i.e. paid up capital and free reserves) exceeds 10% of the consolidated income or net worth respectively, of the Company and its Subsidiaries in the immediately preceding accounting year.

“Significant Transaction or Arrangement” shall mean any individual transaction or arrangement that exceeds or is likely to exceed 10% of the total revenues or total expenses or total assets or total liabilities, as the case may be, of the material unlisted subsidiary for the immediately preceding accounting year.

“Subsidiary” shall be as defined under the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder

4. Governance Requirements

  • A subsidiary shall be a Material Subsidiary, if its income or net worth exceeds ten percent of the consolidated income or net worth respectively, of the listed entity and its subsidiaries in the immediately preceding accounting year.
  • At least one Independent Director of the Company shall be a director on the Board of the Material Non-Listed Indian Subsidiary company.
  • The minutes of the Board meetings of the unlisted subsidiary company shall be placed at the Board meeting of the listed holding company.
  • The management of the Material Subsidiary should periodically bring to the attention of the Board of Directors of the listed holding company, a statement of all significant transactions and arrangements entered into by the unlisted subsidiary company.
  • The Audit Committee of Board of the Company shall review the financial statements, in particular, the investments made by the unlisted subsidiary company.

5. Disclosures

The Company shall disclose the policy on determination of Material Subsidiary on the website of the Company at and a web link thereto shall be provided in the Annual Report of the Company.

The Company shall promptly disclose to the Stock Exchange(s) in terms of Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 all events and/or information with respect to its subsidiary(ies) which are material for the Company.

6. Amendments and Modifications

The Board of Directors on its own and / or as per the recommendations of Audit Committee can amend this Policy, as and when deemed fit. Any or all provisions of this Policy would be subject to revision / amendment in accordance with the Rules, Regulations, Notifications etc. on the subject as may be issued by relevant statutory authorities, from time to time.

For and on behalf of the Board



In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 25(7) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Company shall familiarise the Independent Directors through various programmes about the Company, including nature of the industry in which the Company operates, Business model of the Company, their roles, rights and responsibilities and other relevant information.

Overview of the Familiarisation Programme

The familiarisation programme for the Independent Directors of the Company is designed to help them to gain a deep understanding of the Company, its stakeholders, senior management, operations, policies, industry perspective and issues.

The Board including all Independent Directors are provided with relevant documents, reports and internal policies to enable them to familiarize with the Company’s procedures and practices from time to time.

The Company also provides an opportunity to the Independent Directors to interact with the senior leadership team of the Company and periodic presentations are made at the Board and its Committee Meetings to help Independent Directors understand the Company’s strategy, business model, operations, service and product offerings, markets, organisation structure, facilities and risk management and such other areas.

Independent Directors are promptly apprised on relevant amendments/changes in the applicable statutes to enable them to ensure compliances thereof.

Each Director of the Company has complete access to any information relating to the Company. They are given all the documents sought by them for enabling a good understanding of the Company, its various operations and the industry segments of which it is a part.

In accordance with Regulation 46(2)(i) of the Listing Regulations, following are the details of the Familiarization programmes conducted for the Independent Directors:

S.No. Particulars of the Programme during FY 2020-21 Name of the Independent Director No. of Programmes Attended No. of hours spent
2023-24 Cumulative since date 2023-24 Cumulative since date
1. Key effects of Composite Scheme of Arrangement of RTS Fashions Private Limited, Mirza International Limited and Redtape Limited, on the working of the Company. Mr. Sudhindra Kumar Jain 5 18 5.00 22.30
2. Mr. Qazi Salam Noorus 5 15 5.00 17.00
3. Dr. Yashvir Singh 3 14 3.00 16.30
4. Mr. Sanjay Bhalla 5 14 5.00 16.30
5. Mr. Sanjiv Gupta 3 11 3.00 13.30
6. Ms. Saumya Srivastava 5 14 5.00 16.30













